
Heir of Wrath: The Celestial Devourer

Tian Jing, the child of the Dragon God and Demon Goddess, carries the weight of his parents' last will and the hope for their revenge across the Nine Heavens. Starting his life anew, he gradually recovers the memories of his father teaching him about the cultivation world and cultivation techniques. Fortunate to encounter two great individuals, Tian Jing learns that the world can hold beautiful things beyond strength, wars, and domination over the weak. This revelation shifts his personality from being always cold and heartless to being cold and heartless most of the time. Embarking on his journey, Tian Jing understands that he is not a tool for vengeance but also an individual with the freedom to pursue his own desires.

GoofySleeper · Fantasy
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25 Chs


As they arrived close to the city, the boat stopped. Tian Jing turned back to wake Qing Lian up, but seeing she was sleeping cutely from mental exhaustion, he decided to wait a little while. "I really have changed..." he muttered, watching her delicate long hair, which was partially covering her face, moving slightly with her breathing. 

A few minutes later, he gently shook the flying treasure, waking her up.

Qing Lian blinked awake, not understanding what had happened, but seeing her master's serious gaze, she immediately stood up. He gestured for her to follow him as they disembarked from the flying treasure and started walking towards the city entrance. As they approached, they saw the massive gates guarded by hundreds of soldiers and long lines of people waiting to enter.

"Use 'Veil of Shadow' to hide your face, make it look like you are wearing a dark hood, concealing your features" Tian Jing instructed.

Qing Lian nodded, understanding why. She knew she was a divine beauty and was proud of it, but she also knew it could sometimes make things difficult, like when the three great elders jumped over her, unable or unwilling to control themselves. They only concealed their appearances, as they couldn't hide their presence or cultivation entirely because Qing Lian was only in the Spirit Master realm. The technique could only cover your presence if you were at the same cultivation base or higher and fake or conceal your cultivation level if you were not lower than someone by more than two major realms.

Walking towards the entrance, they got closer to the entrances, which were surrounded by a sea of people—about five thousand, waiting in line. Without delay, the two walked directly to the entrance, bypassing the line. Their movements were graceful, exuding an aura of confidence and dignity, suggesting they were no ordinary people.

The guards, noticing this unusual approach, grew wary. One of them, a middle-aged man with a bulky build, likely the head guard, stepped forward. His voice boomed, "Hey! Even if you are some sort of lord from a big town, you should get in line. It's a direct order from the Emperor himself."

The bulky guard, who was in the Spirit King. He thought they would stop, but seeing they continued as if nothing happened. He was surprised by the audacity. seeing their suspicious appearance, he decided to take action without further warning. As he moved swiftly to intercept Tian Jing, he found himself suddenly overcome with a chilling sense of dread, a cold sweat breaking out on his forehead. He halted abruptly, just inches from Tian Jing, his body instinctively recoiling from the overwhelming aura emanating from the cloaked figure.

His heart pounding as he processed what had just happened. He couldn't see their faces, but he felt the danger. 'What was that?' he wondered, his mind racing.

Tian Jing's voice cut through the tension, cold and sharp. "You are lucky. I didn't think someone in the Spirit King realm would have the reflexes to save their life." His tone was icy, sending shivers down the head guard's spine.

Some in the crowd watched with puzzled expressions, while other guards sensed the unease and started paying closer attention. Tian Jing continued, "But..." he removed a little of the illusion and showed his deathly eyes, and continued "I won't give you another chance." With that, he resumed walking, Qing Lian following close behind.

The other guards, witnessing the scene, were left confused. They knew their head guard well, and it was unlike him to show mercy. As the pair continued their approach to the entrance, one of the guards, still unsure of what had transpired, called out, "The audience!! Ge—"

He was cut off abruptly, feeling a wave of killing intent so intense it left him speechless. Surprisingly, the killing intent was coming from their head guard, who looked like he was paled as if he narrowly escaped death. The rest of the guards, now even more puzzled,

Even though they didn't understand what happened, they obeyed their head guard. Walking at the same pace toward the gate, Tian Jing sensed some killing intent toward him from the other guards. Well, he didn't care. As the two dark-cloaked figures were entering the city, a guard shouted, "No entrance fee? Then what the hell are you doing here?!" He kicked a child right in the abdomen. The child flew about two meters before falling to the ground.

Tian Jing stopped his movements, which made the head guard tremble and surprised Qing Lian. The child was a little girl who looked about 13 years old. Her clothes were torn, and her body was covered in dust. Her hair was disheveled, and her face was so dirty it was hard to tell she was a girl. Tian Jing raised his eyebrows, wanting to see what she would do. She didn't move a single bit, not even opening her eyes, just lying there. She looked like...

"Hey, you killed her, that's not cool..." one of the guards began to speak with a smirk and continued, "Now what? If you had just kicked her face, she could have moved by herself and left. I won't touch that garbage. You should bury her or burn her or something."

"Hahaha, wanna bet how far I can throw her?" another guard said with a chuckle. Others laughed. It wasn't just the guards; everybody was laughing. She was just a nobody, trash.

One of the guards saw that their head guard wasn't laughing and asked, "What's wrong, Captain? Did you sleep with a saggy one or something yesterday?" The head guard didn't say anything. He was fully focused on the scene, both looking at Tian Jing and the girl.

Tian Jing started walking towards the girl who was still lying like she was dead. Seeing the two same figures walking back from the city and heading towards the girl, one of the guards shouted, "Hey, you motherf—"

As Tian Jing continued walking toward the girl, a guard chuckled, "Hey, why did you sto—" His words were cut off by the horrifying sight before him. The guard's head was gone, with his throat hanging from the body. Blood was still gushing out like a fountain, bathing his clothes. His body didn't collapse; he stood like a grotesque fountain. Slowly, everyone saw the scene while Tian Jing continued to walk. Some of the people with weak mental, mostly non-cultivators, started to vomit.

The guards didn't understand what had happened to their precious friend. He was just shouting at... That's right, that guy. One of the guards shouted at Tian Jing with anger, "YOU DID THIS?!" When he received no response, his fury increased. "I AM TALKING TO YOU!! ANSWER, YOU SON OF A B—" This time, some guards who were looking at Tian Jing saw his hand appear from his robe. He was so fast that they couldn't comprehend what he had done. But They turned their heads slowly.

"THIS..." The scene was much worse now. The guard's whole upper body was gone, leaving only a bit of his skeleton and his legs. The arms, which no longer had their shoulders, began to fall to the ground. Blood continued to spurt. Now, everybody understood what was going on. They looked fearfully at Tian Jing. 

While people froze and stared at the scene, Tian Jing had already arrived in front of the girl. He looked into her eyes, searching for a spark of life. He knew she was alive... physically. Everybody shivered and trembled at his sudden, authoritative, cold voice. 

"Get up!"

 The girl's eyebrows twitched at the sudden command. 



The voice, which had already made everyone shiver and tremble, now became much worse. Some of the crowd fainted. It was normal; the one in front of them was a godly being. Tian Jing was not the Dragon God himself, but his father had ruled the dragon race, and those memories were now part of him. 

Hearing his second command, which was much more powerful, the girl involuntarily got up, even though she didn't want to. Her soul and body didn't listen to her. Opening her eyes, she was surprised to see a darkened face covered by the shadow of the cloak.

"Tell me little one. What you desire?"


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