
Heir of Wrath: The Celestial Devourer

Tian Jing, the child of the Dragon God and Demon Goddess, carries the weight of his parents' last will and the hope for their revenge across the Nine Heavens. Starting his life anew, he gradually recovers the memories of his father teaching him about the cultivation world and cultivation techniques. Fortunate to encounter two great individuals, Tian Jing learns that the world can hold beautiful things beyond strength, wars, and domination over the weak. This revelation shifts his personality from being always cold and heartless to being cold and heartless most of the time. Embarking on his journey, Tian Jing understands that he is not a tool for vengeance but also an individual with the freedom to pursue his own desires.

GoofySleeper · Fantasy
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25 Chs

M-Master... P-Please... L-Let me..

"Are you all right, Master?"

She thought it might be some strange spiritual beast or a weird parasite, but as Tian Jing came closer, she realized its shape was a bit familiar. When he arrived only one step away, she saw clearly what it was. Her heart pounded rapidly, and her body felt warm. She lifted her reddened head, looking at her master. "M-M-Master?" she stuttered. 

His Yang Qi had started to overflow this morning. He felt a little weird about this situation. It wasn't that he didn't want her to help him; he had already started to develop feelings for her. It was just that he was a bit dense, experiencing this kind of emotion for the first time. He looked at her face, his expression softer than usual. "Do you remember when I helped you with your condition?" he asked.

Hearing this, her body jolted, and she timidly nodded. He continued with an involuntary grin. "Now... It's your turn." 

He couldn't control his grin. Maybe it was because he was lustful, or perhaps he felt a bit close to her. Qing Lian was taken aback by his request. Her eyes widened, and her body started to tremble with embarrassment. She opened her mouth, trying to say something. "M-Ma-sT I-I..." but couldn't. He waited for her to calm down and speak properly. She found it difficult to speak, overwhelmed by his huge tent.

She closed her eyes, trying to steady herself, "M-Master, I-I don't think I should do i-it" she muttered, worried that she wouldn't be able to do it properly, please her master.

Tian Jing found her reaction cute and wanted to tease her a little. "So, are you saying I should leave and find someone else to do it? Fine then, I am leaving," he said, faking a serious tone, sounding disappointed, and instantly turning back to leave.

Hearing this, she immediately opened her eyes in horror. She pushed herself forward, reaching his legs, her breasts contacting the floor. She lifted her head, looking at him with teary eyes. "N-Noo, Master.. don't leave... don't... I will try... try my best... just don't leave... like my mother."

Tian Jing froze, hearing her fragile voice, something just clicked. Ahh, he had forgotten about her trauma. After ten years of love from her mother, she was left in a void of despair and pain for twelve whole years. Her life felt over until a sudden light appeared in it. Her master. 

Hearing that he might leave while teasing her, even though he didn't mean it that way, she completely misunderstood and collapsed.

Since the very beginning, she didn't think she was special. She was cultivating diligently, working hard to get strong, but still, she didn't understand why her master chose her and thought Tian Jing could turn anyone he wanted just like he had turned her.

Then Also, When her master wanted to change the tournament rules to gather as many cultivators as they could, she felt that her master was trying to find a new servant, and she started to develop insecurities. Coupled with The fact that she hadn't done anything for him, and today, the first time he asked her for something, she felt she would fail it. She felt incompetent. So, hearing him going to leave, she thought he would really leave her. 

With an inward sigh, Tian Jing turned back. Seeing Qing Lian crying, her beautiful face distorted by tears, a deep pain pierced his heart. Each tear felt like a blow. Slowly, he reached down and gently patted her head. She froze, her teary eyes locking onto his. He gestured for her to stand up and follow him. 

They slowly reached the bed and sat down. He sighed deeply. It was hard for him to make this speech; he wasn't used to being soft like this. He said without looking at her. He felt kind of weird saying something like this. "It was just a tease, I will never leave you, okay?" his tone was truthful and sincere.

'Tease?... he said he will never... but still..'

"But.. I -I.." To his surprise, she trembled and looked like she was starting to cry again. He didn't understand at first, but as she continued, 

"W-Why me... I am just a norma-" he understood she was insecure.

He turned to her, interrupting; his expression was serious. "You think I would choose someone not special to be my servant?"

"But master, nine ta-" she started to retort but was cut off in the middle.

"I am not talking about your race," he continued. "Do you remember the pain?"She felt a shiver down her spine. She understood his reference. It was when she turned into a demon. That pain was... Horrible. 

"You remember what happened, right? Now, tell me."

She nodded slowly and began to recall and explain what happened, her face pale with fear. "I was going to die... I was sure of it... but then, I heard your voice," she said, her expression shifting to one of cold determination, an unusual sight of her. "WHAT... ARE YOU DOING?! WHY.... ARE YOU... STILL... HOLDING... BACK?! HAVE YOU FORGETTEN WHAT THEY DID!?" Her voice grew louder and more intense with each word. "And my entire body burned with fury as I remembered my mother, how we separated forcefully, my years of pain, despair, hatred... I started shaking. I thought I would go mad... but I felt a sudden force rising from within me. You continued, 'LET GO' 'LET GO'. The rising impulse didn't stop. The immense power I felt just kept rising, surging inside me. Your words kept echoing in my mind. And somehow, I endured the pain... I survived."

"You think anybody could withstand that pain? Control the devour and not be devoured?" 

Qing Lian immediately retorted "But master it was you who helped me-"

Tian Jing grinned, "Me? I hadn't even opened my mouth."

Qing Lian's eyes widened in surprise and confusion. He hadn't? 

"It wasn't me, it was you. You said to yourself. It was your willpower, your will to survive. It was your own strength manifesting," Tian Jing continued, "I can use that technique to anyone, But the strength to live, having what it takes. Believe me, I don't think there is anyone else in this heaven other than you," Tian Jing continued, his voice gentle yet firm. "Do you understand now? How strong you are, how special you are, how worthy you are."

Her mind raced as she processed his words. 'Me?' she looked at her hand, recalling the moment again. She sighed 'Looks like I had really lost myself, huh. I forgot who I really am...' Clenching her first, she continued 'That's right... it was me who withstood that pain, who had the strength to live.'

The realization dawned on Qing Lian, filling her with a newfound sense of self-worth. All her insecurities have vanished. She nodded to him, her eyes glistening with dignity. "Master... I am your servant, I am worthy enough. I am Qing Lian." 

Tian Jing smiled softly,

"Yes, You ar-. Ugh." 

 While he was replying he groaned in pain. Qing Lian's body jolted, remembering why he had come to her room. She stood up. "M-Master," she began, her voice trembling,

"I-I am such a bad servant... I kept you waiting in p-pain " She glanced at her master's bulge and knelt down. Her cheeks flushed with a mix of embarrassment and resolve. 

"M-Master... P-Please.. L-Let me.."