
Heir of Wrath: The Celestial Devourer

Tian Jing, the child of the Dragon God and Demon Goddess, carries the weight of his parents' last will and the hope for their revenge across the Nine Heavens. Starting his life anew, he gradually recovers the memories of his father teaching him about the cultivation world and cultivation techniques. Fortunate to encounter two great individuals, Tian Jing learns that the world can hold beautiful things beyond strength, wars, and domination over the weak. This revelation shifts his personality from being always cold and heartless to being cold and heartless most of the time. Embarking on his journey, Tian Jing understands that he is not a tool for vengeance but also an individual with the freedom to pursue his own desires.

GoofySleeper · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Shut Upp!


Lan Bei instantly retorted, "Cut the act. There is no way Xiao Wei would have lost his arm without a fight, and he wouldn't have fought up to that point without a good reason. Also, it looks like your elders are gone. Hahaha! Looks like they died fighting. Too bad we're here for the free loot."

He unleashed his full aura. It wasn't enough to completely suppress Lin Mei, but the difference of one major realm was clear. He added, "Now, move aside" with a cunning smile.

Lin Mei moved aside, not wanting to mention Tian Jing's existence. Even if she did, they wouldn't believe her. As the three groups entered, many disciples started to yell and scream, while some of them started to escape. It felt like an invasion. The most talented disciples were only at the peak of the Spirit Warrior realm, which was no match for the intruders.

The three groups began exploring the sect grounds. When they looked into the treasure hall, it was nearly empty, which puzzled them. They knew this sect wasn't small. It was actually a higher-ranked sect, although lacking in combat strength, which was normal for dual cultivators.

While the groups explored, Tian Jing entered Qing Lian's room. She had just finished her breakthrough. Upon seeing the door open, she immediately stood up, her face blushing a little, remembering what had happened a few days ago.

She kneeled down, her voice trembling slightly with reverence and loyalty, "Master." She tried to calm herself, her blush fading slightly, but she forgot to control her newly emerged tail. It swayed behind her, an exquisite blend of silver, black, and dark purple, shimmering in the light like a mystical woven from moonlight and shadows.

Seeing her excited tail, Tian Jing inwardly smiled. He then commanded her, "Come, I want you to do something." He turned back, leaving Qing Lian to her thoughts. 'Me? He wants something... Could it be... NO!,' she scolded herself for being too lustful these days, constantly thinking about her master's treatment. Shaking her head to clear her mind, she stood up, her expression becoming strict, and followed her master out of the pavilion.

As the two stepped outside, the groups exploring the sect grounds sensed their presence. The three great elders, along with other elders, immediately gathered in front of them. Lan Bei opened his mouth to speak but no words came out. Everyone froze, captivated by the otherworldly presence of Tian Jing and Qing Lian. The male cultivators couldn't move their eyes away from Qing Lian, while the female cultivators were equally mesmerized by Tian Jing.

The frozen moment lasted only an instant as people saw their expressions. Tian Jing's face darkened, and a hint of fury sparked in his eyes. Qing Lian's heavenly face distorted with annoyance and disgust at how they looked at her. She glanced at her master, trying to understand what was going on and who these intruders were. The trio of elders from the other sects exchanged glances, their thoughts entirely different from those of Tian Jing and Qing Lian. This was a race.

Lan Bai immediately jumped forward, followed by the other two elders. Their target was Qing Lian, and they ignored Tian Jing, thinking he was merely a Grandmaster. Their only focus was claiming this heavenly beauty for themselves.

As they closed, they suddenly froze. A powerful killing intent enveloped them, so intense that it made them completely shiver. Fearfully, they slowly turned their heads, realizing that the source of this overwhelming aura was the man standing next to Qing Lian.

Although the killing intent was mainly directed at the trio, the other elders felt it, too. Qing Lian, standing beside Tian Jing, initially felt a surge of fear. She turned her head towards him, and seeing the sight of his terrifying expression, she thought she would fear, but the emotion that started to emerge was only appreciation. She felt a warm sense of security. Despite his frightening appearance, to her, his face looked incredibly pleasant to look at.

While Tian Jing was deep in thought, 'Hmm... 7 Spirit Kings and 21 Spirit Lords... it can be a good exercise for me.' and dismissed his killing intent but maintained his expression. The trio immediately retreated, sweating profusely. They couldn't understand how this was possible. Had this guy killed thousands of people? Even though he hadn't, he had witnessed all the people his father had killed, countless deaths, and technically felt it, lived it.

After a few breaths, they calmed down, reassuring themselves, thinking it was just killing intent. Meanwhile, Tian Jing slowly walked in front of Qing Lian, stopping right in front of her. He patted her head, and the sudden touch jolted her body, making her blush. She was embarrassed, everyone was watching. Well.. it was just a pat. What was she thinking?

Tian Jing turned back, seeing hateful gazes. He raised his eyebrows. "So, how are we going to do this?" he asked with a grin. He was actually having a little fun. One of the elders yelled mockingly, "Do you think you can fight all of us? Hahaha, your killing intent won't work a second time." Well, It would still work, but they were mentally prepared now.

Tian Jing sneered at the mocking, thinking, 'It won't work? Tch, I didn't even try.' He held back, or nobody would stand up or be conscious with their pathetic mental power and cultivation levels.

As he was about to speak, the great elders started motivating their groups, their words dripping with mockery toward Tian Jing. After a while, a female elder stepped forward, a middle-looking one, "Yeah, just surrender now; maybe I'll let you touch my body." This caused annoyed gazes from other female elders, who began to shout their own proposals.

"Maybe? Hah! I will let you touch my body, just come to mommy." 

"No, don't listen to them. I won't just let you touch, I will touch you too." "Hey, I will—"

Their proposals were suddenly cut off by a strict and cold shout, "Shut Upp! What are you saying? You are not worthy of him; nobody is.. W-Well.. I am trying to be but-" she blushed a second, shooking her head turned her furious expression "Don't even compare him with yourselves! Do you hear me!" Qing Lian's voice rang out. Everyone was taken aback by how this charming foxkin could sound so cold. Even Tian Jing was momentarily surprised, feeling a little strange.

Turning to see Qing Lian's furious expression, he patted her head. Her anger dissipated instantly, replaced by embarrassment at her outburst. Seeing her master's gentle gaze, her heart pounded, and she trembled with a blush, trying to explain, "M-M-Master, I..." she tried to speak, but Tian Jing had already turned back, an evil smile playing on his lips.

"Now then"

Sensing something was off, the great elders and elders immediately alerted. The air grew dense with tension, the atmosphere almost suffocating as Tian Jing's expression didn't change. His aura exploded.

With lightning speed, Tian Jing launched himself at Great Elder Lan Bai of the Silver Moon Sect. Lan Bai barely had time to react before Tian Jing's fist connected with his shoulder. The force of the blow was so immense that Lan Bai was slammed into the ground, a crater forming beneath him. He lay there, defeated in a single strike.

The other cultivators gasped, their confidence shattered. Tian Jing didn't stop. He moved on to the next target, his speed and precision unmatched. He was deliberately refraining from using any cultivation techniques, relying solely on his raw power to test his limits.

A Spirit King from the Mystic Cloud Sect attempted to counterattack, unleashing a combat skill called "Cloud Piercing Strike." Tian Jing evaded the blades with ease, closing the distance in an instant. His fist met the Spirit King's face, sending him flying backward, blood trailing through the air.

Despite their numbers, the remaining Spirit Kings and Lords struggled to make an effective defense. Tian Jing was a whirlwind of destruction, his every move calculated to kill. Three Spirit Kings attempted to coordinate their attacks, hoping to overwhelm him with sheer force.

As they attacked simultaneously, Tian Jing's smile grew wider, appreciating their effort but finding it ultimately futile. He dodged the first strike, sidestepped the second, and shattered the third with a single punch. He retaliated with a series of rapid strikes, each one finding its mark with deadly accuracy. The three Spirit Kings fell, their bodies hitting the ground almost simultaneously.

During the chaos, Tian Jing felt a blade slice across his arm, leaving a shallow wound. He barely flinched, pushing through the pain and countering with a devastating kick that broke his attacker's ribs. Another elder managed to land a blow on his side, but Tian Jing quickly spun around, delivering a backhanded strike that snapped the elder's neck.

Great Elder Xuan Feng of the Mystic Cloud Sect managed to land a solid blow on his shoulder, making him stagger. He quickly regained his footing and, with even greater force, struck back. Xuan Feng crumpled under the assault, his chest caved in. 

While the battle continued, He didn't realize his stretched, unnatural smile, and his eyes bulged with a wild, frenzied light. He only felt a new sensation he hadn't ever felt, even in his father's memories.

'I don't know what this feeling is.... But I.. LIKED IT'


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