
Heir of Wrath: The Celestial Devourer

Tian Jing, the child of the Dragon God and Demon Goddess, carries the weight of his parents' last will and the hope for their revenge across the Nine Heavens. Starting his life anew, he gradually recovers the memories of his father teaching him about the cultivation world and cultivation techniques. Fortunate to encounter two great individuals, Tian Jing learns that the world can hold beautiful things beyond strength, wars, and domination over the weak. This revelation shifts his personality from being always cold and heartless to being cold and heartless most of the time. Embarking on his journey, Tian Jing understands that he is not a tool for vengeance but also an individual with the freedom to pursue his own desires.

GoofySleeper · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Kill Them

Having dealt with the majority of the threats, Tian Jing turned his attention to the remaining cultivators. He destroyed their defenses, breaking through their formations and cutting them down ruthlessly. The ground was littered with the bodies of the fallen, and the air was thick with the scent of blood. He broke bones with single strikes, crushed skulls with his fists, and tore through flesh with his bare hands. Blood splattered across his face and clothes, but he remained unfazed, his focus solely on eliminating every threat.

Finally, only three great elders and three untouched elders were left. They didn't know why they were untouched and didn't try to escape as they felt a shiver when they tried to move. Tian Jing approached the great elders, his expression even scarier than ever. He was smiling, just that, but not a good one. He grabbed each great elder by their head, crippling their cultivation and rendering them incapable of further combat. They, terrified and defeated, dropped to their knees. Their spirits were already broken.

Tian Jing sensed his body, feeling the burn in his muscles and the rapid pounding of his heart. His breath came in quick gasps, and his heart raced with excitement. Calming down. He touched his face and realized he was... smiling. He didn't care for it. Turning around, he focused on the important thing—Qing Lian's expression.

To his surprise, she looked at him with excitement and admiration. He was surprised a little, thinking that the cold, tortured girl in that cell might have changed a little. But it seemed like a foolish thought. She only softened her demeanor towards him. At her core, she was the same.

He approached her and said, "I thought you would be a little scared or maybe a little disguised with the scene." his tone was much gentler than before. The three unharmed elders were shocked upon hearing his tone, wondering if this was the same monster who had ruthlessly killed over twenty people. While the great elders either didn't hear or couldn't care.

Qing Lian responded, her voice full of seriousness. "Master, I am not a fool. I won't show mercy or care to my enemies. My mother told me enough about the realities of this world and showed me deaths, and I experienced them myself for years. I have no sympathy for anyone except myself, you, and my mother."

Her words carried determination and dignity. Tian Jing was truly satisfied with her answer. "Good," he said, turning back and gesturing for her to follow him. They moved in front of the three great elders who were kneeling, their eyes were filled with despair.

When the two arrived, the trio of defeated elders didn't even lift their heads. They were as good as dead. Tian Jing turned to his mai. Before, he thought he should train her mind a little by letting her experience killing, but seeing her expression and hearing her statement, he understood she didn't need any training. He simply commanded, "Kill them."

Qing Lian didn't turn to him, just replied, "Yes.. Master," and moved swiftly. Her foxkin claws extended, sharp, and deadly. With swift, precise movements, she slashed their throats, ending their lives. 

"Good," Tian Jing nodded to her, then turned his gaze to the unharmed elders, leaving one from each sect alive. Seeing his gaze, the remaining elders started to kowtow with their trembling bodies. "P-P-Please," they begged as Tian Jing and Qing Lian slowly moved towards them.

Tian Jing spoke with a cold voice, "Raise your heads." The elders lifted their heads slowly, filled with fear. He continued, "Is there a grand tournament happening where people gather all over the world soon?"

The elders froze, confused by the question. Were they still alive just so he could ask them this? But they quickly replied, "T-There is a great tournament named the 'Grand Martial Tournament.' It happens once every 4 years, and it will happen in three months. The top four individuals represent the four great sects. Even the Emperor himself comes to watch."

Pondering for a while, Tian Jing nodded to himself, 'That's enough' Then he said, "Go back to your sect. Tell your sect masters that I will come for them if they don't do everything to gather as many cultivators as possible for the tournament. I don't know how you do it—lower the age restriction, lower the cultivation restriction to participate, I don't care... Also, don't try to escape... Or-"

His face darkened, and his eyes seemed to burn with an inner wrath, transforming into a terrifying visage. The elders shivered in fear, feeling as though their very souls were about to flee their bodies. Tian Jing continued, "Don't think I won't find where you are, and when I do, don't think you can escape from me by just dying."

The elders nodded frantically, their faces pale. They stumbled to their feet, barely able to contain their trembling as they hurriedly made their way back to their sects to relay Tian Jing's orders.

Tian Jing watched them leave, his mind deep in thought. Qing Lian considered asking why he wanted so many cultivators gathered, but seeing his state, she decided not to. The silence was broken by a woman's voice, a familiar one.

"Will you continue to stay?" It was Lin Mei. She had witnessed the entire fight and waited for him to finish. Surprisingly, she did not fear much like before. In fact, she seemed a little indifferent. Raising his eyebrows, Tian Jing looked at her wanting her to explain.

Lin Mei sighed, "This sect was my sister's last wish. She wanted it to continue its history... the only thing she left for me. But now, there is no one left—just the two of you and me."

Tian Jing's curiosity was piqued. "So, do you want revenge then? Even though I did nothing wrong, giving you cultivation techniques and sparing your lives. But also, if I'd never come, the sect would have remained the same." He wanted to know what she planned to do.

Lin Mei chuckled sarcastically. "Revenge? What revenge... revenge on myself? Yes, maybe I will take revenge on myself. I must rebuild this sect for her. For myself. So, before I start I wanted to know when you would leave." She wasn't angry at Tian Jing, not even a little. It was her fault, maybe her elders', but still, she was the one who didn't say anything when one of the elders asked for help from the Xiao Sect. She could have stopped him but didn't. Anyway, it didn't matter now how things had come to this point.

Tian Jing liked her answer and determination regarding her sister. "At most three months, we will leave." he said. 

She nodded, believing his words. As he turned to leave, he called out, "Come back and stand in front of me"


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