
Heir of Wrath: The Celestial Devourer

Tian Jing, the child of the Dragon God and Demon Goddess, carries the weight of his parents' last will and the hope for their revenge across the Nine Heavens. Starting his life anew, he gradually recovers the memories of his father teaching him about the cultivation world and cultivation techniques. Fortunate to encounter two great individuals, Tian Jing learns that the world can hold beautiful things beyond strength, wars, and domination over the weak. This revelation shifts his personality from being always cold and heartless to being cold and heartless most of the time. Embarking on his journey, Tian Jing understands that he is not a tool for vengeance but also an individual with the freedom to pursue his own desires.

GoofySleeper · Fantasy
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25 Chs

The Treasure

"Ugh," one of the disciples groaned in pain as she woke up. She had been in the middle of a lecture, but the only thing she could remember was some guy appearing out of nowhere before she fainted. She looked around, seeing that all the other disciples were in a similar state. Confusion and fear clouded their faces as they tried to piece together what had happened. The room was filled with the soft murmur of whispered questions and anxious glances

Meanwhile, Tian Jing had already crossed his legs, attempting to create a technique by fusing his mother's and father's body-refining techniques. He was trying to find a clue as to why he couldn't make any progress in fusing Qi-gathering techniques. His focus was intense, though his body was still recovering from the overwhelming experience.

His precious rod started recovering, and his demon physique's regenerative abilities were working. His robe, created by his father, didn't offer much flexibility. Made from the same material as Qing Lian's dress. Which were the strongest, hardest silk. Having such an enormous member made wearing something like this quite troubling. Well.. his father hadn't faced this issue. He had always removed his clothes when it started to awaken.

While Tian Jing continued, far away in a familiar Xiao Sect, a tense atmosphere was taking place.

"S-Sect Master, you have finally come out of your seclusion," one of the elders said, his voice tinged with fragility. This elder was the same one who had narrowly escaped death a month ago, and the experience had left him somewhat fearful, though understandably so.

The Sect Master, Xiao Zhen, raised an eyebrow. He recognized the elder, but the man's demeanor was different from what he remembered. Sensing something wrong, Xiao Zhen scanned the room. All the elders were gathered, indicating a significant issue. He extended his spiritual senses, assessing the situation. He noticed the Great Elder, Xiao Wei, was missing an arm, and his eyes widened in shock.

"WHO?! WHO DARED?!" Xiao Zhen bellowed, his voice echoing through the hall. The urgency and fury in his voice were palpable.

Xiao Wei responded with a wry smile, "Calm down. In fact, I'm grateful to be alive in this state."

Xiao Zhen couldn't comprehend the situation. Grateful? What nonsense was Xiao Wei spouting? The Sect Master turned his full attention to the Great Elder, demanding an explanation.

Xiao Wei began to recount the events. "A month ago, we received a plea for help from a small sect, A dual cultivation sect, and...." 

Finishing his explanation, Xiao Zhen looked at Xiao Wei with a mixture of disbelief and amusement. "An intruder? A young man who was in the Grandmaster realm defeated you just with his aura? Hahaha!" He started laughing, and it wasn't a forced laugh; he was genuinely amused. "It sounds so ridiculous that it's believable. Also, there's no way you'd lie about something like this." He touched his chin, thinking deeply. "Well, there's nothing to do except using him to our benefit."

After a few moments of thinking, Xiao Zhen turned to the elders with a cunning smile. "Spread the news, but make it seem like you're trying to keep it a secret, that there is some forbidden treasure in that dual cultivation sect, which they are protecting. Also, mention that you lost your arm while trying to steal the treasure because of their cheap tricks and traps. Then, make sure to go outside to some other sects for a meeting or some trade so they can see your lost arm. Lastly, say that in one week, when I come out of seclusion, we are going to attack that sect."

The elders exchanged glances, understanding the plan. It was simple. The other three great sects, and maybe even the great families, would likely take the bait and attempt to snatch the treasure before Xiao Sect could. In the best scenario, the one who goes there would be killed which is extremely good for them.

Xiao Wei nodded, "I understand, Sect Master. I will ensure the news spreads subtly and effectively." 

"Good," Xiao Zhen said with a satisfied nod and turned his back; he closed his eyes and muttered, "What a joke.."

As they passed in a luxury pavilion, there was a certain individual who looked annoyed.

"Haaa... is this a fucking joke?" Tian Jing opened his eyes, sensing the presence of a few Spirit King cultivators but he felt something was different. "Oh?" he muttered, his curiosity piqued.

Outside the dual cultivation sect, the atmosphere was tense. Three different groups of cultivators, each wearing distinctively colored robes, had formed a triangle in front of the sect. The silence was broken by a firm voice. 

"We were first," shouted a purple-robed figure from the Mystic Cloud Sect. he was Great Elder Xuan Feng, Great Elder Huo Long, predominantly red robes from the Crimson Flame Sect retorted, "First? With just two steps?" His face bore an annoyed expression. As the two stared tensely at each other, a middle-aged man in a white robe stepped between them, laughing.

"Hahaha," the man in white chuckled. The other two glared at him. "What's so funny?" one of them demanded with an annoyed face.

They were middle in the argument, and this guy started laughing?

After a few seconds he stopped laughing, making a serious expression. "Let's fight to the death!" he shouted with resolve. Everbody dumbounfded. 'Is Lan bai finally lost his mind?' the two asked inwardly. Nobody would want to fight to the death just for a treasure. The power of the four great sects was nearly equal after all. He continued, "Or... You see, the Xiao Sect isn't here. Just split the treasure. Wasn't our purpose here of tripping up the Xiao Sect? They'll be left with nothing but their wounded Great Elder. Let's join forces and take this place together."

The two paused, considering the proposal. They all shared a common goal: Weak any other great sect. The idea of cooperating, at least temporarily, appealed to their strategic sense.

"So? An agreement, then?" asked the same white-robed middle-aged man, Lan Bai.

"An agreement," confirmed the leader of the Crimson Flame Sect group, his eyes glinting with cunning.

The Mystic Cloud Sect's leader nodded in agreement too, the tension easing slightly among the groups. "Let's move in together," he said, gesturing towards the sect's entrance. 

While the three groups were approaching the entrance, a woman who looked really weak and exhausted watched the scene unfold. She muttered to herself, "Nearly all the elders left after that day, and the disciples started leaving not long ago, And now what? Three great sects at our entrance, as if we could do anything even if one of them were alone."

She turned her gaze towards a certain pavilion, appearing thoughtful. "It was my fault after all. Why did I try to trap him? Was it really because of the rejection?" She sighed, then turned back to the entrance. "Well, nothing really matters now."

With resignation, she walked to the entrance to welcome the three groups, her steps slow and heavy. The sight of the combined forces of the three sects brought a sense of dread but also a strange sense of calm acceptance.

As she approached, the leaders of the groups, the great elders, noticed her presence. The Lan Bai raised an eyebrow. "And who might you be?" he asked, his tone condescending.

She straightened herself as much as she could, looking directly at him. "I am Lin Mei, the Sect Master of this Dual Cultivation Sect," she replied, her voice steady despite her weariness. "What brings the three great sects to our humble doorstep?"

The Crimson Flame Sect leader scoffed. "Cut the act. We're here for the treasure your sect is supposedly hiding. Hand it over, and maybe we'll let you and your disciples leave unharmed."

Hearing this Lin Mei raised her eyebrows and said with a surprised expression, "Treasure?"

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