
Heir of Wrath: The Celestial Devourer

Tian Jing, the child of the Dragon God and Demon Goddess, carries the weight of his parents' last will and the hope for their revenge across the Nine Heavens. Starting his life anew, he gradually recovers the memories of his father teaching him about the cultivation world and cultivation techniques. Fortunate to encounter two great individuals, Tian Jing learns that the world can hold beautiful things beyond strength, wars, and domination over the weak. This revelation shifts his personality from being always cold and heartless to being cold and heartless most of the time. Embarking on his journey, Tian Jing understands that he is not a tool for vengeance but also an individual with the freedom to pursue his own desires.

GoofySleeper · Fantasy
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25 Chs


The lord, trembling and trying to regain his composure, stuttered, "N-N-Nine-Tailed Fox?"

Tian Jing thought to himself, 

'So they don't know what she really is. Well, I guess that makes sense, considering she looks no different than a common foxkin right now. Even I wouldn't be able to tell without my special eyes.'

"Open the door." 

The lord immediately obeyed, fumbling with the keys before unlocking the cage door. Inside, the figure lay motionless, chained by the neck to the floor. She appeared to be nothing more than a young common foxkin. Her fur was dull and matted, her body thin and frail. There were no visible signs of her true nature as a nine-tailed fox.

Her eyes were half-closed, showing no interest in her surroundings or the people who had entered her cage. Her ears, which should have been perky and alert, drooped lifelessly. The once proud and radiant creature now seemed utterly defeated, a shadow of her former self.

Tian Jing thought to himself, 'An Illusion Technique.' He realized that someone had deliberately used a high-level skill on her. He moved in front of her while the Lord waited behind. He examined her a little more and then spoke, "Do you want to leave this place?"

There was no response. He chuckled inwardly, finding the lack of response was right. "Do you want me to.... kill you?" 

Her ears twitched when she heard that. "I... don't... care," she muttered weakly, her voice barely audible. She didn't know why she replied, but something in his tone compelled her to respond.

He moved close to her ear and whispered, "Or perhaps you want..... Revenge." He said the last word with emphasis, his voice echoing in her head like a haunting promise. She looked at him, a flicker of disbelief and a shadow of hope mingling in her eyes.

"Revenge... impossible," she said, her voice filled with despair and bitterness as if the mere thought of it was a cruel joke.

Tian Jing immediately grabbed her by the neck and lifted her into the air with little effort, his expression cold and strict. "Then why are you even answering, listening to my words? You are just a dead body."

For a moment, she hung there, suspended in his grasp, her mind a whirlwind of confusion and anger. She couldn't understand why she was responding to this stranger, why his words seemed to cut through the numbness that had enveloped her heart.

Seeing her like this, he chuckled and released her. She fell to the ground with a thud, the impact jarring her back to reality. "You think I would be interested in a regular fox? Tell me, little nine-tailed, how did you ended up in lower heavens"

Hearing this, her eyes widened. She didn't understand how someone in the lower heavens could know about nine-tailed foxes or even realize that she was one. Her memories flashed through her mind, the pain and betrayal she had suffered fueling her anger. 'That means he is someone from the higher heavens' she thought to herself, her fury burning inside her. She hated those from the higher heavens with every fiber of her being.

Seeing her furious expression, Tian Jing said, "You think someone from higher heavens would be in lower realms? its nearly impossible and being in this shitty place it's even more imposibble."

She didn't completely believe him, but his logic made sense to her. She knew it was nearly impossible for any higher heavens cultivators to be in the lower heavens, as normally it would get several times harder when descending each level with the same cultivation level. She continued to eye him warily, her mind racing with possibilities and doubts.

Tian Jing noticed her hesitation but pressed on. "I will help you get your revenge, but first," he paused, ensuring he had her full attention, "Did you learned your kind's special technique, 'Nine-Tail Qi Unification'?"

The nine-tailed fox's eyes widened slightly at the mention of the technique. It was a secret technique known only to her kind. The fact that Tian Jing knew about it's name both intrigued and unsettled her.

Tian Jing looked at her with a grin. and said, "Now tell me, did you learned it or not?"

She hesitated, not wanting to answer. Even though this man seemed mysterious and powerful, she still didn't believe he could help her take revenge. But at this point, everything was messed up. "I-I know..... it was my mother who taught me" she said sadly, her voice trembling. It was the second time she had shown emotion, even though she was a living dead just five minutes ago.

Hearing her response, Tian Jing's smile widened, happy with the situation. Seeing his victorious expression, she was confused. "You know my cultivation is crippled, my profound veins are destructed, and even if you magically restore it, I am just in my early twenties. I am weak and will have to start my cultivation from the bottom. You are not going to trust my strength, are you?"

His expression did not change. He turned back to the lord and commanded him to go back to his castle and wait, The lord nodded quickly and hurried away.

Tian Jing turned his gaze back to her, looking into her eyes. "Are you ready to die?"

She gasped, not expecting something like that. He was going to kill her? Why didn't he do it at first? She watched him unleash his aura, realizing he was using some kind of technique. She sighed inwardly. 'What is this feeling? Am I sad to die?' She didn't understand why she felt a little bad. 'Did I really hope that I could take my revenge?' she sarcastically laughed inwardly.

As she watched, he finished his technique, looking exhausted. The blood he extracted from himself was a mesmerizing blend of gold and a deep, ominous dark purple, swirling together in a small, radiant sphere. The aura around the blood glowed with an otherworldly light, pulsating with immense power and potential.

When the blood reached her, she suddenly felt something. PAIN. Intense, excruciating pain. She started screaming, "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Every internal organ, everything she had, felt like it was being devoured. Her profound veins, blood, and internal organs were all under assault from the overwhelming power of the aura-infused blood.

The pain was unbearable, ripping through her body with relentless fury. It felt like her very being was being torn apart. Her screams echoed through the whole place. 

While she continued screaming, Tian Jing didn't have a good expression. "I didn't expect to have this huge backlash. My cultivation base dropped two minor realms, and it looks like if I can't stabilize myself in a day or two, my profound veins will start to corrupt," he thought to himself while his whole body ached.

He looked at her, his mind racing. "I am not entirely sure that she can transform completely without dying because normally, my moth— Dragon Goddess's technique is only usable on humans. Because of divine blood, their internal organs and profound veins are strong and unsuppressible by her blood essence. But my blood essence is much stronger than hers and it fused with divine blood from the strongest and purest blooded dragon."

Tian Jing watched as her transformation took place, her body writhing in pain. The blend of gold and dark purple aura-infused blood coursed through her, merging with her own essence. Her screams echoed around them, each one a testament to the intense process she was undergoing.

Minutes felt like hours, but eventually, the pain began to subside. Her screams turned to ragged breaths, her body trembling from the ordeal. 

As she transformed completely, everything she possessed was reborn her dantian, profound veins, internal organs... The Illusion Technique also dissipated, revealing her true form.

Where there once lay a seemingly ordinary foxkin now stood a strikingly beautiful young woman. Her silver hair flowed down her back like a waterfall, shimmering with an ethereal glow, but now it was interwoven with strands of black and dark purple, creating a mesmerizing pattern. Her captivating silver eyes, flecked with hints of violet, sparkled with intensity and determination, reflecting the depth of her spirit and the fierceness of her resolve.

Her face was a perfect blend of delicate features and undeniable strength. High cheekbones framed her piercing eyes, and her full lips held a natural, inviting curve. Her flawless skin had a luminescent quality that added to her otherworldly beauty.

She had an average height, but her curvy body radiated strength and grace. Her figure was athletic yet feminine, with a slender waist that accentuated the gentle curve of her hips and her large, soft bosom. Her presence was commanding and regal, even without her tails, which would emerge with further cultivation. The unique combination of silver, black, and dark purple in her hair and eyes gave her an exotic, almost hypnotic allure that set her apart from a typical nine-tailed fox, making her even more captivating. It was that time a new race born, a Demon Beast.

Tian Jing happy to see it worked and took a moment to admire the transformation. 

As she controlled her breath a little, she looked around fearfully. She didn't know that she had transformed; she just remembered the immense pain that had come from Tian Jing. She was scared. Timidly, she asked, "W-W-What did you do to me?"

Seeing her so scared, Tian Jing grinned a little and replied

 "You are reborn."

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