
Heir of Wrath: The Celestial Devourer

Tian Jing, the child of the Dragon God and Demon Goddess, carries the weight of his parents' last will and the hope for their revenge across the Nine Heavens. Starting his life anew, he gradually recovers the memories of his father teaching him about the cultivation world and cultivation techniques. Fortunate to encounter two great individuals, Tian Jing learns that the world can hold beautiful things beyond strength, wars, and domination over the weak. This revelation shifts his personality from being always cold and heartless to being cold and heartless most of the time. Embarking on his journey, Tian Jing understands that he is not a tool for vengeance but also an individual with the freedom to pursue his own desires.

GoofySleeper · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Her Past

Hearing this, the nine-tailed fox couldn't comprehend it at first. 'Reborn?' she thought. As she calmed down, she felt strange, almost refreshed. She tried to look at her body. "This..." Her illusion was gone, and now her body contained black and dark purple traits intertwined with her silver features. She was even more beautiful, a blend of ethereal grace and dark allure.

She looked at Tian Jing, seeking answers. "Why do I look like this? What happened to me?"

He chuckled at her confused expression. He was a little happy right now, even though he was almost sure his technique would work on her. There was a chance to not after all. "Try cultivating now," he said.

She looked at him with confusion but did as she was told. Crossing her legs, she tried to circulate Qi. It wasn't her first time, so it was easy. Within seconds, she felt something, something that should be impossible. 'I-I-Impossible' she thought as Qi began to enter her body. Quickly, she broke through to the Spirit Origin Realm.

She raised her head, trembling. This man, this man, had healed her completely corrupted body. No, she realized it was much more than that; her cultivation speed was now several times faster due to her enhanced profound veins and physique. 'He gave me a second chance, a second life' she thought to herself, tears of happiness welling up in her eyes. Now, she could avenge, be strong, even though she was a weakling right now Her eyes were filled with admiration and devotion as she kneeled immediately.

"I am willing to be whatever you want—your companion, your servant, or even your s-slave" she pleaded, her voice trembling with emotion.

He liked this response and replied, "Servant is enough. Just be loyal and obey me." She nodded and pledged her loyalty.

Then Tian Jing added, "Now then, I don't have much time." He gestured for her to follow him. They quickly arrived at the lord's castle. As they entered the hall, the lord, his daughter, and his wife were waiting, trembling with nervousness.

Tian Jing asked directly, "Do you have any flying treasure?"

Hearing this, the lord began to sweat. He didn't want to give his family's treasure to some random person, but there was nothing he could do; he didn't dare to lie. "I-I have one... but it's my family treasure. Please, my mother gave it to me." He begged him not to take it.

Tian Jing thought to himself, 'I don't like doing this but there is nothing to do.'

"Give it to me" he said coldly, with authority. The lord hesitated and begged a little more but eventually handed it over reluctantly.

"Is there a dual cultivation sect nearby?" Tian Jing asked again.

Hearing this, his Servant's ears twitched, and she blushed a little.

"There is one nearby, maybe a few hours away" the lord replied, pointing in the direction with a gesture and utter sadness. 

Tian Jing nodded and turned to leave. His Servant, seeing the scene, thought to herself, 'Master is so cruel.'

As they were leaving, Tian Jing turned and said, "Just so you know, I don't like being indebted. Give me your communication jade. I will grant you a hand if you ever need it" he said coldly, but his tone sounded truthful and made family feel a little relieved.

Her Servant thought continued '...and kind'

As they flew on the wooden boat-like treasure, her servant couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. She still didn't know who Tian Jing truly was, and a part of her feared making him angry. Timidly, she spoke up, "M-My name."

She hesitated when he looked directly into her eyes. It wasn't as scary as before. In fact, she realized this man was... extremely handsome.

 She gulped and continued

 "W-Will you give me a name, Master?"

Tian Jing considered her request, his gaze softening as he looked deeply into her eyes. "Little fox, don't you already have a name? You can use it."

She was mesmerized by his purple eyes, feeling as if she could get lost in their depths. Her heart raced as she realized she had been staring, and she quickly lowered her head in embarrassment. "T-Then my name is Qing Lian" she whispered, her voice trembling slightly.

For a moment, Tian Jing just looked at her, his eyes softening further as he took in the sincerity and vulnerability in her gaze. He gently patted her head, his touch surprisingly tender. "'Pure Lotus', Beautiful name" he said sincerely. 

Qing Lian felt her cheeks flush even more. 'What is this feeling?' she wondered, her heart fluttering. She dared to look up again, her eyes meeting his once more. This time, she held his gaze, feeling a strange sense of comfort and connection.

Tian Jing's expression turned serious. "Now, tell me everything. How did you end up here?"

Her eyes trembled, and her face darkened, a clear sign of trauma. She didn't want to talk about it, but seeing Tian Jing's reassuring gaze, she began to speak, her voice shaking. "It was... 12 years ago when I was 10 years old. I actually don't know what happened. I didn't know anything about the world as I hadn't left home. I was... happy with my mother. I was just cultivating, playing with her, and sleeping."

She paused for a moment, taking a deep breath as tears welled up in her eyes. "One day, she came to me with a fearful face. I didn't have time to ask what happened. She said, "I'm s-sorry"... over and over while crying. She muttered, "I-I couldn't be a good mother," and she embraced me... while crying, "T-They are coming." She finished and then said goodbye.

Qing Lian's voice quivered, tears streaming down her cheeks. "Then... I don't know what happened. When I opened my eyes, my cultivation base was gone, my profound veins were crippled, and my appearance was changed. I couldn't understand what happened."

She paused again, struggling with the emotions that choked her voice. "Years passed... my past, my mother, the huge pain, and how powerless I was... it killed me slowly. My mother's tearful face haunted my dreams, her pained expression breaking my heart over and over. One day, I got caught in a forest and locked in that cage" she said, her voice soft and filled with sorrow. 

'A teleportation, huh' Tian Jing thought to himself while Qing Lian's face began to fill with hatred.

"They... I don't know who they were, but they separated us" she said, her voice shaking with rage. "They-"

As she was about to continue, she felt a touch on her cheek. She immediately looked up at him. Tian Jing's eyes were steady and calm. "Don't worry. I gave you my word, right? I will help you avenge yourself and your mother."

For some reason, his words comforted her. There was a full confidence in his voice that felt reassuring. "O-Okay," she stammered, blushing as she realized she hadn't added any respect. She lowered her head. "...Master."

Tian Jing smiled faintly, his touch still gentle on her cheek. "Good. "

They flew in silence, covering quite a distance on the wooden boat-like treasure. Qing Lian spent almost half an hour observing the changes in her body. 'My breasts also got bigger, and these slave rags are too small for me. I am almost exposed... but I haven't seen any gaze from him' she thought to herself, feeling a bit disappointed. 'Wait, what am I thinking?'

Breaking the silence, she hesitated but finally spoke up,

 "Master... This... my body, what happened to me exactly?"

Tian Jing didn't answer; he didn't even turn his body. Realizing she might have overstepped, she quickly lowered her head, her voice trembling. "I-I am sorry, this servant made a mistake."

There was still no response and Qing Lian began to feel fear creeping in. Her memories of being in that cage were not pleasant. Suddenly, she heard a deep sigh as Tian Jing turned towards her, opening his mouth to speak.

"You turned into a Demon" 

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