
Heir of Wrath: The Celestial Devourer

Tian Jing, the child of the Dragon God and Demon Goddess, carries the weight of his parents' last will and the hope for their revenge across the Nine Heavens. Starting his life anew, he gradually recovers the memories of his father teaching him about the cultivation world and cultivation techniques. Fortunate to encounter two great individuals, Tian Jing learns that the world can hold beautiful things beyond strength, wars, and domination over the weak. This revelation shifts his personality from being always cold and heartless to being cold and heartless most of the time. Embarking on his journey, Tian Jing understands that he is not a tool for vengeance but also an individual with the freedom to pursue his own desires.

GoofySleeper · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Slave Market

Tian Jing's body craved stabilization, the need for balance gnawing at him as he moved swiftly through the night. "I couldn't continue cultivating after I started producing Yang Qi as it would increase my Yang Qi production, so I can't fly for now," he thought to himself. He was still in the Grandmaster realm, specifically at the 8th level.

Normally, as his physique fully awakened, he could use his True Dragon form to fly, but with his current low cultivation base, there was no way he could use it without it killing him directly. 

Also there were three different methods for cultivators without wings to fly. The first is the 'Sword Flight Technique' which, although it doesn't require much Qi, demands a high level of sword mastery. The second is using a flying treasure to soar through the skies. The third method is 'Cloud Riding Technique', which is used by Qi manifestation. However, this requires an enormous amount of Qi and the cultivator must be at least the King level to utilize it. Since none of these options were viable for him at the moment, he continued to run.

As dawn approached, he spotted a town on the horizon, neither small nor large but of moderate size. He quickened his pace, running toward it. "Argh" he groaned in pain. His body ached with every step, and he took a moment to examine himself. His internal injuries were worse than he had expected. His profound veins and dantian were struggling to cope with the instability. 'I don't have much time' he thought to himself. He pushed himself harder, speeding up as he approached the town's entrance.

Reaching the outskirts, Tian Jing spread his spiritual sense across the entire town. Normally, someone in the Grandmaster realm wouldn't be able to cover such a large area, but he was far from ordinary. As he scanned the town, he sensed a presence much stronger than the rest. "Lord Realm, huh?" he muttered to himself, he didn't feel any threat; actually, he was a little disappointed. 

As he neared the town's gate, he noticed a queue of people paying to enter and guards inspecting those who sought entry.


As he approached the gate, some people in the queue shouted, "Hey!! Get in li—" but their words were cut off mid-sentence as they froze, stunned by Tian Jing's cold gaze.

 Tian Jing directed his steps straight towards the entrance, ignoring the line. The guards began to speak, "HAL-" but before they could finish, he released his aura.

Tian Jing's cold gaze sent shivers down the spines of those around him. "Move"

he commanded. He didn't shout, just saying regularly, but his voice echoed with authority. 

The guards started stuttering, "G-Grandmaster realm..." They immediately moved aside, not understanding why someone of his caliber was here.

Tian Jing quickly made his way to the largest building, the lord's castle. As he reached the entrance, the lord's guards shouted for him to stop, but they too, froze under the weight of his aura. He entered the castle and moved directly to the hall where the lord of the village resided. Without knocking, he pushed the door open and stepped inside, his presence filling the room.

Inside, he saw two women who looked like small and large versions of the same person – clearly a mother and daughter. The Lord stood up, surprise and anger flashing across his face, but he couldn't even utter a word before Tian Jing was right in front of him, his face cold and dark.

he tried to sense Tian Jing's cultivation, and as he realized he was just in the Grandmaster realm, he made a move and shouted, mocking him, "With your cultivation base, you dare to—" While he was shouting and throwing a punch at Tian Jing's face, Tian Jing moved suddenly, his hand a blur as it grabbed the lord's fist. Nobody could see his movement.

Tian Jing snorted coldly, "Know your place." With a swift motion, he broke the lord's arm and grabbed him by the collar, lifting him off the ground. The lord's face twisted in pain and shock as Tian Jing effortlessly threw him across the room.

The lord crashed into the wall, collapsing to the ground in a heap. The mother and daughter gasped, their eyes wide with fear and astonishment. 

His gaze locked onto the two beauties. They were both stunning, the mother with a mature elegance and the daughter with youthful charm, their features strikingly similar.

Tian Jing moved before them, examining something intently. As he began pondering, the menacing and cold expression on his face started to soften, gradually stopping its emission of fear. He had stopped using the Veil of Shadows when he leaved the forest ,and now his otherworldly handsome face was clearly visible to the mother-and-daughter duo. His sharp features and mesmerizing eyes left them momentarily breathless.

While he was still deep in thought, the two women began to feel a strange sensation about him. The aura of danger was still present, but now it was intertwined with an undeniable allure that drew them in.

He stopped thinking, turned back and nobody actually knew what it was about. The two ladies sighed with relief, but they looked a little sad?.

Tian Jing turned to the lord, who was still trying to get up. He grabbed him again and asked, "I don't have much time, and I don't like asking twice." His grip tightened, making the lord wince in pain. "Is there any slave market nearby?"

"Slave market?" The trio gasped, realizing it was all about that. They had thought he was here for some grudge or treasure. The Lord calmed a little and replied, "E-E-Esteemed One, actually there i—" He stopped in the middle of the sentence, fearing that Tian Jing might be a righteous person who would kill him if he revealed that the slave market originally belonged to him.

Seeing this, Tian Jing relaxed his grip slightly. "I don't care, just say it," he commanded.

The lord took a deep breath and continued, "There is a nearby market. I can lead you there... I-If you want."

Tian Jing released the lord completely, standing tall and imposing. "Good. You will take me there now" he ordered.

The lord nodded quickly, still shaken but relieved to be alive. "Y-Yes"

As the lord led the way, the mother and daughter watched them leave, still processing the unexpected turn of events. The lord glanced nervously at Tian Jing, who followed closely, his cold demeanor unwavering

Eventually, they arrived at a secluded compound guarded by rough-looking men. The lord stepped forward with a trembling voice. "Let us through. This esteemed one wishes to see the market."

The guards looked Tian Jing up, and hearing their lord's trembling voice, They quickly stepped aside without a word, allowing the two to enter.

As the lord deactivated the spiritual sense-blocking formation, Tian Jing immediately examined the surroundings. He was searching for someone whose heart was filled with hatred and a thirst for revenge, and someone who had lost all hope. He intended to transform this person into a follower using the 'Essence of Eternal Night'

His eyes scanned the cages meticulously. Suddenly, he spotted someone lying in a cage, a figure that caught his attention. She looked utterly defeated, her eyes void of hope, but her heart was clearly filled with rage and the desire for vengeance. He shouted "WHAT—"

and grabbed the lord's collar again, dragging him back. 

"Why... there is a Nine-Tailed Fox here?"

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