
Heir of Wrath: The Celestial Devourer

Tian Jing, the child of the Dragon God and Demon Goddess, carries the weight of his parents' last will and the hope for their revenge across the Nine Heavens. Starting his life anew, he gradually recovers the memories of his father teaching him about the cultivation world and cultivation techniques. Fortunate to encounter two great individuals, Tian Jing learns that the world can hold beautiful things beyond strength, wars, and domination over the weak. This revelation shifts his personality from being always cold and heartless to being cold and heartless most of the time. Embarking on his journey, Tian Jing understands that he is not a tool for vengeance but also an individual with the freedom to pursue his own desires.

GoofySleeper · Fantasy
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25 Chs

A Baby?

He continued to cultivate all night. Memories and knowledge still poured into his head, but it didn't hurt as much as before. At dawn, he opened his eyes and thought to himself, 'I... see.'

He got up from the bed and walked out of the room, looking for the couple. 'Should I shout?' he thought to himself. He knew nothing about conversation or relationships as he was technically a baby because he had only a little bit of the memories, and they were mostly about Dragon God's teachings about cultivation techniques.

"A-A-A-A Uhh!"

As he began to speak gibberish, the couple who had heard him arrived.

"Are you okay, young man?" the woman asked, confused by the situation.

The young man nodded. He needed time to speak normally, so he could only signal his stomach as he was really hungry. The couple didn't understand what was going on with him, but they didn't think too much about it. The woman gestured for him to follow her into the kitchen.

"Here, drink this," she handed him another bowl of soup, and without thinking for a second, he poured the soup down his throat. In the blink of an eye, he drank all the soup and immediately asked for more, looking at the soup pot. The couple looked at him in amazement. When he saw their expression, he didn't understand.

The soup contained not much, but a good amount of Spiritual Qi, and considering that he was really hungry, it was normal for him.

"Hahaahah, you really loved that soup, huh? You're lucky because it's the only thing we eat, as there's only one herb that grows in this forest," the middle-aged man broke the silence and added, "What is your name? Have you recovered some of your memories?"

Even though he couldn't speak properly, he tried. "I-I D-n-t av."

"You don't remember your name?" the middle-aged man asked, and the young man shook his head. "I- .dnt-ve" again, stating that he had no name. Unable to understand, the man asked another question.

"What about your father and mother? Do you remember them?"

Meanwhile, the woman gave the young man another bowl of soup. As soon as he got it in his hand, he drank it all in one go, and although they were not as surprised as the first time, an expression of surprise appeared on their faces again.

Hearing the question, the young man froze in place. Of course, he remembered. Although he didn't know about affection or love because he didn't get any, he knew his mother, how he was born, and how he got into this situation. But then he remembered his father's words. He didn't understand what he really meant. But that didn't change the fact that he didn't get any love or affection in his life.

"I -dn-t-ve," he answered the same, but now seemed a little saddened.

The couple was really confused by his answer, even more than the previous one. He knows his parents, but he doesn't have? They looked at each other confusingly; they couldn't understand, so they stopped thinking about it. Then he looked back at the pot of soup, and the two who saw this helplessly shook their heads. The woman gave him another bowl of soup, and he ate it in one gulp again. Just as the woman was about to ask a question, the young man threw himself into her arms involuntarily, catching her off guard with the sudden action. She was about to slap his face, but a snoring sound stopped both of their thoughts.


The young man had fallen asleep with an innocent face as if he had found peace. Seeing the expression on his face, a warm feeling appeared in both of them.

After some time, the couple gently carried and left him in his room. After a moment of silence, she muttered, "He looks like a baby."

Hearing this, the man's eyes widened. He looked at her, asking her to tell him what she meant.

"Think about it, his behavior, his gaze, his expression; he looks like someone who doesn't know how to speak well either," the woman said with a wry smile.

After thinking for a moment, the man nodded inwardly and looked into the woman's eyes with a gentle smile. "Do you remember how you always wanted a child? He looks like he needs parents." The two were mortals who had loved each other for years, living in a small wooden cottage in a small forest far away from the world. Their life was full of peace and happiness; they had been collecting herbs from the forest and made soup out of them and water from the river of the forest. They were two lucky ones who had each other in this cruel world, completely isolated from the outside world, spending their lives together. However, the duo had always had a wish: a child. Unfortunately, the woman could not give birth to a child, and although the man said it was not something too important to him, the woman still felt bad from time to time. But now, although he looked like a young man of 18, the young man sleeping in the next room truly resembled a baby.

The woman frowned and spoke with disapproval. "Yes, but this... this is different. He's not a child."

"Just try," the man urged. "Approach him as you would a child, just once. Who knows?"

She hesitated, then nodded slowly. "All right, I'll try. But if he does anything strange, I won't hold back."

The man chuckled. "Fair enough. Let's give him a chance."

While the two of them continued to chat, the young man lying on the bed began to sweat again as memories flooded his mind. These memories were only about the cultivation techniques. As the hours passed, he started to see the memory of the Qi Gathering Cultivation Technique used by the Dragon God.

'Dragon God's Qi Ascension Technique,' but the Dragon God said that it would greatly hinder his cultivation speed as he was not only a dragon but also a demon, so he said that he should find a way to fuse both the techniques used by the Demon Goddess and the Dragon God. It shouldn't be too difficult for him, as his comprehension speed will greatly increase when all the memories flow into his mind, and also, his natural talent as a celestial soul was unparalleled.

When it became painful, he stopped recalling memories and started cultivating. He wasn't using a Qi gathering cultivation technique, so normally, it would be very slow, but since he had fused two primordial veins with the legendary celestial veins, his cultivation speed was incredibly fast, even though there was only Spiritual Qi in the air.

He had previously thought that because the couple were mortals, he would most likely be in the lower heavens, and now his thought had been proven.

As he continued to cultivate all night long, he finally broke through to the second level of the Spirit Origin realm. He knew that there were 9 minor realms in each major realm, and each time he broke through, it would be harder and harder to reach another one.

When he finished cultivating, he pondered for a while, not knowing what to do. He knew he should continue the flow of his memories, but a part of him urged him to go outside and see the couple, but he didn't understand why he felt that way. Just then, the woman knocked on the door, and when she got no response, she went in, seeing the young man who was still lost in thought. Seeing him in this state, the woman chuckled inwardly, her eyes becoming caring and warm: "Hey! What are you thinking so deeply?" she asked curiously, without using the title of respect.

When he heard her voice and saw her standing right in front of him, a strange feeling filled him and he moved involuntarily and tried to hug her directly.

The middle-aged woman wanted to move, not understanding his behavior, but when she saw his innocent gaze, she involuntarily sighed and accepted his hug.

Minutes passed, but the embrace did not end, and the woman could not believe herself. She had formed a strange bond with this young man she had seen only two days ago. She looked at his face again, his eyes were closed, and he had a gentle smile on his face. She sighed to herself, 'I can't believe I'm doing this.'

"Do you want to call me Mother?"

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