
Heir of Wrath: The Celestial Devourer

Tian Jing, the child of the Dragon God and Demon Goddess, carries the weight of his parents' last will and the hope for their revenge across the Nine Heavens. Starting his life anew, he gradually recovers the memories of his father teaching him about the cultivation world and cultivation techniques. Fortunate to encounter two great individuals, Tian Jing learns that the world can hold beautiful things beyond strength, wars, and domination over the weak. This revelation shifts his personality from being always cold and heartless to being cold and heartless most of the time. Embarking on his journey, Tian Jing understands that he is not a tool for vengeance but also an individual with the freedom to pursue his own desires.

GoofySleeper · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Cruel World

"Do you want to call me Mother?"

"Call me Mother?"



The word echoed in his mind repeatedly. So far, he had acted on pure instinct. Mentally, he was only a few years old. All the knowledge he had gained was either combat experience or the Dragon God's teachings on cultivation techniques from the ancient cave.

He felt helpless. Part of him questioned how she could be his mother; it seemed somehow wrong. Yet another part of him didn't care and just wanted to call her "Mother." He didn't understand why he felt this way. As he continued to wrestle with his thoughts, she smiled warmly, noticing his confusion.

"It's okay, you can call me Mother," she encouraged gently.

He was already in her embrace, feeling the warmth and comfort of her touch. Overwhelmed by something he didn't know, he whispered, "Mother..."

Her smile widened, and she held him tighter. The warmth and comfort he felt seemed to be something he longed for.

His life had been really strange. Just two days ago, he had opened his eyes out of nowhere. Then, with memories flowing in, he learned a lot, and his understanding increased greatly. He had thought he wasn't a child, but now he understood something new: he was actually a child. He buried his face in her shoulder, allowing himself to feel vulnerable and loved.


Years passed, and the trio had now become completely accustomed to each other. The young man had mentally aged thousands of years. He had come a long way emotionally too, cultivating at night and continuing the flow of memories in the morning. Although he had initially chosen to cultivate at night by coincidence, he later learned that his parents were in the forest to escape the outside cultivation world. Understanding this, he decided to continue his practice at night to avoid drawing attention to them.

During the day, he helped his parents with their daily tasks, gathering herbs and maintaining the small wooden cottage they called home. The peaceful life they led was a stark contrast to the fierce battles and intense training he remembered from his fragmented memories.

Every evening, as the sun set and the forest was bathed in the soft glow of twilight, they would sit together and share stories. His parents would tell tales of their younger days, and he would listen intently, cherishing these moments of normalcy.

Despite his rapid mental aging and the vast knowledge he now possessed, he still cherished the simple joy of calling them 'Father and Mother' and feeling their warm embrace.

He also saw the Dragon God and Demon Goddess as his parents now and fully understood what he said (You can't call her mother yet). He felt the warmth and affection in the memories of them.

One normal day, as he finished cultivating, he felt a surge of energy unlike any he had experienced before. His Qi roared within him, a tidal wave of power building to a crescendo. The air around him began to vibrate, and a faint glow enveloped his body.

Suddenly, there was a loud crack, like thunder, and a shockwave erupted from his body, sending leaves and dust swirling into the air. The ground beneath him trembled as the shockwave spread outwards, shaking the trees and startling the forest creatures. He opened his eyes, feeling the rush of new strength coursing through his veins. His senses were heightened; every sound and movement around him became clear and vivid. He could feel the pulsing energy of the forest, the heartbeat of the earth itself.

"First-level Spirit GrandMaster Realm," he whispered to himself, a smile forming on his lips. The breakthrough had come at last. After just a couple of years of cultivating, he reached the 4th major realm. His cultivation speed was truly absurd.

Quickly regaining his composure, he stealthily made his way back to the cottage. Reaching the side of the house, he carefully climbed through his window and quietly entered his room, ensuring his parents remained unaware of his nightly activities. As he settled into his bed, he thought, "I finished all the memories of cultivation techniques and combat experience. Now what will I see?"

Closing his eyes, he allowed the flow of memories to continue. Suddenly, the images shifted, and he was no longer seeing techniques or battles. Instead, he saw scenes of unimaginable cruelty—innocent lives being taken, villages burned, and people suffering. These were the Dragon God's memories, showing the brutal reality of the world.

His body began to tremble, cold sweat forming on his brow. The pain and anguish in the memories were overwhelming. He gritted his teeth, trying to endure the emotional torment, but the scenes kept coming, each more horrific than the last.

He saw the Dragon God standing amidst the chaos, not as the perpetrator but as a witness to the brutality. The Dragon God's voice echoed in his mind, resonating with profound sadness and wisdom.

"You must understand that the world of cultivation is unforgiving. The strong rule over the weak. There is only one crime in this world: to be weak. Strength determines one's fate, and without it, you are at the mercy of those who have it."

Until that moment, he had never fully grasped why people fought so fiercely. Now, as the memories of innocent lives lost and the ruthless actions of the powerful played out before him, he began to understand the harsh truths of the cultivation world.

The Dragon God's voice continued, "Every person is a shade of gray. People act out of self-interest, driven by their desires and goals. Humans always saw demons as completely evil, but they are just a different type of race, especially naturally born demons, children of the Demon Goddess's subordinates. As the million years passed, their numbers exceeded billions, so only a few demons had their hearts filled with hatred and vengeance, and they were just a handful of broken-hearted individuals, not some evil people. But then there are those who are truly evil, causing harm and suffering without reason. I don't see them as individuals; they're just disgusting, psychotic things. I killed many, many, but alas, there will be evil no matter what."

The suffering of the innocents, the cries of the helpless, and the sheer ruthlessness of the powerful left a deep scar on his psyche. He could feel the tears streaming down his face as he silently screamed, wanting the memories to stop.

After what felt like an eternity, the memories finally faded, leaving him panting and drenched in sweat. His heart ached with the weight of the cruelty he had witnessed. He lay there, staring at the ceiling, trying to process the brutal truths he had just seen. With a heavy heart, he whispered to himself, "This world... it's cruel."

He took a deep breath, trying to steady himself, and decided to leave his room. Quietly, he opened the door and stepped out, making his way to the kitchen. There, he saw his parents standing side by side, preparing breakfast together. The sight of them brought warmth to his heart, easing some of the pain he had just experienced.

Feeling a sudden rush of affection, he walked up to them and wrapped his arms around both of them in a tight embrace. Startled, they looked at each other before turning their attention to him.

"What's gotten into you?" his mother asked with a gentle smile, stroking his hair.

"Nothing, really," he replied, his voice soft. "I just felt like it."

He thought to himself, They don't have profound veins, they can't cultivate, and I can't increase their lifespan in any way. I'll never tell them about cultivation.

His father patted him on the back. "Well, we're glad you did," he said, his voice full of warmth.

They sat down at the table, and his mother served a hot bowl of soup. As they began to eat, his father glanced at him curiously. "Are you sure everything's alright?" he asked.

"Yes, really," he said with a reassuring smile. "I just had a moment, that's all."

They continued their breakfast, and the warmth of the meal and the comfort of family eased the tension in his heart. He felt grateful for their presence, even though he would eventually part with them.


Years passed, and he continued to witness the Dragon God's memories filled with intrigues, schemes, and mind games. He accumulated vast amounts of knowledge and wisdom from these memories.

One normal day, while helping his mother, he suddenly felt something strange within his body—a different kind of energy, 'Yang Qi.' Despite his youthful appearance, his entire body, including all his profound veins and internal organs, had been renewed since his birth. Only now had his body begun producing Yang Qi.

"it's time"

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