
Heir of Wrath: The Celestial Devourer

Tian Jing, the child of the Dragon God and Demon Goddess, carries the weight of his parents' last will and the hope for their revenge across the Nine Heavens. Starting his life anew, he gradually recovers the memories of his father teaching him about the cultivation world and cultivation techniques. Fortunate to encounter two great individuals, Tian Jing learns that the world can hold beautiful things beyond strength, wars, and domination over the weak. This revelation shifts his personality from being always cold and heartless to being cold and heartless most of the time. Embarking on his journey, Tian Jing understands that he is not a tool for vengeance but also an individual with the freedom to pursue his own desires.

GoofySleeper · Fantasy
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25 Chs


"THEY TOOK HER!!" He shouted, even though he was only a soul, his voice shook the whole cave.


After a few minutes of shouting, he finally stopped, turning his gaze to the newborn soul.

"Haaaaaa... it will take a while before I can leave this place."

After a sigh, he began to explain. He started by explaining that when he is born in a body, he will begin to digest everything he has learned and that it will take years. Then he talked about the cultivation system, the structure of the 9 heavens, races, and basically everything he knew about the cultivation before he was just a soul.

"You are a Celestial Soul. Because of your soul, your body will awaken the Legendary Celestial Veins. Your body can absorb Celestial Qi, which is the purest form of Qi, giving you unparalleled cultivation speed, and you can use techniques with your Celestial Qi, making them many times stronger, yet-"

He paused for a few seconds before bursting into laughter.


After laughing for a while, he began to explain the Physiques, their uses, and the techniques he had used in his life. He also shared the techniques used by the Demon Goddess, as she had given them to him before her death. Years passed as the Celestial Soul absorbed the knowledge and some of his memories.

"Haaaaa... it's almost over," he sighed, then started.

"You should know that it won't be easy to maintain your body, as your Primordial Dragon Physique is constantly producing Yang Qi. There was a reason I was one of the most lustful creatures, and I had over a hundred concubines to stabilize my Yang Qi, but your situation is different. While your dragon physique will produce a huge amount of Yang Qi, your body fused with the demon goddess physique will not change your body parts as you are male, but your profound veins and dantian will change; you are male, so you can't produce Yin Qi. You will need lots of Yin Qi to maintain this physique; otherwise, your physique will corrupt, and you will die."

He finished his sentences with a grin and added, "But since you can use 'Essence of Eternal Night,' you can create followers that can produce a huge amount of Yin Qi. (The technique used by the Dragon Queen to create subordinates.) Not as much as your mo..." His sentence ended with a complicated expression, and after thinking for a while, he made a serious and menacing expression.

"Kid..... even though she sees you as her child, I do not and will not forgive you if you ever call her your mother." He turned his gaze away and turned his back, "Not before you are worthy of it."

He waited a little and shared his memories of the last moments: his fight with other gods, his anger, his despair, his pain, his departure with his wife, and why he left the body and became just a soul. "You are our hope, our revenge, our last will." "But you are not just a tool. You are-" he realized the soul didn't have a name.

"You will find who you are, then you can name yourself." He finished his sentence and started, using soul power and imparted the Celestial Soul into the unfused soulless body of the Dragon God and Dragon Goddess.

As the Celestial Soul entered the body, a third profound vein began to awaken as the body began to absorb Celestial Qi with the help of the Dragon God's Soul.

As the Celestial Veins awakened fully, the other two profound veins started to fuse with the Celestial Veins. That's why only a Celestial Soul could use this body as it is the supreme vein that could suppress other ones. While the weird-shaped body started to transform into a young male body.

As the transformation was finishing, the soul figure of the Dragon God started to disappear. "I won't give you my soul because your soul can't be together with another one," he said weakly as it was about to end for him. He sighed and looked up, "10th Heaven, huh?" Many cultivators believed that there was an afterlife due to the absence of the one who created the first beings, and it was called the 10th heaven, but alas, many didn't believe it because there was no evidence.

He asked silently as he vanished into nothingness, "Are you there?"


A young man snapped his eyes open and sat up from a lying position. He was tall and regal, with an otherworldly presence. His dark purple hair flowed down to his shoulders, shimmering with an ethereal sheen that rippled like a midnight waterfall. His piercing purple eyes, a perfect match for his hair, glowed with an intense, mysterious light that reflected both ancient wisdom and untamed power. Draped in dark, flowing robes that seemed to merge with the shadows, he found himself in the middle of a forest.

For a moment, his eyes flashed with a feeling of confusion and discomfort as he gasped for breath, his whole body drenched in cold sweat. He opened his mouth, but no words came out, as if he didn't know what to say.

"ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" He screamed in pain as the memories began to appear in his mind, his sound echoing throughout the forest.

A hope. 'Our revenge.' 'Celestial soul.' 'Find your path.'

"Uhh," as his mind continued to flood with countless memories, he groaned in pain.

"Are you all right, young man?" Suddenly he heard the soft voice of a middle-aged woman. He opened his eyes and looked around. He was lying in a small bed in a small wooden room. He looked at her in confusion.

"Oh? You are awake," a middle-aged man entered the room with a bowl of soup; something looked greasy.


The young man tried to open his mouth, but nothing came out, as if he didn't know how to speak.

The couple looked at each other in confusion and pondered for a while.

'It seems he has lost his memory.'

"You should rest for a while," the middle-aged man said as he put the soup on the table. "Drink it, it will make you feel better," he added with a pat on the shoulder, then nodded to his wife, leaving him alone in the room.

"Are you worried, love?"

He nodded before speaking, "He doesn't look like he's from around here, his robes, his facial features, he must be someone important," he hesitated for a while "He could be a cultivator."

As she hears this, her face becomes slightly darker as she recalls the last time she met a Cultivator: "We live in this small forest to avoid them, but it looks like heavens have a different plan."

"What should we do?" her husband asked reluctantly, and she sighed, "Nothing, I don't think there's anything we can do if he's really a cultivator. He doesn't seem like a bad person; of course, it could be because he's lost his memory, Let's hope for the best and see.

Meanwhile, the young man sat up, trying to steady his breath. His body ached, and his mind was a whirlwind of fragmented memories and emotions. The words "Celestial Soul" echoed persistently, urging him to remember. He glanced around the small room, taking in the modest surroundings.

The warm aroma of the soup on the table wafted toward him, and he realized how good it smelled. With a trembling hand, he reached for the bowl and brought it to his lips. The hot liquid soothed his throat and brought a measure of comfort to his weary body.

'A Spiritual Soup'

The soup appeared in his mind suddenly

As he sipped the soup, his mind began to clear slightly, and he tried to piece together the memories that had assaulted him. 

Determined, he finished the soup and set the bowl aside. He needed to remember who he was and why he was here. His body still felt weak, but his body urged him to cross his legs immediately.

He closed his eyes, crossed his legs, and felt a faint warmth in his chest, a flicker of energy. He concentrated on it, willing it to grow. The process was slow and frustrating, but he persisted, driven by the fragments of memory.

Minutes passed, and suddenly, he felt something. It was the Qi. He began to circulate it, feeling the energy flow through his meridians. The unexpected familiar sensation brought a sense of calm and focus. 

as he sensed the Qi all over his body ,tiny shockwaves rippled through the air, signaling his breakthrough

'Spirit Origin Realm'

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