
Heir of Chaos.

Guys I just write what I want to write. Starts off in Harry Potter there’s a Harem there is multiverse travel. Marvel world was involved at some point. If you don’t know me from my other stories than I’ll inform you here and now. I am chaos incarnate.

Ryan_Colman · Book&Literature
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189 Chs

Different kinds of people.

"What? Santa is real?" Emmet asks in shock. But that wasn't the only shocked question.

"Your married already?" Bella asks seeing how young I am.

"I can get extra presents if I catch Santa?" Alice asks excitedly.

"Yes Santa is real, yes I have multiple wives, wizarding laws require me to have a wife for every lordship I have, I can also have consorts and slaves if I so wanted. Their laws are very outdated. And I'd advise against catching Santa as he was pretty upset when Luna caught him and she got coal every year after. Of course this may have to do with the fact she caught him with a bear trap but I guess that's besides the point." I ponder for a moment. "Regardless it's Ill advised to catch any kind of fairy as they have a tendency to do nasty tricks on people."

They just gape at me.

"She's an odd little duck but it's okay." I say with a fond smile.

"Well I guess all of that's a thing now, moving on." Edward says. "Tonight we are supposed to meet up with the wolves and discuss some of the plans for when the newborns arrive. There's a big clearing in the woods we usually go to. Your welcome to follow along."

"Sure I've got nothing to do until they arrive. Honestly finding vampires in a city like Seattle by myself would be like finding a needle in a haystack." I shrug. "Plus it would put me in a crowded area and I'd be outnumbered not good odds to walk into."

Or course I'd probably still win but not without some massive damage to the area which might drag in some innocents which would probably put some black marks on my record. Not good for a first job.

"Better to just wait for them here now that you know they are coming." Carlisle says.

"We are supposed to meet them in an hour or so. We kind of got distracted by your arrival and we should be heading out. Do you need Alice or emmet to carry you?" Edward asks me finding the idea of tiny Alice carrying me hilarious.

"Nah I'll just use my board and follow along behind you guys." I say digging in my trunk for my hoverboard.

"Board?" He asks curiously as I pop out a nice surfboard style piece of wood covered in runes and metal around the edges that glow and shine in the light. I set it down on the ground and it hovers high enough for me to step on and slide my feet into the little grips.

The males in the room look at it practically drooling. "Is that really a hoverboard? How fast can it go? How high?" They start spewing questions in childish wonder.

"Yep and it can go almost 200 miles an hour and it usually doesn't go above tree tops but that's a personal preference it can go as high as it wants." I tell them. "We should probably get to your meeting. You can play with it later."

"Ah right." Edward scoops up Bella and Alice jumps on my board behind me wrapping her arms around me and snuggling into my back. I figure she wants to play on the new toy.

With that everyone heads out the door into the woods. I zip off behind the speedy vampires whooshing along the ground and diving around trees and under branches.

There's a 100% chance they will all want to play with it later seeing the looks on their faces. Even if I don't like flying I can't lie this is fun as shit.

It doesn't take long to reach the clearing as vampires can run faster than 100 miles per hour. Of course they slow down a bit so Bella doesn't get whiplash and to make sure I'm following them properly.

The wolves haven't arrived yet so I let them take the board for a spin while we wait. I also start a nice small magical fire to warm the area as it's pretty chilly and kind of dark. There's supposed to be snow here in the next few weeks. Also I can cook some hotdogs and marshmallows with Bella. A mans gotta eat.

About 20 minutes later there's some rustling in the woods as the pack arrives. Alice has warned us ahead of time so I could get my board. It's not always good to show your stuff to strangers. The magical fire at this point in time looked just like a regular fire. They will probably find out eventually what I am.

There's some more rustling as they all come out of the woods but that's when things get a little bit strange. They look like they are about to either shift form or have Edward translate thoughts when there's a different kind of commotion.

A slimmer wolf with a grayish colors eyes click onto me. Then every one of the other wolves eyes click onto her and even Edward raises his eyebrows in shock.

"Wha? If it about the hotdogs I brought enough to share?" I say holding out the big pack of hotdogs and some buns.

"Well it seems there's going to be an interesting show tonight." Edward says looking at me with a smirk.

"I see your speaking in riddles. You want a beating?" There's a woosh as Alice is in front of me. There's some distinct growling coming from the wolf and the girl.

"Well it appears that miss Clearwater over there has imprinted on you." Edward says.

Bella lets out a gasp as she knows what that means.

"Oh? Oh! Well I guess this is going to be a weird day after all. I haven't even been here for more than 6 hours and I've already attracted this much trouble. I'll have to ask for a raise when I see aunt Amelia again." I say with a sigh.

"Your taking all of this remarkably well, you do know what imprinting means correct?" He asks me curiously.

"Yep I know what it means, perfect soul mate all that stuff. And we did just have a chat about Santa and bear traps soooo I've been in worse situations." I tell the boy.

"Fair enough." He replies.