
Heir of Chaos.

Guys I just write what I want to write. Starts off in Harry Potter there’s a Harem there is multiverse travel. Marvel world was involved at some point. If you don’t know me from my other stories than I’ll inform you here and now. I am chaos incarnate.

Ryan_Colman · Book&Literature
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189 Chs

Acquiring stuff.

After the teacher left we were able to do whatever we wanted for the rest of the day since classes would be starting tomorrow. I wanted to head into the city to set up some orders for items at the local blacksmith.

I finished putting our clothes away under the bed in a little trunk speaking of clothes. "Xiao Wu do you have any other clothes?" I ask the little girl who was bouncing on the soft bedding.

She wasn't carrying anything other then a small sack with a few items in it so.

"No why?" She asks curiously.

"Ugh come on then we have to go buy you some other clothes. I'm also heading into the city cause I need some items." I explain as she follows along.

I call out Albedo as soon as we exit the school also which school lets 6 year olds just freely roam outside?

Xiao Wu was frightened by the sudden appearance of the succubus.

"You called master?" She asks picking me up and smooshing me between her breasts.

"I need you to help buy Xiao Wu clothes." I explain pointing at the little girl who is shaking in fear from the monstrous aura being released by Albedo. "Also conceal your aura we are trying to not attract attention."

I pass her a few coins. Raphtalia already had new clothes from Death. There were some clothes shops in the area we were heading I figured she could shop with Xiao Wu while i put in my order at the smithy.

We split up once we hit the children's clothing area. Xiao Wu has calmed down when presented carrots and I explained Albedo was my other summon, it also helped Albedo wasn't human with her horns and wings.

Arriving at the smithy I was quickly greeted by a large hulking man covered in soot.

"Can I help ya lad?" He asks noticing my patch from the spirit hall signifying I'm a spirit grandmaster at such a young age.

"I need to put in a few orders for items actually." I reply calmly.

"Follow me." He leads us over to a counter and takes out a pencil and some paper. "Now what will you be needing."

"I need a mobile forge built alone with a proper anvil, I would also like a long style grill with a lid. Some pots and pans and some cooking utensils all the best quality please." I say as he writes them down.

"We have some pots and pans already here and some cooking utensils." He puts some items on the counter I inspect which are all nice quality.

"The other items will have to be made as I don't have a spare anvil. The total will be around 4 gold." He says calculating up the costs in materials and labor.

I just put the coins on the counter and he writes me up a receipt and signs it. "They will be done in a few days time and you can come back to collect it." He says passing me to receipt.

"Anything else lad?"

"I could use a few barrels and some raw ores if you have any for sale?" I ask the man.

"Aye we do, not planning to open up a new shop and run me out of business are ya?" He asks with a chuckle.

"Nope just a personal hobby." I reply.

He has some of his assistants drag up some barrels of ore and a few empty ones. "Is iron alright?" He asks

"Perfect how much?"

"How bout 70 silver?" He asks as I pass him the coins.

I store the barrels in the farm. Pretending it's my spatial ring. Space items are indeed found in this world.

He gives me more respect cause spatial items are indeed expensive.

"I'll be back for the forge and other items in a few days and thank you for the help." I tell the man before leaving.

Worried about being robbed? Nah if anyone tries Albedo will just slaughter them.

We head off to the food stalls and I pick up some cooking oils and other little seasonings I didn't have access to in the village. Oils are expensive so are honey and other goods like that. Most of the time they just use fat to cook stuff in the village.

I store those in my space ring, since things in my ring don't rot or go bad. We meet back up easily with the other two who had gotten the girl some other items besides clothes like some small soaps and such.

There were showers at the school but I would be using my farm to bathe since I had set up the hotspring noble phantasm at the unanimous request of all the females. Since the farm had become a spot to train they got hot and sweaty and the spring would help relieve aches and pains and keep you clean. So I didn't mind. There was of course split sides for male and female however that didn't stop some of the more Pervy girls like Yue, Death, Or some of the more open ones like Musubi coming to bathe with me. My dangly bits don't even work right now since I'm so young so they only enjoy washing my back or hair which is nice.

"Did you have fun shopping?" I ask Xiao Wu who nods happily.

"Yes thank you for buying me stuff." She says holding the package of items to her chest and bowing.

"No problem that's what big brothers do right?" I say patting her head.

Albedo hands me the leftover change and picks me up again. When she is around I'm never allowed to walk I'm like some human dolls she carries happily.

We head back to the academy and put the items we bought while I pull out some food for us to eat I had some meals saved up. Albedo joined us aswell while we chowed down. It wasn't too late so we chatted for a while and got to know each other better.