
Heavens Academy

Heavens Academy, it is known as an institution for the Talented, but behind the mask, it is an Academy for bringing up half-gods, children born of Angel and human race. But for what reason? Is it war against God or against Devil?What are the true identities of these Celestial Beings?What are the reason for human creation? The truth is unraveled little by little and It is because of an unexpected fallen star, Theo and his lovely companion a fallen angel, Lucia. Release: A chapter each on Tuesdays Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays every week

Sam_Fole · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Chapter Two

I saw myself on the beach, there was a black feather, it seemed to be in a battle, I looked closer to notice it was fighting against a white feather, there were both tiny but yet the power they were exhibiting was enough to shake the earth. The ground started to cave in, hands grasping my body.

I woke up with sweat all over my body, my head was hurting. It was already dark but I noticed my body was covered with bandages because of a fire that was set up next to me, it also made out the surroundings, it looked like we were in a forest.

"Oh you're awake" A familiar voice spoke, I looked at the voice's direction, it was Luke, with other students. That was when I remembered what had happened, the students screaming, some even dying.

I looked around, we weren't much, "I'm guessing these are the survivors"

Luck chuckled "You're quick to adapt"

"I guess" I said picking myself up "Now tell me what our situation is?"

Luke was about to reply when one of the students started throwing a tantrum

"Hey you whatever your name is, don't think you can just wake up and control us all, I am from a high ranking clan, I refuse to obey a rat" The guy yelled

I looked at the guy "What's your name?"

"Why would I tell a rat like you my name?" he said coming closer, I looked around, it seemed everyone was on his side. Then I will just have to crush his pride.

"Rat like me? You've been here crying like a baby, doing what? Nothing!" I started walking towards him.

"If you're from a high ranking clan, then you should be able to survive in this forest alone"

He looked around, everyone else was already murmuring that I was right, he had no choice but to sit down. I looked at Luke, "The situation?"

"Well, apart from us everyone else are dead"

"And the conductor?"

"He was nowhere to be found, he must have used teleportation magic"

"Luke, this is no time for silly jokes"

"Theo, I'm not joking" Luke replied sternly

I wanted to reply back but we heard the sound of a tiger, I turned to see something that looked like a tiger, only it had black wings and snake tail. It pounced at us but hit something an invisible wall.

I looked at Luke "That was the barrier set up by Iris" he told me and handed me a paper.

"It was found while we were searching for resources, we've already read it but you should read it yourself"

I opened up the paper, it read:

If you're reading this, then you must have survived the first test, Well congratulation's to all of you, now where you are is an undiscovered place, it's called the demonic woods, you are to survive and find Angel grace Academy, the school is at the exit if the forest, and as a reward you have a map, just infuse some divine energy and it will appear, Good luck.

Oh and watch out for demons, all of you are half-gods so you should be able to manage. I look forward to seeing you.

Master Mendeleev

The Principal

It didn't look like a prank considering that weird tiger thing, so that was a demon. I looked up with a smirk, "We're going to survive, don't worry about it"

Luke looked at me, he smirked "Yeah, we're all going to survive this, after all we are half-gods" he yelled and everyone else became motivated.

I looked at the forest, demons huh? I never thought that one day I would find myself hunting anything, especially not demons. I laughed at myself and then a thought came to me.

"Have any of you actually fought a demon?" I asked.

None of them replied, this was worse than I thought.

"But most of us have already gone through vigorous training" A girl replied.

I looked at her, smiling at least she has given me hope

"Umm my name is Iris" she said with a smile.

So she was the one who set up the barrier.

"Thanks Iris, you've done so much already" I smiled at her and for some reason she started to blush and silently walked away.

Luke came to me, "We should probably get some rest, we've already packed the resources we could find and we'll need strength for the journey"

I agreed with him, we obviously needed strength if we were going to venture into a forest full of hungry demons.

Everyone slept on the floor using bags as their pillow, as I lay down on the grass, I couldn't help but laugh at myself. I had thought Luke was crazy but now I'm not even sure if I'm alright. Waking up this morning, totally not expecting all this.

"Theo… are you still awake?" I turned to see Luke looking at me.

"Hey Luke, I want to apologise"

"Don't worry about it, if I were you, I'm sure I would have done the same thing"

"Yeah thanks"

"There's something I've been meaning to tell you"

"Yeah?" I replied looking at the sky

"Don't tell anyone but I'm a girl"

It took me a while to.understand what he had just said.

"Wait what?"

"Yes I did it to hid my identity"

"And that is?" I asked.

"Lucia, that's all you need to know" she replied.

I sighed, "well if you say so" I said before closing my eyes, Luke didn't speak again and a few minutes I heard snoring, he had already slept.

I thought of my mum and what she would be doing, probably watching her tv program. At that spot, I promised myself to survive and see her again.

And with that I dozed off.