
Heavens Academy

Heavens Academy, it is known as an institution for the Talented, but behind the mask, it is an Academy for bringing up half-gods, children born of Angel and human race. But for what reason? Is it war against God or against Devil?What are the true identities of these Celestial Beings?What are the reason for human creation? The truth is unraveled little by little and It is because of an unexpected fallen star, Theo and his lovely companion a fallen angel, Lucia. Release: A chapter each on Tuesdays Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays every week

Sam_Fole · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Chapter 1

Theseus Blackheart

Hey you, yes you, if you're reading this, then I must tell you, get

prepared for information that will leave your mind wondering about the

true essence of demons, angels and Devil's true identity and essence of

humans. This is something I lived, trust me it is more than I thought it

will be.

My name is Theseus Blackheart, I used to live a normal life with my

mum, my dad, well he left one day to get milk and never came back. My

life at school was average, with average grades, I have decent looks

despite never having a love letter given to meat the time, talk less of

having a girlfriend, then it all changed, I had just finished middle school

last winter, normally my mum teachesme how to use the sword, and

hired other professionals to teach me martial arts, at first I was against it

but after some pestering from my mother I gave in.

When did it all start? ah yes, it happened on my seventeenth birthday, I

was at the sea bay, salty breeze blowing into my face and the sound of

waves crashing into each other filled my ear.

"It's nice isn't it?"

I recognized that voice, I turned around to see my father standing with a

warm smile, and he walked up to me, took my hand and placed

something on it. Immediately he let go of it, my hand started to burn, I

screamed. My dad didn't seem to care, because all he did was smile

leaving me yet again, with only few words, which were engraved into

my memory.

"Use the gift well my son, you will need it"he said before vanishing.

I cried out for him, forgetting about the burn on my hand, before I could

run after him, a sinister voice spoke "Come down little hero" it started

cackling and the ground opened up swallowing me into an abyss and

then I woke up.

I was covered in sweat, I laid on my bed pondering on what had just

happened, and the voice I had heard were still giving me creeps. I looked

out my window, the sun had come out.

"Oh no!" I said out loud, I hurried out of bed, quickly took my bath and

rushed downstairs, half dressed, with my black suit shirt in my hand,my

mum was already on the couch, drinking coffee. "You woke up late and

on your first day" I was expecting more but that was all she said.

I had totally forgotten about my entrance ceremony to my new school,

Heavens Academy, I had just gotten admission into the school to start

high school.I looked at the clock, it was already 8 am and the occasion

was supposed to start around 8:30 am, I was going to be late again.

I took a slice of bread and spread jam on it, I gave my mum a peck and

waved her bye, I took the bread and held it with my mouth, immediately

rushing out the door, I hoped on my bicycle and rode it, hitting the

pedals as fast as I could.After some twist and turns and a fewcrashes, I

was able to catch the bus at the academy bus stop, the academy had its

own bus that was designed for only students of the academy.

I entered the bus only after showing the driver my identity as a student,

he looked at me eerily, then smirked, "I have a feeling this year is going

to be a blast" He said with a British accent, I guess he was British. The

faces in the bus didn't look so welcoming, they either had this look of

disgust or they would just ignore. I took a seat at the back, this was

definitelygoing the opposite of my expectations.

Then again, why should I be surprised? Each of them here were families

of high status, rich and wealthy, wearing flashy and expensive clothes,

looking at me with my outdated suit, to them Iwasnothing but trash.

I felt a hand tap my shoulder, it was the boy next to me, he was light

skinned with golden curled hair and he would pass out to be one of the

most handsome guys here but in clothing, he looked worse than me, he

was on a suit but it was rumpled and old.

"I know how you feel" The boy told me with a smile.

"My name is Luke" He reached for a handshake, I accepted it "Mine is


"Don't you feel nervous?" I asked.

"Of course I do, all of us are, it is going to be challenging after all?"

"Challenging? What do you mean? It's only the entrance ceremony" I

gave him a puzzled look.

Lukegave mea strange stare like I had said the weirdest thing ever.

"Theo, why did you chose this academy?"

"Why else? To finish high school just like all of you."

"Theo, I think you're getting this all wrong" He gave me a look that

made me worry.

"What do you mean?" I looked at him sternly.

"Heavens Academy isn't a high school for teenagers" Luke paused like

he was about to drop something big

"Wait what?"

He brought me closer and whispered

"It's a training Academy for demi-gods"

I laughed, like really loud. The whole bus turned to look at me probably

thinking I was a maniac. I didn't care, because the guy I just met, Luke,

was a hot lunatic who thinks Demi-gods and gods like Zeus were real.

He looked embarrassed that I was laughing so I stopped. He looked at

me with serious eyes "Theo, Ithink you're getting the wrong idea"

"Oh really?"Ireplied chuckling,

"It's more serious than minor's like Zeus, its way beyond that"

I gave Luke one more look and came up with a conclusion, he was

crazy, a lunatic. Ihad seen varietiesof weirdness in my life but this

deserved an Oscaraward. I wanted to tell him when Ifelt my head hit

the bus roof, and the next minute Iwas tumbling from one side to

another. Apparentlythe bus had turned overafter coming in contact with

a sports car, and because the bus was on a hill road at that time, it started

falling through asteep side.

As it rolled down the hill, we each had held to different parts of the bus,

it didn't do much though, soon enough the bus started falling apart.

Some of them who were already frightened started screaming, there was

young girl at my front, around fifteen, she was crying, Istretched out my

hand to help her but the bus panel flew and smashed her head into bits.

The blood splattered to my face, then Ifelt a sharp pain on my head and

before Iknew what was going on, everything turned blank.