
Heavens Academy

Heavens Academy, it is known as an institution for the Talented, but behind the mask, it is an Academy for bringing up half-gods, children born of Angel and human race. But for what reason? Is it war against God or against Devil?What are the true identities of these Celestial Beings?What are the reason for human creation? The truth is unraveled little by little and It is because of an unexpected fallen star, Theo and his lovely companion a fallen angel, Lucia. Release: A chapter each on Tuesdays Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays every week

Sam_Fole · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Chapter Three

By the time I woke up, Luke and the others had already packed and was giving out roles. I dusted myself and got up, Luke saw I had woken up and proceeded to tell me about their strategy.

"First, we'll need to understand the forest, whether there is something edible"

"Then what?" I replied while packing my things.

"We'll supposedly find food and water to survive on"

"How about the demons?" I asked really uneasy.

"Yes that would be a problem, regarding the fact that none of us have ever fought one"

I sighed before Luke encouraged me

"Some of the students are mages and some are already good at swordsmanship, one thing is for sure we won't go down without a fight" Luke gave a short pause.

"And from my information, out of all of us, we have two, four-star mages and three sword masters, unfortunately I don't know their identity apart from Iris, she is a four-star mage"

"Wait, what's up with the ranking?"

Before Luke could reply, Iris interrupted us by saying she was about to take down the barrier.

"I'll explain on the way" He replied and we both joined them.

"Okay everyone ready?" I asked.

They nodded, I counted, we were a total of fifteen. Silently I hoped we could make it out alive.

"Iris…" I signaled her.

She nodded and started saying some strange words, the barrier became visible for some moments before disappearing.

"Okay then let's start going" Luke started the way and we all followed.

* * * *

After a whole thirty minutes of walking through the Demon

woods without any sight of demons, I began to wonder about what Luke had told me, so I asked him.

"Explain those Rankings for me"

"Oh yeah, I forgot"

He explained that there were rankings in magic, weapon use and martial arts. Those who used magic are called mages, those who used the weapons are called warriors or fighters, while those who use martial arts are called Martial Artists. Every one of them use something called Divine energy to boost their skills and only Half-gods can use Divine Energy. Mages use more Divine energy than both of them, they were also Mage Fighter, those who can use both. Then we have hero's those who can use all three and even have a Heavenly Domain Expansion, he said he couldn't explain that since he hadn't seen it himself.

Rankings consists of 7 stars, starting from the lowest, One to Seven. Seven Star Half-gods are hard to find, apparently there are only five in the whole world presently who have been discovered, seven stars can't use Heavens domain expansion but can use simple domain expansion. After that, we have Saints, only these people can create a heaven domain expansion. They were capable of world catastrophe on solo.

I shivered hearing that, then something came to me. "What about demons?" I asked.

Luke shifted nervously, he didn't reply, I wanted to pester him when we heard something like growling, we looked at the direction of the sound. It was coming from a demon, it had a horse's head but a human's body and a horn. It came charging at us with incredible speed. Luckily, one of the boys, Dylan, reacted quickly by using his spear to thrust through its body, piercing it to the ground, but it still kept struggling not showing any signs of pain, before one of the girls, Sophie ran and cut the demon's head off, with that it evaporated, turning into ash, I took note that they only die when their head is cut off.

"Well that was easy" Dylan said as he removed his spear.

I wanted to ask how he got those weapons but more growlings were coming from around us. The mages started casting spells while the fighters, they brought out weapons from the air. I reminded myself to ask them how to do that if we got through this.

Luke pulled out a sword and gave it to me. I took it instantly and prepared to fight. We were surrounded by like thirty of the Human-Horse demons. I reminded them to focus on the head and cut that off. They started charging towards us and our first battle with the demons began.