
Heavens Academy

Heavens Academy, it is known as an institution for the Talented, but behind the mask, it is an Academy for bringing up half-gods, children born of Angel and human race. But for what reason? Is it war against God or against Devil?What are the true identities of these Celestial Beings?What are the reason for human creation? The truth is unraveled little by little and It is because of an unexpected fallen star, Theo and his lovely companion a fallen angel, Lucia. Release: A chapter each on Tuesdays Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays every week

Sam_Fole · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Chapter Four

I felt pain all over my body, my muscles were hurting a lot, we had managed to kill all of the demons with little casualties, some were injured but not serious.

It was already noon according to my clock, I had carried one in my bag. We decided to set up the barrier there and rest while a group of four made of a fighter, a martial artist and Two mages, to scout the area for food and water. The four people chosen were Dylan, Felix, Catherine and Joan.

We unpacked our things and started analyzing what we've learnt so far,

"According to Andre, those demons are called Hermits, the attack in group because of their weakness, lack of techniques and inability to cast spells"

They all looked at me, I knew what they were thinking, "what good is that information?"

"It means that they are denona out there capable of techniques and spell casting, meaning we need to be careful"

"What about Dylan and the others?" One of the students, Nick asked. Nick had a well built body, average in height and had black hair, he showed a lot of potential during the battle, he was a mage in the Necromancy class. He was able to raise four skeletons and control them at the same time to fight for us, he was probably one of the four star mages.

I was about to reply when the four of them passed through the barrier with fruits, some raw meat and bottles of water.

Everyone cheered as the dropped the items, Luke went to examine them,

"How did you find these?"

"Well we were just walking to the east, Catherine said we would find water there and we did and close to the water were rabbits and trees with fruits "Dylan replied.

"And how did Catherine know where water was?" I asked walking towards her, she started looking nervous.

"Stop Theo, you're scaring her" Luke stopped me.

" She's a mage, priest class, it natural for them to adapt to nature and survive. " Luke added.

"Besides, she won't betray us, would you?" He gave Catherine a frightening look, she yelped and hid behind Dylan, was something going on between them?.

We spent the rest of the time preparing the food and talking about our abilities and how we beat those hermits butt, after resting we continued journeying, we couldn't use the map since none of us knew how to pour divine energy to another object, so instead we decided to explore the forest to gather food and train, Dylan would take me to a corner and teach me how to cultivate my Divine energy and use it will fighting, we met another herd of hermits but we easily defeated them these time, we improving rapidly. Eventually night came, we ate, merried, we used our bags as pillow and laid on the ground to sleep.

I couldn't sleep so I gazed at the stars, it was the first time I was seeing the stars so clearly,

"Pretty right?" Luke sat right beside me, we hadn't talked much since the hermit incident.

"Yeah" Followed with an uncomfortable silence, Luke pulled himself closer to me.

"You're doing great even though you weren't aware of this stuff" he said.

"Yeah, I'm actually surprised myself"

I paused.

"Is it true? That You're a g…" Luke shut my mouth and whispered into my ear.

"How about we go somewhere farther?"

I complied and we passed the barrier.

Luke took to me a stream, it was a little far from the others but I didn't really care.

Luke pulled his clothes and I immediately turned my eyes. Luke had boobs and a vagina, which would mean, he wasn't lying that he was a girl, that he was Lucia.

Lucia walked up to me and held my face "C'mon let's take a bath" her voice was mesmerizing, she was beautiful like a fallen angel.

I pulled my clothes, Lucia started to kiss me, I kissed her back and we went into the stream to bath together

†. †. †.


"Principal Mendeleev, do really think anyone would make it?, we haven't had any survivors for the last six years" Daemon asked the Principal.

"Do you question my judgement?" Mendeleev looked at Daemon intensly

"No, Master, I'm merely just giving a suggestion"

"The real competition is about to start, tell Him to get ready, snacks are about to get served" Mendeleev gave a wicked smirk.

"As expected from my Lord" Daemon said before disappearing into the dark