
Heavens Academy

Heavens Academy, it is known as an institution for the Talented, but behind the mask, it is an Academy for bringing up half-gods, children born of Angel and human race. But for what reason? Is it war against God or against Devil?What are the true identities of these Celestial Beings?What are the reason for human creation? The truth is unraveled little by little and It is because of an unexpected fallen star, Theo and his lovely companion a fallen angel, Lucia. Release: A chapter each on Tuesdays Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays every week

Sam_Fole · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Chapter Thirteen

It had been an hour since Luke and the others left to find the seal leaving, Patricia, Rose, Nick, Arthur and me behind to watch the wyrm. It didn't seem to notice us, this will be easy as baking a pie, I thought to myself, we sat on the grass still observing the wyrm.

"Interesting right?" I turned to see Patricia sitting next to me

"Yeah, an Ancient Chaos, right in front of us, it's just incredible" I said a little bit excited.

"So what is your story?" She asked

"It's pretty boring, if you ask me" I replied

"Well then bore me" Patricia smiled, I laughed, she was cute but I was pretty sure if Luke saw this, he would blow my head off.

"Let's get to Academy and I promise to tell you everything" Patricia looked at me in the eye for some seconds and then kissed me. For some moments it felt like the world stopped, she was an incredible kisser, even better than Luke (Lucia). After what seemed like forever she removed her lips from mine.

"Theo, I like you like a lot" She said her cheeks red.

Arthur, Rose and Nick were surprised at her confession.

"I think I like you too" To be honest she was cute so why not? I'm pretty sure Luke wouldn't mind a threesome.

She smiled and kissed me again, then Dylan appeared right behind her.

He held her throat and threw her towards a tree bark, luckily she glided using ice and landed safely. Dylan grunted and brought his spear.

"Luke, Stop" I tried to stop him but Arthur blocked my way, unsheathing his dagger.

"Arthur, you don't want to do this" I said summoning my sword.

"Trust me, he does"

I looked behind to see Sophia with her sword aimed at me.

"What the hell is up with you guys?" I said with my guards up

"I'd ask you the same thing" Luke's voice sounded from above.

He was on top of the wyrm with Iris and Olivia tied up and gagged, close to his feet, damn I was too distracted to notice the wyrm was already gone.

"What's the meaning of all this Luke?" I didn't know what to do but I couldn't let him know that, I was surrounded by my group members, Sophia and Arthur. Rose, Nick and Dylan were facing against Patricia, who seemed to be losing, while our strongest mages Olivia and Iris was kidnapped by my Lover.

"All this is because you betrayed us"

"Betrayed? What do you mean betrayed?" I asked confused.

"Don't act like you don't know?" Luke yelled with frustration.

"Is it about the kiss? I'm sorry okay, you don't have to take it this far"

"Kiss? Who the heck cares about that? I'm talking about your deal with Asmodeus and Athena" Luke seemed furious

"You must have hit your head somewhere, Luke, I'd never do something so horrible"

"Arthur told me us everything, how Patricia and Olivia convinced you to make a deal with Asmodeus by bringing us here and killing us as sacrifice"

"Luke, you really believe him?" I said almost crying, at this time, Patricia landed close to my feet

Luke eyes seem to tear up, "I wish I didn't"

"Bye Theo, I will miss you and I will be borrowing Olivia and Iris for now" and then he did some hand signs "Oh and by the way, I tamed the wyrm and he is my Familiar, Klato, Kill them"

The wyrm opened its mouth, fire and lava poured out.

I closed my eyes and smirked "So this was how I was going to die huh"

I waited for a few minutes.


"Did I die a painless death or…." I opened my eyes to see Nick only that he was older and more handsome in a Greek god kind of way but it was definitely him attending to Patricia, We were no longer with Luke and the others, we were in a room with marble floor and a fireplace, I was on the floor next to it.

"I'm guessing you helped us" I spoke and Nick turned to me "I thought you'd attack me first"

"Why would I? You are attending to one of my supporters" I smiled

"Well I'm sure you are wondering how you got here so…" Nick said finishing the last bandage on Patricia.

"No need"

"Huh?" Nicks expression thickened

"You brought us here through shadow travel, looking at everything, you are not a student, how I never saw you train and suddenly you knew how to travel through darkness, I mean come on, and there is this house" I stood up and took a seat

"Shouldn't you be cautious of me?" Nick gave a mischievous smile.

"Yeah I should but if you wanted me dead, you won't have saved me" I replied smiling back.

Nick chuckled "You are smart after all, just as he said" He raised his hand and cups and a jug appeared, they arranged themselves while the jug poured tea into them, one of the cups flew straight at me, landing at the table at my front without spilling a drop.

"Who is this he, you guys keep talking about? And exactly who are you Nick?" `I asked after taking a sip.

Nick drank a little before answering me "I am a Seraph as for the 'he' I am forbidden to say it" He said before stuffing his face in his cup.

"Seraph like Seraphim?" I asked.

"No, Seraphim are a bigger matter of celestial entity"


"Now Seraph, yeah, created from the source, to keep heroes in check and make sure they don't start another world war like the last two times"

"Oh, so how many of you are there?" I asked taking another sip

Nick dropped his cup "Only one and that's me"

"What happened to the others?"

"There were no 'Others' only one since the dawn of age" Nicks gaze was as cold as ice

"So you are like a gazillion years old and you have powers that can wipe out an army of 7-star Heroes" I said feeling uncomfortable

"Yes, that's pretty much it"

"So why didn't you just stop the survival game test?" I asked trying to keep my cool.

"I follow the will of the source, the only reason you are alive is because the source doesn't want me to kill you"

"Who is this Source anyway?"

"Too much info Theo, even I, don't know who the Source is exactly, all I know is that he could end the world if he wanted to"

Shivers went through my spine as he spoke, many entities existed that the world couldn't imagine, talk less of finding out.

"And when are you going to stop pretending?" Nicks eye turned jade green.

"Huh what do you mean?" I asked totally caught off guard.

"You're not just any weak student are you?"

"Nick, I don't know what you are talking ab…." He cut me short by sending an arrow directly at me, I thought fast, I wanted to block but my sub-dimensional ring wasn't with me, I had no other choice.

I opened my hands and the arrow stopped mid-way turning into ice, I squeezed my hand and it shattered.

"Finally showing me a little of your true power huh"

My eyes dark as night glared at him as he called my name.

"Gods Shadow, Theseus Blackeart, Son of the fallen Seraphim, Lucifer."