
Heavens Academy

Heavens Academy, it is known as an institution for the Talented, but behind the mask, it is an Academy for bringing up half-gods, children born of Angel and human race. But for what reason? Is it war against God or against Devil?What are the true identities of these Celestial Beings?What are the reason for human creation? The truth is unraveled little by little and It is because of an unexpected fallen star, Theo and his lovely companion a fallen angel, Lucia. Release: A chapter each on Tuesdays Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays every week

Sam_Fole · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Chapter Twelve

I had been in a lot of death situations this past month, like the first time we faced the hermits and the time we fought Lisa's group, also when Luke and I faced a chimera. But none of them were as dire as the one I was in then, the snakes beady eyes seemed to tear into my soul.

The snake raised its large tail to smash us, Nick immediately summoned his staff and it went dark for some minutes and it felt like my skin was falling apart. Finally light burst into my eyes, we were alive, somewhere in the forest.

"What the hell just happened?" Rose said with fear in her voice.

"Shadow Travel" Nick replied, Sophia gave him weird looks.

"Shadow what?"

"I don't get it myself but I think it allows me to move swiftly through dimensional space"

"So where are we?" I asked him.

"Considering that shadow travel moves a little bit far from my original position, we should be just few kilometers away from the beast" Nick replied.

"Should? Are you saying we could be lost?" Arthur held Nick's collar

"Yeah, I still haven't gotten a hang of it, we are so lucky it worked at that time" Nick voice seemed weak, I guess shadow travelling took a lot of energy.

"You… son of a …" Arthur raised his hand to punch Nick's face but Luke held him.

"Control yourself, we shouldn't be fighting" He calmed Arthur before something worse could happen.

Arthur grumbled before letting Nick go

"By the way shouldn't we be finding out what that thing was and what to do with it?" Iris suggested

"That's a wyrm" Sophia said

"What's a Wyrm?" Dylan asked.

"Wyrms are dragons without arms and legs but they can still fly and breathe fire, they are the tenth demonic chaos among ten." Luke replied

"Yeah he's right but the question is why there is one in the demonic woods? Shouldn't they be extinct because of the last Demonic war?" Olivia spoke with no emotion like nothing was going on

"Yeah they should" Patricia agreed.

"Maybe this one was sealed here by a powerful mage" Luke spoke as he walked away, I stopped him.

"Where are you going to?"

Luke just gave me a stern look, I knew immediately what he was saying.

"Are you nuts?" I yelled at him.

"What if you don't come back? That's a wyrm we are talking about, the tenth demonic chaos, you don't stand a chance" Everyone stared at us in silence.

"Everyone one of us here have survived because of you and now you are just think of abandoning us"

"I have a way to tame the wyrm" Luke just said with an emotionless expression.

The others eyes lit up, "You do?" Dylan asked with hope.

"Yes, I will explain when we get there" He said.

"Wait and you expect us to believe you" Arthur protested.

"All I know is that you could be leading us to a trap and maybe…."

Before he could speak more, I put my sword close to his neck, "Say one more nonsense and I will cut that ugly head of yours" I whispered into his ear.

When we were sure everyone was ready, we started moving, Nick suggested shadow traveling but I could see he was already low on divine energy and we didn't want to risk getting lost.

"Let's do it" Luke declared

"What?" I gave Luke a puzzled look, "But he is low on Divine Energy and we don't know if we will actually make it"

"Since when did we care about where we ended up? If we encounter something dangerous, we will just have to take it down"

"What about….."

"Shadow Travel doesn't require divine energy Theo" Nick tapped my back assuring me.

"Okay then, let's go kill a wyrm"

Everyone let out a war cry, Nick signaled us before touching the ground and used Shadow Travel. Honestly I was hoping we actually got lost but as usual the angel of luck had abandoned me.

We appeared a few meters away from the wyrm, Luke brought out his sword.

"Olivia, I need you, Iris, Sophia and Dylan to look for any ancient seal, I will follow you, Theo and the rest will do their best to distract the wyrm if we get caught" Everyone nodded and didn't complain on their various functions.

"Well then let's begin" Luke said as he left with the other four. I smiled "This should be easy, just make sure they don't get caught"

Oh I was soooooo wrong.