
Heavens Academy

Heavens Academy, it is known as an institution for the Talented, but behind the mask, it is an Academy for bringing up half-gods, children born of Angel and human race. But for what reason? Is it war against God or against Devil?What are the true identities of these Celestial Beings?What are the reason for human creation? The truth is unraveled little by little and It is because of an unexpected fallen star, Theo and his lovely companion a fallen angel, Lucia. Release: A chapter each on Tuesdays Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays every week

Sam_Fole · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Chapter Fourteen

The sound of fire crackling filled the room as Nick called a name I had forgotten, a name I had let in the past.

Before Nick could blink an eye, seven floating holy swords were already pointing at his face.

"I'm guessing these are the seven blades of judgement" Nick smirked knowing one step could end up with his head on the floor,

"How do you know who I am?" I said standing up

"Who doesn't?" Nick replied

"You know what I am talking about, no one knows my true face" I started walking towards him.

"Except God and Edwin" Nick added as his face shifted from his original to a guy with white hair and a cute face.

I looked at him for some seconds, "You're Edwin"

"Spots on my Liege"

When I was 'Gods Shadow', I was in a group called 'The Seven Legacies' and the leader, that's why I have the seven blades of judgement.

"Edwin or rather you, was a necromancer with powerful abilities, commanding up to at least ten thousand undead and each of them were strong enough to destroy a country solo"

"Yes and I advise you deal with that guy over there before any discussion" Nick said pointing at a door close to the couch Patricia was sleeping.

The door opened up and a guy with a face of a cherub, I guessed he was a fallen angel.

"I'm guessing you are the owner of this mansion" I asked still pointing all the blades at Nick.

"You are right, yes I own the mansion and Nick, he will do whatever I say, at least I thought he did before he brought you here unannounced" He said giving Nick a disgusting look.

"Nick, is that true?" I looked at him expecting an answer but he didn't reply instead his expression was silent.

"Shadow, look at me"

I looked at the cherub "Who are you anyway?"

"I'm Stephan, pleasure meeting you, punishment for trespassing is death" He bowed and a staff appeared in his hand and six wings at his back.

"Remember my name as the one who put an end to your miserable life" With that he sent three golden arrows at me.

I summoned a force field, the arrows hit it and disintegrated.

Then he was at my feet, he was fast, he pressed his staff towards my trunk, one of my blades came immediately and blocked it.

He increased his speed in his attacks from all directions, I stood my ground not moving one inch as I maneuvered the blade, blocking all his attacks. It was so fast Nick was shocked, I could tell he can't follow up with the attacks.

Stefan stopped attacking.

"Do you really think you can defeat me Stefan?" I sighed, this was getting boring.

"I didn't think I will have to use it"

"Use what?" I looked at him expecting nothing.

He hit his staff on the ground "Heavenly Expansion…."

Theo run… you can't survive his Expansion" Nick yelled as Stefan completed his word.

"Heavenly Expansion...Melodic Field of Death"

The environment seemed to shift into a valley filled with bushes shaped as musical notes, Stefan stood on top of a Clef cloud.

"In my expansion, it follows my tune and your powers are useless here, everything in this domain is mine" He smirked.

"Damn, nice trick" I smiled and raised my blade "But I don't have time to play anymore"

"First form of judgement, Guilt" I swung the blade as if I was trying to cut air.

"What do you think…..?" Before Stefan could finish his sentence, his domain scattered and they were back in the house.

"How did you….?" Stefan looked at me, hatred feeling his eyes.

"Better get that treated" I told him point at his left

"What are you talking about?" He asked and looked at his left, his left arm was cut off, Ichnor 'golden blood' was dripping from it.

He screamed at the top of his lungs "Do you know what you have done?"

"Umm, humiliated you?" I stretched my blade to deal a final blow

"I am one of the twelve fallen cherubs, my brethren won't take this lightly" Those were his last words before I cut off his head and he turned to dust.

"I will be waiting for them" I replied to his dead remains that immediately disappeared.

At then a scroll appeared at my front, it stated that since I had killed the cherub, all of his belonging were now mine.

"All of his belonging?" I replied giving Nick a mischievous smile.

"What? Why are you looking at me like the?" Nick asked, then he saw the scroll

"Well that was nice, I'm finally free from a monster to be left with a god slayer" His sarcasm was so obvious.

"At least I know you won't try to kill me" I chuckled and took my seat.

"Yeah, lucky you" Nick sat opposite of me.

"What are you going to do with her?" Nick pointed at Patricia.

"She doesn't remember who she really is" Nick added.

"Of course she doesn't"

"Before we the legacies disbanded, I made sure to wipe all the other members" I sipped my tea

"Looks like it didn't work on you"

"Mind wipe and control don't work on me, that's another advantage of being a seraph" Nick replied

"Nice ability, well I plan on bringing the group back together"

"Starting from?"

"You, of course, you're already back but with your true identity as Nick" I laughed

"Thanks for the acknowledgement and" he rolled his eyes.

"Now then" I stood up walked over to Patricia

"I'll bring you back Ice Queen of Calamity" I said as I stood over her.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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