
Heavens Academy

Heavens Academy, it is known as an institution for the Talented, but behind the mask, it is an Academy for bringing up half-gods, children born of Angel and human race. But for what reason? Is it war against God or against Devil?What are the true identities of these Celestial Beings?What are the reason for human creation? The truth is unraveled little by little and It is because of an unexpected fallen star, Theo and his lovely companion a fallen angel, Lucia. Release: A chapter each on Tuesdays Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays every week

Sam_Fole · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Chapter Ten

Arthur used strengthening buffs on himself, the blue haired girl raised her sword and struck it on the air.

Arthur immediately moved aside and the ground beside him covered with ice spikes.

"So she was a mage swordsman based on ice "

Arthur brought out his dagger and charged at her but vines grew right in front of him, that was clearly the green haired girl doing, he sliced through using his dagger covering it with fire. But he was greeted with ten ice spikes flying at his direction.

It was too fast to dodge so he had to block, he managed to block four but the rest scraped his arm and legs.

He immediately fell back.

The two girls were well synced, that told me that they have been together for a long while.

Arthur stood up again but this time with a different fury in his eyes, I could tell he wasn't taking them seriously before either that or they were just plain stronger.

He charged in faster than before, the blue haired girl sent another wave of ice spikes but this time Arthur burnt right through them, he striked her but she blocked with her sword, another set of vines held Arthur's leg attempting to toss him away, but Arthur burnt the vines and threw two pocket knife at the green haired girl,

she laughed.

"Really knives?"

She deflected the two knives with wind magic, but another appeared right as those two dispatched, she tried using the same spell but instead of the knives, Arthur was there instead, he held her hand, kicked her leg making her loss balance and aimed right for her chest but vines came from behind, held his trunk and flung him towards the blue girl, who dashed towards Arthur, kicked him at his back and stab his arm from behind.

Arthur was sent flying to the opposite side, the blue haired girl rushed to help her friend.

Arthur's injury healed fast and he was about to charge again when Luke appeared at his front and held his arm.

"That's enough, Arthur, they passed."

Arthur walked back to the camp, he looked frustrated but he knew there wasn't a point fighting Luke, he would get pummeled.

"Well you girls are tough, what are your names?" Luke said after Iris had taken down the barrier.

The blue haired stepped forward and answered

"I'm Patricia while my friend here is Olivia"

"Then, welcome to the group, Patricia and Olivia" Luke replied before walking back to camp

"Not quite" Olivia yelled at him

Luke stopped and turned

"What do you mean not quite?" he said with a sinister voice.

"I want to fight him" She pointed at me.

Luke gave her a disapproved look before looking at me

"Olivia, don't, we've been accepted already" Patricia patted her back.

"No, I'll fight you" I shrugged, I didn't really care but I had to accept the challenge if I wanted her to respect me as a leader.

Luke ordered Iris to raise the healing barrier again but with a wider radius. Olivia had vines floating from the ground behind her while Patricia who had no choice but to fight, summoned her sword.

I asked Luke to give me any weapon from the store that we had in camp, he brought a wooden sword.

"Don't you think you're underestimating us a little bit too much?" Patricia said with a stern voice.

I didn't answer, I could tell she was annoyed, exactly what I wanted.

Luke signaled the fight, Olivia was the first to attack, wind arrows came flying at me, I waited for it to get close before slicing it into thin air.

They looked shocked, Patricia immediately sent ice spikes and charged in right after.

I hit them all away while blocking Patricia's attack.

I felt an intense amount of mana above me, I looked up to see a vine soldier coming down at me.

Patricia thrusted at my trunk but I dodged then jumped on the tip of her sword pushing myself backwards.

The vine soldier hit her sword and froze, breaking into pieces on coming into contact with the earth.

Olivia summoned six more vine soldiers, I admit it, it was impressive, despite I've seen Nick summon up to fifty undead warriors at once and still have control.over them.

Patricia and the six Viners (I called the creatures Viners) came up at me.

I dodged all their attacks but I was outnumbered so I had to get a bit less playful.

They attacked at once but I jumped and used my skill, Aura blast.

The Viners incinerated, while Patricia fell to the ground unconcious and got burned slightly, I won't expect less from an ice mage swordsman.

Olivia tried summoning more but I could tell she had no more divine energy left, I took a step and the next thing I was at her front, face to face.

She looked at me, eye to eye, she was furious, I could tell. But she slumped to her feet.

"I surrender"

I smiled and brought her back to her feet

"Carry your friend back to camp"

She did exactly that. While she was going I stopped her

"Be proud, You're strong" I told her and patted her back.

She teared up and cried while carrying Patricia to the camp.

I couldn't help but smile, I had new allies, and strong ones too.

If Athena was right, that my journey will be tragic then I need to grow stronger.

I looked at the limiters on my hand, I only had eight left out of nine.

I used one when fighting Lisa's group. I wondered how strong I'll be without them but I couldn't remove them yet, I knew it wasn't time yet.

I was determined to get to the academy, I needed to find my dad, I didn't feel good ever since the messenger and Athena, had been referring my dad as Him, I didn't know who my dad was, I didn't care but right now I'm more than eager to find out. I told myself as I walked back to camp.

Meanwhile at the Academy

"Mendeleev!!" Athena called out the old principal name as she burst into his office.

"What is it Athena?" Mendeleev said with frustration, Athena was the only angel who didn't respect him.

"I've taken a liking to that Theo boy"


"You already know what I want"

"No I don't" Mendeleev replied non-chalantly.

"Make him suffer, I want to see how he will endure" Athen gave a wicked smile and left his office.

"Ohh, that would be my pleasure" Mendeleev cackled as the door closed.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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