
Heavens Academy

Heavens Academy, it is known as an institution for the Talented, but behind the mask, it is an Academy for bringing up half-gods, children born of Angel and human race. But for what reason? Is it war against God or against Devil?What are the true identities of these Celestial Beings?What are the reason for human creation? The truth is unraveled little by little and It is because of an unexpected fallen star, Theo and his lovely companion a fallen angel, Lucia. Release: A chapter each on Tuesdays Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays every week

Sam_Fole · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Chapter Nine

Luke, Dylan and I had decided to go on a scout, we hadn't left the base for a month, we all spent those time training, though some couldn't be patient and left us, we don't know if they died or whether they found a better group. The remaining number people left were just eight, Luke, Dylan, Sophia, Iris, Rose, Arthur, Nick and me. Luke suggested that him, Dylan and I should go out and scout the Area, fortunately during that time, only three groups had been exterminated out of three, we knew because at the side of the map was the number of groups left.

As we walked through the woods, Dylan said something that made me think.

"What do you think is going on back home?"

"I'm pretty sure everyone is okay" I forgot to mention (We all came from a city called Merdia, it was known for its vast knowledge in technology and magic, but not in the existence of demons and angels). I hadn't really thought about my mum in a while, well she wouldn't be worried since she would think I'm in a good school. We moved further into the forest but we didn't see anything special. We started to go back but suddenly a whip crackled at our backs, Luke held us down fast enough for us to dodge it.

"Well, well, well, I didn't think you guys would dodge that" A female voice sounded. I looked around for who spoke but no one apart from the three of us were around, a student? No, it can't be, this thing had a more evil aura, it couldn't possibly a student, it was a demon. Luke and Dylan had already taken a battle stance. I stood up and joined them, we backed each other looking for her

"Don't bother, you won't be able to find…" Dylan cut her words short when he threw his spear ahead of him and it hit something invincible. A woman appeared, she did look immensely beautiful and her legs, breasts and private part were covered with dark scales that compliments her dark hair and red cat eyes. But she had a black wing, my blood ran cold, she was a fallen angel. She laughed, "Wow I didn't think you would find me that easily" She removed the spear from her trunk where it had hit her and threw it back at Dylan's feet.

"I guess you guys are worthy to live but prove it" The ground below her bubbled and three knights who looked like Hercules came out of that spot.

"Survive and I'll let you live" She said before seating in a throne she had manifested in the sky. The knights were marched with their own weapons each, one had a sword, one had a spear and one had a bow with no arrow.

The one with the bow got set to shoot us and three arrows appeared on the quiver, it sent them flying at us while the other two charged at us.

Luke and I faced the two knights, while Dylan shielded us from the Arrows advancing towards it.

The knights were tough and surprisingly synced, but Luke and I were clearly better, we parried, countered and eventually cut their heads off their heads, we basically used only swordsman-ship to defeat them, as for Dylan, he had already cut off the knight's head off.

The fallen angel couldn't help but laugh

"I didn't expect much from you guys, well you're free to go"

We started to work away when I felt something strange happening, it seemed like time had stopped, I bent down as a whip passed above me.

"You're quicker than I thought but let's see how long you can keep that up" The lady spoke as she whipped her whip at me, I dodged for what felt like an eternity, I finally couldn't take it anymore, I held the whip, threw it from her hand and used my sword hilt to hit her and she fell back but got up quickly, we started a raging battle.

She would send ice spears while I would block and attack with my sword. After some while I was getting tired and She was starting to gain speed, no, I was getting slower, a few of her attacks had started to hit a little. I knew what I had to do, I dodged the next attack and jumped on her, she fell with me on top of her, I sat on her with my sword pointed at her face.

She smiled then laughed "Well done little warrior, enlighten me what's your name?"

"You tell me yours and maybe I'll do the same" I replied

She vanished and suddenly she was behind me

"Nice try but two can play that game"

Oh please don't screw me, You're the fallen angel Athena, master of war and strategies which meant you were going easy on me" I stood up and put my sword back in the ring.

"So you knew, who the hell are you?" She laughed even more.

"Theseus Blackheart, better remember it cause we will meet again"

"Of course we will" She smirked

"Assuming you get to the Academy safely come and meet me, I'll be more than willing to become your mentor" She smiled

"Like hell I will"

"Oh trust me you will, after all you have a drastic fate ahead of you, you're going to suffer a lot" She gave an evil smile and started to disappear

"Till we meet again Theo"

Time started moving again, "Theo what's wrong?" Luke Asked

I noticed I was panting heavily but I didn't have any of the injuries or any sign that I fought

"Nothing Luke, let's keep going," I said that and we started to leave.

When we got to the base,it was already dusk, iris came running towards us.

"Umm Theo… we got two students who said they want to meet you, they are sitting close to the camp fire"

I paused for a second, did people from the academy come? Luke and I walked towards our camp fire, two girls sat there, one had blue hair while the other had white hair, their clothes were rough but it wasn't hard to know they were pretty girls and the divine energy flowing in their body was enough to tell him that they were strong.

The one with blue hair noticed me and stood up "I said I want to speak to Theseus Blackheart"

"What do you want with him?" I asked.

The girl with green hair stood up too but she had vines following her and held me by the collar, "Just tell us where he is" Luke held his sword against her throat, but I signaled him to drop it, he hesitated before dropping his sword.

I immediately used Blood lust, a skill I learnt that could inspire fear to it's target and leave them shaking. The girl immediately let go and went on her knees

"I'm sorry, looks like you are Theseus Blackheart"

"You just figured that out" I sighed

"Now tell me what you want?" I asked

And with that they started to explain how they got there.

I decided to give them a try but I told them that the entry won't be easy

They would have to defeat one of the campers I choose.

They agreed, I choose Arthur since he was a magic swordsman and we headed outside the camp.

When we got to.position Iris made a barrier that would heal any critical injury.

The green haired girl seemed impressed

I stood outside the arena and signaled it
