
Heavens Academy

Heavens Academy, it is known as an institution for the Talented, but behind the mask, it is an Academy for bringing up half-gods, children born of Angel and human race. But for what reason? Is it war against God or against Devil?What are the true identities of these Celestial Beings?What are the reason for human creation? The truth is unraveled little by little and It is because of an unexpected fallen star, Theo and his lovely companion a fallen angel, Lucia. Release: A chapter each on Tuesdays Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays every week

Sam_Fole · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Chapter Eleven

(Notice: This is the beginning of the Demon Monarch Palace Arc and Due to some casualties, Updates will be weekly every Sunday Afternoon)

"Gregory!!" Crimson called out his name, she had sent him to go to the wine bar in the camp and bring her wine but he was taking a lot of time. "Mistress, I'm sure he just ran into some mishap" Jake who was standing outside her tent assured her.

"Well he better hurry up" Crimson said with a muffled voice. She had raided three groups, one of them belonged to Gregory (presently her vice commander), Jake(Her bodyguard because of his assassin skills" and Anna (her chief mage), the map indicated that there was only two groups left, her and some other one that were surprisingly well hidden. She wasn't too bothered, she had planned for to groups to remain with her having the upper hand, she was very certain that the other group weren't as much as hers. After all, other members of the three groups had teamed up with her making her group round up to a number of twenty eight, most of them were at least had a four star circle, well they didn't exactly team up with her, she had used her skill mind control to do it, it hurt to know that Patricia and Olivia were resistant to the spell, it was probably Olivia that made the resistant spell.

She was pretty sure that Patricia would come back for Gregory, she just had to wait and Patricia would be in the palm of her hands, even if she came to fight you? A part of her mind asked.

"They won't even stand a chance" she said while giggling. Just then Gregory walked in with a bottle of wine.

"What took you long enough?" She yelled.

Gregory hesitated for a bit "I was held back by an argument that was going on between the campers"

"Hm what was it about?"

"Well it's umm well, it's about you my lady" Gregory replied

"Oh what about me?" Crimson seemed interested.

"Well, they seem to think that you favor some people than others"

Crimson gave Gregory a startled look for a few seconds before sitting at the edge of the bed spreading her legs a little, the gown she was wearing was a see-through. Gregory could see her underwear already but doing that made him see more.

"What about you Gregory? What do you think?" She asked leaning forward, Gregory moved closer and held her, kissing her.

"I don't think anything my lady" he said when he finally let go.

Crimson smiled and pulled him to her body.


Patricia sneezed as she was polishing her boot, it had been a week since Patricia and Olivia joined our group. They were strong no doubt and had helped a lot that week in the provision of food and water resources.

Luke decided that we advance into the forest, we agreed and started to move the next day.

Patricia, Olivia and Dylan did most of the fighting and killing of demons.

We had walked for about three hours when Iris stopped us.

"Don't you think we should rest and plan what to do if the enemy shows up?" She asked.

"I think she is right Theo" Arthur agreed with her.

"I disagree" Olivia objected.

Arthur eyes narrowed at her "Your opinion doesn't matter freak"

"I'm pretty sure it does" Olivia replied

"Now no need to fight" Dylan stopped them before Arthur would get his ass whopped all over again. He didn't seem to take his defeat quite well.

"Dylan is right, we shouldn't fight, instead lets vote" Patricia suggested and I agreed.

Iris, Rose, Sophia and Arthur voted to stay while the rest of us decided to move forward.

Arthur muttered some complaints but no one paid any attention to him.

Olivia seemed to be enjoying his shame though and would tease him often.

We ventured for about few more hours before coming towards a triple road way.

"What do we do now?" Nick asked me. Arthur had a skill called detection that could sense predators from afar.

I told him to use it and he said we should use the middle road, saying there was less blood lust coming from the road.

As we ventured further, the forest seemed to darken the more, I began to feel like we shouldn't have chosen this part so I stopped everyone.

"We should head back and…." I looked back and noticed the path was gone.

Damn it Arthur I thought you said….." Arthur and the others weren't listening to me, they seemed petrified with fear.

It was then I felt it, something was behind me, something dangerous, I turned to see a gigantic snake that had legs, it was as huge as the Eiffel tower.

"Humans, no, half mortals, forbidden, must kill them" its voice boomed into my ears.

Every muscle and instinct in my body told me one thing