
Heavens Academy

Heavens Academy, it is known as an institution for the Talented, but behind the mask, it is an Academy for bringing up half-gods, children born of Angel and human race. But for what reason? Is it war against God or against Devil?What are the true identities of these Celestial Beings?What are the reason for human creation? The truth is unraveled little by little and It is because of an unexpected fallen star, Theo and his lovely companion a fallen angel, Lucia. Release: A chapter each on Tuesdays Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays every week

Sam_Fole · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Chapter sixteen

(Notice: The name of the novel is now Heavens Academy)

Dylan pulled his spear off the body of the undead,

"This wasn't the plan Luke" He panted as he stabbed another undead,

"News Flash, I told you to expect this" Luke replied as he sliced through three undead. Immediately Luke and the others had passed through the gate, a group of undead attacked them.

Now the group were unending, they had been fighting for three hours, their divine energy that was almost depleted would have finished if Iris wasn't giving them buffs and probably dead if Olivia wasn't a six star mage, she used her viners to kill the undead like they were nothing even though the least of them were like four star.

"Ugh" Sophia grunted as one of the undead shot two arrow into her chest, one directly into her heart.

"Sophia!" Dylan ran to help her but another undead came behind and tried stabbing his heart but Dylan was fast enough to dodge but the spear still hit him on his ankle and he fell right close to Sophia. He crawled to her and held her in his arms as she struggled to breathe.

"You know what, I'm tired of this, fuck it!" Olivia said as she summoned a staff and hit it on the ground, vines sprouted from the ground and pierced through the undead. Everyone sighed as the battle ended.

"Please don't die, don't leave me" Dylan begged and pleaded in tears, Sophia held his chin

"Dylan, there is something I always wanted to tell you"

"Stop talking, I'm sure Iris can heal you" He looked at Iris who bent her head softly, she was tired and drained of divine energy

"Actually there is nothing we can do" Olivia replied him expressionless.

"I love you Dylan" Sophia said before her body slumped, she was dead.

"Nooo" Dylan cried, Iris turned her head away, while Arthur and Olivia comforted him.

"Okay I'm sorry for your loss but we need to keep going" Luke spoke breaking the silence.

"You Lunatic!" Olivia wanted to give him a piece of her mind but Dylan stopped her, He stood up and started walking towards Luke

"See, he understands…" Before Luke finished his sentence, Dylan punched him so hard.

"What do you th…" Dylan punched him again and Luke fell on his butt, Dylan sat on him and landed series of blows on his face.

"You fucker! You are the reason she is dead, why rose is dead and soon enough we will all die but I'm going to kill you first" Dylan didn't stop

"Jeez this is getting boring" Luke spoke with his face bloated. He thrusted his sword through Dylan.

"What the ?" Dylan coughed before falling to the ground dead.

"Luke stood up and pulled out his word from Dylan's trunk.

"Why did you do that?" Arthur was shocked from Luke reaction.

"I'm tired of this" Luke said and revealed his identity of Lucia.

"Wait you're a girl" Iris asked still shocked.

"Not just any girl, she is a cherub" Olivia replied while preparing to fight. The area became tenser, Lucia stood emitting an immense amount of Divine energy, while Olivia stood with her staff and vines surrounding her. They attacked at the same time moving at the speed of light. Iris and Arthur thought they would explode the whole yard

"Okay that's enough" a female voice sounded.

A guy and a girl stood in their middle, the guy blocked Lucia's attack with his sword while the girl burnt all of Olivia's vines.

While the girl who spoke appeared right next to Arthur and Iris, she was immaculately pretty with red hair and cross as pupils in her eyes.

"Who are you?" Lucia asked the guy in front of him, still not moving an inch.

"Well won't you let your guard down so that we can talk comfortably" The girl replied with her eyes closed smiling.

"Besides your rival there already knows who I am" she smiled mischievously.

"Well do you know her?" Lucia asked, the cold expression still on her face.

"Of course she does" The girl danced her way to Lucia

"Come on don't look like that, all that beauty will go away"

Lucia tried slicing her neck off but the girl was faster in dodging it.

"Trying to kill me now eh?" She kept on smiling

"We can't talk if you're weak" Lucia replied.

"Feisty, I think I like her" The other girl spoke while licking her lips, she was obviously checking Lucia out.

"Phoenix, stop checking our friend out" The guy sighed and hit Phoenix back head

"Gregory!" Olivia simmered.

"Hey there Oli" Gregory waved her.

"So you do know them?" Arthur asked

"Yes I do" Olivia sighed "She is Crimson, one of the most devious students we have"

"Pleasure meeting all of you" Crimson smirked.

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