
Heavens Academy

Heavens Academy, it is known as an institution for the Talented, but behind the mask, it is an Academy for bringing up half-gods, children born of Angel and human race. But for what reason? Is it war against God or against Devil?What are the true identities of these Celestial Beings?What are the reason for human creation? The truth is unraveled little by little and It is because of an unexpected fallen star, Theo and his lovely companion a fallen angel, Lucia. Release: A chapter each on Tuesdays Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays every week

Sam_Fole · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Chapter Seventeen

Now calling me devious is just too nice honey" Crimson said like she was delighted with the fact that she was called devious

"Oh trust me I'm aware" Olivia replied with disgust.

"Don't look at me like that, It will ruin that pretty face of yours" Crimson whispered into Olivia's ear, Olivia immediately tried to hit Crimson with one of her vines. But it passed through her, it was an illusion.

"My dear, don't do that, we are here to help"

"What makes you think I will believe that?"

"Well you should" Crimson sat on one of the grave stone.

"Really? All we know is that you could be planning on ambushing us?" Olivia replied furiously.

"What? I would never think about doing such a thing" Crimson replied innocently.

"Oh but I think our boy Gregory….." before Olivia could finish her statement Arthur interrupted.

"Olivia, I think we should just forget about any past you and Crimson had"

"Not so fast" Lucia interrupted

"I think we should give her a shot"

"What?" Olivia wanted to complain but Arthur stopped her.

"I think I agree with the cherub" Arthur said.

"Wait why?" Olivia asked

"I also think we should try" Iris joined.

"Iris…. Not you too" Olivia said with her voice down.

"Olivia think about it, we've lost all our group members, we are the only survivors left, we should focus on killing Demon lord Asmodeus" Iris spoke to Olivia trying to convince her. After some thoughts Olivia agreed on a condition that after killing Asmodeus, they will be back as enemies.

"Fine by me" Crimson said and giggled like she was enjoying every bit of it.

"So…" Arthur started.

"I'll take the lead" Gregory offered, no one made a fuss and decided to go with it.

When they were in the castle, the door behind them closed and disappeared.

"Great, just great" Phoenix muttered to herself.

"Are you scared?" Olivia took the opportunity to tease her as they explored the castle

"No I'm not" Phoenix replied as she opened a door that was beside her, her face hardened and it looked like she was going to puke "Hey guys, you might want to see this"

They all looked inside to find a man half alive struggling to breathe and his eyes on the ground, his stomach torn revealing his intestines.

Iris immediately threw up while the others turned their faces away, they moved further into the castle but nothing was popping up or giving a clue that a demon lord stayed there.

"This is just a waste of time" Olivia had had enough of it, they had been walking for like an hour and nothing has shown up apart from strange scenes, bloody rooms.

"Yeah, Arthur you sure this is Asmodeus castle?" Lucia turned to ask him but he wasn't there.

"Where's Arthur?"

No one had noticed he was gone or whether he was with them in the first place. Then suddenly Lucia realized it

"Arthur was lying, he betrayed us"

"Wait what do you mean?" Phoenix asked.

"If you notice, we've been seeing only dead people used for sacrifice, this is his castle but we are in the hell sacrifice chamber"

"Sacrifice chamber?" They were confused

"Just as the name implies, it means we're lured in to be used as sacrifices" Crimson explained, it was the first time she'd spoken when they got in and the first time she said something without smiling, right now she looked mad and the divine aura pouring out proved them right.

"Which means Arthur was the one associated with Asmodeus, not Theo and Patricia"

Someone started clapping slowly, they searched for where the sound came from but it was coming from all.

"Took you long enough to realize" Arthur voice sounded.

"Come here now you trash" Crimson yelled with flames soaring round her body.

"Oof did I upset miss feisty?"

"Why you? Just pray I don't get you"

"And how are you going to do that? You're already in the chamber, soon enough harpies and elves will come and you're done for" Arthur cackled.

"Arthur why would you do this?" Lucia asked

"What do you mean? It's only proper for me to serve my father and lord" Arthur replied

"What about our oath to always fight for God?"

"God? Where was he when my real parents rejected me for being powerless? You guys fighting for someone who have never seen but believe exists. I have seen Asmodeus and his power is great nothing you can comprehend, so don't tell me anything about God"

"You're an idiot Arthur, you know the truth that God is real"

"Truth? Truth are just lies no one can tell, illusion to the eyes"

"Just shut up Arthur, I'll find and kill you"

"Just like the way you killed Theo and Patricia"

Lucia who was calm immediately seemed like she was going to destroy the palace

"I know you love him and it hurt when you killed him and now it hurts more knowing you killed him for no reason" Arthur laughed "And worse you've lost all your cherub powers so you're as equivalent to a six star hero"

"Shut the fuck up" Lucia yelled.

A loud shrill was heard from afar, they got set for battle.

"I'm guessing those are the harpies and elves, well I'll miss you guys and thanks for contributing to the destruction of the world"

Immediately he finished, harpies burst in, all of them at once.,

They fought but the harpies were having the upper hand because of their numbers.

"Everyone stand back" Crimson yelled and when she was sure everyone was behind her, she signaled Phoenix and they both roared fire, it was effective in reducing their numbers but it didn't take time before they regained their numbers.

"It's useless, we're dead" Lucia said calmly, they had been fighting for three hours and they were almost drained of divine energy.

As it looked like they was no hope again, all the harpies and elves turned to ice, a clean slicing sound was heard and everything destroyed

"Damn I told you not to destroy them, it would be hard to use their souls" They saw who the voice came from a guy with a purple fox mask while the person he was talking to was a girl with blue hair with a blue fox mask.

"Don't worry you already have enough shadow soldiers" She replied him.

"I know you guys" Iris said with astonishment and excitement.

"Who are they?" Gregory asked.

"Strong with Mask representing their power and rank, no doubt"

"You are…" Olivia said realizing, "Part of the Legacies"