
Heavens Academy

Heavens Academy, it is known as an institution for the Talented, but behind the mask, it is an Academy for bringing up half-gods, children born of Angel and human race. But for what reason? Is it war against God or against Devil?What are the true identities of these Celestial Beings?What are the reason for human creation? The truth is unraveled little by little and It is because of an unexpected fallen star, Theo and his lovely companion a fallen angel, Lucia. Release: A chapter each on Tuesdays Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays every week

Sam_Fole · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Chapter Fifteen

Patricia saw herself in an icy island, she was stranded. "Was this heaven?" She questioned herself as she stood to observe the environment. She felt like she was stuck in Antarctic but only more beautiful with the ice caves with icicles. She wanted to explore more but she heard something, like a voice singing, no humming, a song she seemed to recognize.

It felt like home, when last did she think of home, honestly now that she thought of it, she didn't remember anything from her past, but why? Was her memory stolen?

Questions roamed her mind as she moved to the source of the humming, she felt like all her questions will be answered if she found it. She followed it to a cave, she looked at the walls, figures, videos were playing on the walls of a little masked girl with blue hair, dominating the battle field and the girl was strong that you won't believe she was still a kid.

Patricia suddenly heard a shrill screaming in place of the humming, she ran towards it to find the same girl, screaming and crying

"I don't want to die"

"I don't want to die"

"Please don't forget me"

"I don't want to die"

The girl kept repeating the same words, Patricia went to comfort her but as she made contact, she felt the pain, the bloodlust, the sorrow that the girl was feeling, it was intense that she started coughing blood.

"Idiot, don't touch your memory like that" A familiar voice sounded in her head.

"Boss?" She asked of instinct, who was he? And why did she call him Boss.

Suddenly she opened her eyes to see herself in a room, Nick was there and a masked guy dressed in a long black coat.

"Where am I?"

I saved you and brought you here according to our Boss orders"

"Boss, what do you mean?" She was confused.

Nick gave her a surprising look

"Don't tell me you don't remember, Ice queen"

Immediately those words left his lips, she started screaming from pain, the memories were rushing in, the masked guy placed his hands on her, lending her some divine energy so she won't die.

"I remember now" She said as tears drop from her cheek

"Welcome back Patricia, the fourth legacy, Ice Queen of Calamity" The masked man spoke to her soothingly.

"Wait what about Theo?" She asked with concern.

I gulped behind my mask, I couldn't believe I was doing this, Nick and I had planned on how to bring Luke and the others down and at the same time get people off my back, so I was to return back as Gods Shadow who usually wore a wolf mask and a black coat.

"He died from the wyrm attack" I told her.

"Oh is that so?" Her eyes turned cold as ice, "Where is Luke?"

"His killer are on their way to Asmodeus Castle to defeat him and escape the hell forest they are in" Nick replied

"Why do that when they can just walk out?" Patricia asked.

"Because they don't know that they can" I replied.


"Yes, apparently Arthur is working for Asmodeus who is looking for heroes to use as sacrifice but we don't know why" Nick replied

"So what are we going to do about it? Shouldn't we just leave them so that they can die?" Patricia obviously wanted Luke dead

"Our existence is to prevent another demonic war, so I need you and Nick to infiltrate and stop Asmodeus, whatever you want to do to Luke is your choice" I said coldly.

"Sure thing boss" Nick sighed

"Who are you again?" Patricia asked Nick

"Oh I am new, I am Nick, Death Monarch, Third legacy" Nick stretched his arm out for a fist bump.

"Wait Third! How is a newbie stronger than me?" Her expression was speechless.

"It's a long story, now both of you get to work" I replied and left both of them arguing and decided explore the rest of the mansion.

* * *

It was already night as the moonlight was bright enough for them to see, Arthur guided Luke and the others towards a graveyard where a scary looking castle was, they stopped at the gate.

"Here we are Luke"

"Umm sir" Iris gestured to Luke.

"What is it?" Luke sounded impatient

"I don't think we should go there"

"A prisoner has no right to talk" He replied her rudely

"Arthur you are sure Asmodeus is in there?" he asked.

"Oh I am very sure, his aura isn't something I can't miss" Arthur Confirmed.

Luke smirked and raised his voice "Demon General Asmodeus, stop hiding your ugly ass and get out here" he had already come this far, killing the one he loved, enslaving two strong mages and taking control over Theo group, he wasn't backing down now.

The gate gave way and a voice boomed, "You impudent excuse for a hero, come at me if you dare"

"Don't" someone was running towards them from the castle,

"Jake" Olivia exclaimed in shock

"You can't survive…." Before Jake could finish, a thorn sprouted from the back and slit his head off, then started tearing his body limb by limb.

Some of them turned away, Iris and Rose immediately vomited and Luke looked with shock.

Where they actually going to survive this?