
Heavens Academy

Heavens Academy, it is known as an institution for the Talented, but behind the mask, it is an Academy for bringing up half-gods, children born of Angel and human race. But for what reason? Is it war against God or against Devil?What are the true identities of these Celestial Beings?What are the reason for human creation? The truth is unraveled little by little and It is because of an unexpected fallen star, Theo and his lovely companion a fallen angel, Lucia. Release: A chapter each on Tuesdays Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays every week

Sam_Fole · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Chapter eighteen

Patricia was surprised no one recognized her and Nick, even with masks on she thought at least Olivia would recognize her.

Guess they really believe she was dead

"Well I see you know who we are" Nick voice sounded from the mask

"Is that you Nick?" Lucia asked.

Nick startled for a bit "I guess I can't hide anymore" He removed his mask.

"Nick, Third seat, Death Monarch at your service, nice to meet you all again" He spoke like he was gentleman.

"And the girl beside you whose kill intent is directed to me?" Lucia questioned one more.

The masked girl didn't notice it till then, that she was releasing a large amount of killing intent at Lucia, she didn't know why, maybe because she looked awfully like Luke.

"Are you Luke?" She asked coldly.

"And what if I am?" He replied her.

"Then I guess this is where your journey will end" She said that before vanishing.

The air around them turned tense and cold, a sound of two weapons clashing was heard, they all saw Nick using his Staff to block the masked girl sword which was aiming for his neck.

Even Lucia couldn't follow up with their movements, "When did they…..?" Olivia was speechless, she hadn't seen anyone that fast except from her mother.

"Stop this now Patricia, HE said specifically not to kill Luke" Nick told her calmly.

She sheathed her sword and removed her Mask, Gregory eyes widened while Olivia couldn't help but crying, Crimson just smirked.

"I am Patricia, Ice Monarch, Fourth seat" She said cold as ice.

"Patricia is that really you?" Olivia started moving towards her.

"Don't move a step closer Olivia" She warned before walking away.

"Patricia…." That was all Olivia could say as she watched her walk away.

"Now then, all of you let's get out of here" Nick signaled, they followed without complain.

They did as he said without delay, "Tell me Nick, how do you suppose we get out of here?" Olivia asked him, he certainly wasn't happy with Nick's relationship with Patricia. Nick sensed that Olivia was trying to make everyone distrust him so he decided to answer.

"Well since you asked, we're not going out"

"Wait what?" They all exclaimed.

"We are going to Asmodeus Throne room"

"But this is his torture chamber, there is no way its connected to the throne room" Phoenix gave a questioning look

"Oh but it is" Nick replied with a smirk

"Explain please" Iris spoke.

"Well the ritual is supposed to be made in the throne room"

"And to perform the ritual you need sacrifices" Patricia added

"Yeah we already know that" Olivia scoffed.

"But the ritual needs to be connected to the sacrifice" Nick continued ignoring her remark.

"Yes, meaning the throne room is somewhere close-by" Patricia said with a calm voice.

"Exactly" Nick gave her a thumbs up. Olivia seethed with jealousy as Patricia smiled at Nick.

Suddenly a thought came to her mind, "Even though we know the throne room, do you think we can beat Asmodeus on our own?" she voiced it out.

"Oh no, you guys won't be doing that, Ice Monarch and I will see to Asmodeus, you guys stay behind just in case we need any help"

"Are you suggesting we are dead weight?" Olivia pestered.

This time Nick didn't reply, Olivia smirked thinking she had won, suddenly purple and black mist filled the air turning everything around them into a fog.

Olivia could feel the fog choking her like it was trying to eat her skin, her eyes felt like they would pop and cold hands grasped her body, she summoned her vines but nothing responded.

She was beginning to feel nauseous and cold, worms started appearing on her body, she screamed with fear and everything disappeared. Everyone was staring her with concern, "Olivia what happened?" Iris put her arm around Olivia's shoulder.

"There was… worms… skeletons…" She stammered but no one understood her.

She looked at Nick who wasn't showing any expression at all, it was certainly his doing.

"If you value your life, shut it and pretend nothing happened" Nick's voice rang in her head, only she heard what he said, and it scared her, she had never feared anyone in her life but now, everything she saw was spooking her out, she was sure that was his domain, no, just a simple expansion, who in the world is he?

And if the fourth and third of the legacies were this powerful, she couldn't imagine the monsters who were on top but one thing was for sure, if the legacies were to turn to the enemies side, no one had a chance of winning.