
Heavens Academy

Heavens Academy, it is known as an institution for the Talented, but behind the mask, it is an Academy for bringing up half-gods, children born of Angel and human race. But for what reason? Is it war against God or against Devil?What are the true identities of these Celestial Beings?What are the reason for human creation? The truth is unraveled little by little and It is because of an unexpected fallen star, Theo and his lovely companion a fallen angel, Lucia. Release: A chapter each on Tuesdays Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays every week

Sam_Fole · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Chapter Eight

Patricia couldn't believe what she was hearing, 'Gregory, no you must be mistaken, it can't be him' she kept on repeating to herself but she already knew Olivia wouldn't lie her, of course Olivia hated him but she won't do something so cruel. Olivia didn't say a word, she held Patricia tight and hugged her.

"I know you're upset but we have to go, I'll explain everything later, I put the invaders on a sleep spell, it won't last forever" it took some persuasion, Patricia finally agreed, by the time they got out, the other group members were already waking up.

Though it took a while but they eventually noticed Patricia and Olivia trying to escape, five fighters and three Martial artist immediately surrounded them with their weapons drawn while Patricia pulled out her sword ready to fight.

"Keep them busy so I can prepare a teleportation spell, I only need five minutes" Olivia whispered into her ear.

Patricia nodded.

"Take her out first, then the mage" one of them yelled. They charged in with full speed but Patricia was lighter and faster, she parried each of their swords like it was nothing, she would dodge a strike that would hit her other opponent, one of them tried stabbing her but she stepped to the side and he ended up killing one of their members. After that she disarmed the guy before using her sword to slice of his arms and stabbing his heart. At this point, there were only two fighters and a martial artist left.

Then someone started to clap mid-way, walking towards them, it was a girl about her age, she had red crimson hair, her eyes had a cross on each pupil, she has a slender body with a nice ass and b-cup boobs.

"Impressive fighting skills, Gregory was right about you, surrender now and you can join my group" The girl said with a wicked smile.

"No, I would never and how do you know Gregory?" Patricia asked

"Well he is my step-brother, he joined our group and some of your members too" She replied

Patricia could see Jake, Anna and Gregory, behind her, how could they betray her and the other? Patricia had seen enough, she imbued her sword with divine energy and lunged at the girl, Gregory blocked the attack and pushed her backwards.

Patricia wanted to charge towards her again but Olivia held her hand and they started to disappear, before they finally teleported, the red-haired girl said something,

"We'll meet again my precious doll"

Patricia and Olivia landed in a region far from where they were, Olivia sighed before falling on her back to rest.

"Thank God, we made it out alive"

Patricia pointed her sword at Olivia, "Tell me everything now"

Olivia used vines to wrap Patricia and hang her upside down,

"Hey, let me go" Patricia protested.

"Not until you've calmed down" Olivia said before removing a pack of tea leaves, two set of tea cups and brown sugar from her bag.

She created a table and two chairs out of vines and sat on one of them,

"What are you doing now?" Patricia asked.

"Making tea, of course" Olivia replied

"Really? Right now, in this situation"

"Yes, it helps calm me own, you should try some" Olivia released Patricia who immediately got up, dusted herself and sat down.

Olivia gestured towards the tea, inviting her to join. Patricia took a sip and she felt refreshed, actually all her fatigue had gone.

"Wow, it's amazing, what is this tea?"

"It's one made from the leaves of the obsidian tree" Olivia sipped from her tea before going on, "It can only be found in rare places like Heavens Academy"

"Then how did you get it?" Patricia paused before the realization "Wait don't tell me that you've been to the academy before?"

Olivia looked shocked at first then she burst into laughter, "What?" Patricia pouted.

"It's nothing, I didn't think you would relax so easily" Olivia smiled, she dropped her tea cup. "You wanted to know what happened right."

Patricia nodded.

"Yesterday night, I saw Gregory leave camp right before he called the party, I was curious so I followed him, I saw him meet campers who weren't from our group, apparently he had been seeing them for a long while and they had planned to put 'Xysteria' it's a powder made from a flower that can only be found in the Garden of Flowers, it is very powerful against demons and angels, kills them instantly, harmless to humans but it makes half-gods fall into a deep sleep" She paused to take another sip of tea.

"So all our drinks yesterday were drugged with that powder?" Patricia asked firmly.

Olivia nodded

"They did it so that they could kill us all without them suffering any casualties, luckily for us, I didn't drink any" she added.

"But if you knew why didn't you warn us?" Patricia shouted at her, it attracted the attention of a demon nearby, it jumped out to attack them but Patricia sliced it off with ease, she didn't even move before she cut it down.

"You really think everyone is going to believe their role mentor was planning on killing them, least of all you who was so obsessed with him" Olivia said the last part with disgust.

Patricia remained silent, Olivia was right, she had been blinded by Gregory that she didn't even listen to her best-friend anymore.

Olivia noticed her expression, "Don't worry, I'm not mad at you, after all, I love you"

"I love you too Olivia" Patricia smiled, Olivia gave her a peck on the lips.

"Now let's find a way to get outta here" Patricia said.

"Don't worry about it, I'll call my mother"

"Wait what?"

Olivia explained that her mother was one of the academy administrative council and she gave her a little pendant to contact her and it could only be used once so she had to use it wisely.

Olivia took the pendant from her neck, created a veil to cover our surrounding and she recited some chants

Deeper than darkness

Lighter than light

Hear my call from far beyond

She recited thrice before smashing it on the ground.

A green fume started feeling the air, then a sophisticated and an elegant lady stood at the middle.

"Olivia, my love how are you?" She spoke

"I'm fine mother"

"So what can I help you with my dear? Mummy is really busy so if you'd hurry up"

"Okay mum"

Olivia told her mum everything and how they needed some solutions.

"Venture backwards, towards the east, you will see a group, tell them you would like to join them but their leader would want to test your skill, the leader there may seem like a nobody but he is extremely powerful though right now no one knows that, he is using limiters and yet it is said that he could rival a fallen angel" she twirled around

"He's causing an uproar between the councils, he might be stronger than you my dear child" she said

"Okay what's the name of this all powerful hero?"

"His name is Theseus Blackheart"