
Heavens Academy

Heavens Academy, it is known as an institution for the Talented, but behind the mask, it is an Academy for bringing up half-gods, children born of Angel and human race. But for what reason? Is it war against God or against Devil?What are the true identities of these Celestial Beings?What are the reason for human creation? The truth is unraveled little by little and It is because of an unexpected fallen star, Theo and his lovely companion a fallen angel, Lucia. Release: A chapter each on Tuesdays Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays every week

Sam_Fole · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Chapter Five

We continued our Journey for the next six days, eventually hoping one us would learn how to pour divine energy or with luck find the academy. I counted, we had been in the forest for about a week and a half. We had only met Hermits and Scrapers (Tiger with a snake as a tail). It was suspicious how we didn't meet any stronger Demons but we decided to leave it as dumb luck.

When night came, Luke (Lucia) and I decided to go out for our 'usual', ever since that night I had s*x with him (her), we had been doing it on a regular basis now. While we were busy making out under one of the trees, I heard the bush beside us rustle. I immediately summoned my sword, Luke had thought me how to, it was the use of a sub-dimensional ring, all I had to was let the divine energy in my body flow into the ring and anything I kept inside would be brought out. Whatever it was seemed to notice my movement and started running, I followed the figure, running after it, it was fast but unfortunately for it, I was faster, I caught it and pinned it to the ground, I was about to cut off its head when,

"Please, don't hurt me, I didn't mean to peek on you guys" a girl voice shrieked.

It was a human, I let her go and she stood up, Luke (Lucia) appeared at my back covered in a towel, she had transformed back into a male.

"What's going on here?" Luke asked.

"Please, forgive me, I thought you guys were demons" The girl pleaded with her face bowing down.

I put my sword back into the ring, "Okay, you can go"

She started leaving when Luke stopped her,

"Luke…" before I could finish Luke cut me off.

"Idiot, can't you see she isn't from our group" Luke held her hand tight

"Who are you and where are you from?" Luke asked the girl who was already in pain from Luke holding her too tight.

"My name is Lisa, a 3rd Star Mage, I am a student of Heavens Academy so please let go of my arm" She replied and Luke let go of her arm only after making her promise not to run away

"That would mean…."

"There is another group of students out here" I replied Luke.

"There might be probably more" Luke added.

He looked at Lisa, who seemed she would faint from just his stare,

"You would have to come with us to our camp"

"Wait why?" Lisa asked.

"So that you can take us to your group tomorrow" Luke replied and started dragging her towards our camp, I just followed behind them still thinking, what if…, I shook the thought from my head and there was no way it would happen.

When Morning came, everyone else was shocked to find out that there were other students aside us. It made them happy and at the same time curious. Lisa took us to her camp as she promised, when we got there, it was a clearing and a group of fifteen just like us, the only difference was that, they only had five boys, the rest were females. When they saw Lisa, two of the girls came running at her, crying and hugged her.

They really cared for their comrade, I smiled at the sight, I caught Luke giving me the stink eye and I immediately stopped smiling. Soon enough we were invited in, one of the boys, Reuben, introduced himself.

"Looks like we are all shocked about this"

"Yes, we are" Luke replied.

"Are you their leader?" He asked rudely.

"And what if I am?" Luke etched closer to him.

The tension between them was crazy, " Well, you're weak for a leader that's all" Reuben replied before walking away.

I felt like punching him in the face, he was so arrogant, we had just met and returned their comrade and now he's acting all high and might, I stood up to give him a piece of my mind but Luke had already dragged him back and slammed him against the ground. Reuben grunted before using wind magic to blow Luke away. Luke landed on his feet and summoned his sword, Rueben summoned a sword too, so he was a magic swordsman.

Just before they could start slicing each other throats, vine sprouted from the ground tying them up.

"That's enough" a voice boomed.

Then a mysterious man with a butler suit appeared right in the middle of both Luke and Reuben, "Children aren't supposed to fight with each other" He said before letting them go.

I pulled out my sword and pointed it at him "Who are you?"

He looked at me, like I was nothing "Child, you may be HIS favorite and HIS son, that doesn't mean you can beat me, besides you haven't even realized your potential yet"

What was he talking about?

"But of course you have grown remarkably well without an Akri, I'm sure you'll be riper fruit after everything" He added.

I had had enough of him and his stupid words, I used back flash (Grants me speed and strength by letting my Divine energy to all points in my body" I charged at him, suddenly I stopped in midair, the sword directly at the front of his fore-head, I was stopped by another set of vines. This guy was incredible.

He sighed "I would love to play with you more but I am only here to relay a message from the Principal"

"The Principal?" I said as he let us down.

"Yes, there are six groups all over the forest, only one group is allowed to enter the Academy, actually only when there is one group left before the Academy would open and about the maps, I have already unlocked them, you can now use them, also you can leave your group to join another group" he started walking away.

"Wait…" I yelled.

He stopped and smiled "And oh, he said I should tell you guys…., kill anyone if you feel like it"

He said before disappearing leaving behind trails of green mist.

Immediately Reuben lunged at Luke, I blocked it with my sword, the rest of our group used back flash to scatter into different locations.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I yelled at Reuben.

"You heard the guy, you guys need to die"

"It was like you said, Theo" Luke said as he got into a battle stance.

"Yeah, didn't think it would be like this though?" I smirked.

"You really think you can defeat all fifteen of us, only two of you" One of the boys said as he summoned his spear.

"I know we can" I replied and we charged at each other.