
Heavens Academy

Heavens Academy, it is known as an institution for the Talented, but behind the mask, it is an Academy for bringing up half-gods, children born of Angel and human race. But for what reason? Is it war against God or against Devil?What are the true identities of these Celestial Beings?What are the reason for human creation? The truth is unraveled little by little and It is because of an unexpected fallen star, Theo and his lovely companion a fallen angel, Lucia. Release: A chapter each on Tuesdays Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays every week

Sam_Fole · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Chapter Seven

Meanwhile in another region in the Demon woods

A masked figure dashed through the forest with a sack on her back, birds flew in different direction, any demon that it encountered were killed in matter of seconds. After a while the figure stopped at two tree's that were parallel to each other blocking the way with vines, the figure chanted some words and the vines gave allowing it to pass. Beyond that wall of vines was a camp with a sight to behold, the place had cabins, machineries of different kind, an automatic shower booth, an automated washer, washes and dries the clothes at the same time. The figure seemed to smile behind the mask, it was lively despite their numbers, they were only twelve left because they had lost three companions in a battle with a gorgon. One of the campers noticed the figure and ran to it.

"Patricia… you're back" Patricia removed her mask, she had gone out to get foodstuffs since her group had already stated lacking

"Yes I am, Anna and I brought more food" She dropped the bag on a floating platform that automatically weighed it and carried to the store, Patricia was a 5 star fighter and her weapon was the sword, she knew a little magic but wasn't that good at it considering her dad was also a half-god based on the fighter class and also she was very beautiful, the boys in her camp all went numb when they saw her, she was fair-skinned and she had the perfect slender body, B-cups and silky blue hair, that matched with a sea blue eyes.

"You've been doing well lately, Patricia"

She turned around to see Gregory, she flushed as he mentioned her name, he barely spoke to her and she had a big fat crush on him, he was also a 5-star fighter and he based on the spear, also he had the body of a Greek god and long green hair with piercing green eyes. He was the only person who not only remained calm when we were told of the survival game but he encouraged everyone else too.

They hadn't met any other group yet but Jack, one of their members had gone out scouting and found one group, they wanted to attack immediately but Gregory decided against it saying we needed a strategy to approach them and that if he rushed in without knowing their strengths, we could end up dead.

That was why the brave, fearless and mighty Patricia was weak on her knees for this guy, he held her hand and kissed it before leaving. She felt like she was on cloud-nine, she ran straight to her cabin where her roommate, Olivia, was waiting for her.

Olivia was also a 5-star but in the mage class, dark-skinned with white hair, she was pretty but not as pretty as Patricia, she could cast spells without using the chant and she could manage a simple domain for about five minutes. She was incredible during the fight against the gorgons if not for the fact that they were outnumbered, they would have won the fight without any casualties.

"What's up girl? You look excited" Olivia asked with mischief on her face.

"Yes because Gregory spoke to me"

"Oh… good for you then" Olivia expression changed, she had confessed to Patricia before and got rejected even though they were having sex together sometimes.

"Olivia…. You know how much I like him" Patricia said holding her hand.

"Yes I know and I'm not against it but… I want you all to myself" Olivia replied squeezing Patricia's right hand. Patricia put her left hand on Olivia face and placed her lips on hers. Olivia seized the moment and started kissing Patricia fiercely, Patricia moaned at Olivia's kisses. Olivia started removing her clothes and Patricia did the same.

"Why don't I explore you?" Olivia said with a naughty smile.

"Sure thing baby" Patricia replied.

* * *

Later that evening Gregory called everyone out for a party, it was for being able to stay alive for this long, it had been a month since they came to the forest and they had made lot of progress.

"I want to thank everyone especially Patricia and Olivia, who had done her best for us in all kinds of ways" He raised his cup and signaled them to come forward, Patricia almost fainted but they still came forward even though Olivia was a bit reluctant.

Gregory help Patricia's hand and raised his cup of wine which they had produced themselves "Cheers to our great comrades" everyone raised their cups and cheered for them and the merry continued.

Patricia was having fun in the party when someone told him Gregory was looking for her and said she should meet him in his cabin. She was stunned but didn't ask much questions and decided to go anyway. When she got there, there was a table and a candlelit dinner.

"Please sit" Gregory appeared behind her and closed the door.

She took her seat, sipped from the drink on the table and asked what was the problem, Gregory walked to her and went on one of his knee's "Patricia, I like you a lot, you're beautiful, the reason I never spoke to you was because I thought you were way out of my league, you were my motivation to become these way."

Patricia was full of joy as she couldn't believe what she was hearing Gregory loved her and out of excitement, she kissed him and he kissed her back, that night she and Gregory made out till they got tired and slept on top of each other.

But when she woke up, she was still naked and Gregory wasn't on the bed and her head felt like there were a thousand drums playing in it.

'What was going on?" She tried to stand up but couldn't, she was tied up to the bed. She started struggling trying to free herself, after some time of no result, she started yelling for help hoping someone would help her, she was more worried of what had happened to Gregory, were they invaded during the night.

Then a figure stepped out of the dark, Patricia went ballistic "Who are you and what did you do to Gregory"

"Stop yelling, you're going to give me a migraine" Patricia recognized the voice.


"Yes, it's me now shut up so I can save you" Olivia immediately used magic to make the chains disappear. Immediately she was free, Patricia wore her clothes and summoned her armor and sword.

"Come on Olivia we have to save Gregory and the others, I think an enemy group had invaded the camp" she started for the door but Olivia stopped her

"Patricia, you can't save him"

"Why? Because I love him more than I love you?" Patricia yelled.

"No that's not it"

Then tell me, what is it?

Olivia paused before dropping the bomb shell on Patricia "Because everyone is dead and It was Gregory who killed them"