
Heavenly Restriction: Multiverse of Maki Zen’in

Watch as a former assassin is reincarnated as Maki Zen’in in the multiverse of anime and movies. Will she be a hero? a Villian? or will she just do her own thing? Disclaimers: Some character may be ‘out of character’ due to my inexperience. Also, she will be more powerful than the original, so she isn’t getting curbstomped in some worlds. I don’t own the cover photo, I found it on google, not sure who made it Uploads may be sporadic, there’ll be no set schedule, I’ll post when I finish chapters

DaddyToast · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 6: Ubuyashiki Family & Training

" " Speaking out loud

' ' Speaking in mind

* * Sounds/actions



Byakugan wise, I managed no hand sign, I increased my distance a bit, increased activation speed, even though the blind spot is a little annoying.

Pretty eventful few days. Until I received a letter.



It was the morning of the 3rd day Maki had been at the butterfly estate when a crow perched on the window sill with a letter attached to its leg. Opening the window and grabbing it, not forgetting to give the crow some pets before it flew off.

The letter read:

Dear Zen'in Maki,

We have heard about the events that had occurred earlier this week, and we invite you to our home in order to thank you personally and to discuss the future.

Kocho Shinobu will be by shortly to escort you to our estate. We hope to see you soon.


Ubuyashiki Kaguya

(A/N: I hope this isn't too bad or too OOC, forgive me)

'Well, I guess it's time to meet them, I'm actually a little excited. Although, I have no extra clothes, I kept the ones I've been wearing, but now I have an eyepatch too. Hopefully I'll be able to get them to allow me into the final selection, or straight up allow me to become a slayer since I've killed a demon already.'

Putting the letter away, Maki goes to bathe before the meeting. Although she still has to wait for Shinobu to show up to take her there.

'Might as well train a little more while waiting. God said I'm perfectly able to summon Maki's original weapons, I believe it should be easy since I have all of her fighting experience with said weapons.'

Playful Cloud: A 3 sectioned staff connected by metal rings. Its ability is to enhance the physical abilities of the user.

Dragon-Bone: A thick but normal length single edge blade. Its ability is to accumulate force and energy, and release it through the holes on the back of the blade.

Split Soul Katana: An average length katana that has the ability to bypass any physical defense and directly damage the soul of the target.

Naginata: Has no ability, but is a weapon that Maki is incredible proficient with.

Attempting to summon the Playful Cloud proved…easier than expected. It immediately summoned into her hand faster than any other weapon with barely even a thought. Have an idea as to why, Maki summons the other three weapons as well.

'As expected, these four weapons are easier to summon than any other weapon due to the knowledge and experience of using them. Which is nice since they are incredible weapons. It makes me think however….'

'Hehehe, I could summon guns! Imagine a sniper using bullets summoned with scarlet crimson ore! Or guns with anti-magic properties! Oh boy, so many options. Let's summon a gun.'

Summoning a gun also proved to be fairly easy, due to her past life using them for assassination. Using them is incredibly easy for her. Also it's not like it will be too out of place either since Genya also uses one.

She also managed to summon Playful Cloud with the properties of a nichirin sword. It was a resounding success, not very difficult either which is always nice.

'Now I also really want to summon Fushiguro Toji's Inverted Spear of Heaven, but instead of just cancelling cursed techniques, it will cancel ANY active techniques, hopefully that would work to stop demons from using theirs.'

"Anyway let's-"

*Knock knock*

"Come in!"

After responding to the knock on her door, Maki sees the door opening to reveal Shinobu walking in. Assuming that Shinobu is here to escort her to the Ubuyashiki estate she gets off the bed to put her shoes on and grab everything she needs.

"Here to escort me to the Ubuyashiki estate right?"

"Ara? Seems you got the letter. I am, follow me please."

Without further chatter, Shinobu heads out the door with Maki in tow. It was a silent walk but Maki wasn't complaining. It was peaceful and tranquil.

It was also beautiful, lots of wisteria trees on the edges of the properties. Wisteria is a deadly poison for the demons of this world, they wouldn't dare get near it. Glancing at Shinobu and remembering something.


'Not only is it beautfiul, it protects against demons. If I recall correctly, wisteria is how Shinobu killed Upper Moon 2. By ingesting so much wisteria, it became a huge component of her body, so when Upper Moon 2 ate parts of her, it severely weakened him, enough for someone else to kill him.'

Recalling that information, her imaginative mind starts working heavily, thinking of ways to use this information.

'Wisteria, it's a poison to demons, that's how Shinobu kills demons. Maybe I could do something similar IF and ONLY IF, I can imbue weapons with the effect of wisteria poison. Does that count as a magical effect? I'll have to see. I think I could kill high ranking demons that way, I'll use an ordinary sword and when I slice them, they will know it's not a nichirin sword. They should get a sense of security, and when they do, I switch to a weapon with wisteria poison when they can't see, and bam, I get them when they have their guard lowered. Well, I suppose that would work with a nichirin sword too, or if I'm too strong for them, then I wouldn't matter anyways, but better safe than sorry.'

The thing is, many if not all strong beings always have lingering fear of death and things that can end them, but upon realizing that something or someone cannot kill them, they get complacent. They get arrogant, believing that they are better simply because they are "stronger", many let their guards down when they think their opponent can't kill them.

Thats when you strike, the moment they relax, is the moment you go for the kill. Lure them into a sense of security and deceive them.

'Anyways, I'll have to test that when I get the chance. We're here.'

Before she knew it, they had arrived at the Ubuyashiki Estate to meet the leader of the Demon Slayer corps. Shinobu had led her to a decent sized courtyard of gravel with flowers, plants and a large tree surrounding. The estate had a big open wall with a porch in front. The wall led to an open room of tatami mats with a small table and some pillows placed down. Untouched food sat on the table, it looked like rice, soup, sushi, and glasses of water.

(A/N: I'm not very well versed in Japanese lunches.)

Sitting at the table were four people. In the middle right was a man with shoulder length black hair, wearing traditional Japanese clothing and a white haori. What set him apart was a large purple scar on the top half of his head stopping at his nose.

The person on the middle left, was a woman with white hair in a small ponytail. She had purple ringed eyes and was also wearing traditional Japanese clothing.

The two on the far right and left side were tein children with chin length white hair, purple ringed eyes, and wearing the same clothing. The only thing setting the two apart is that one had a red ribbon in their hair, and the other had a green ribbon.

The duo of Maki and Shinobu stopped in front of the porch when Shinobu got down on one knee.

"Greetings master, we have arrived." Shinobu adressed the master.

"Thank you Shinobu, you may leave." The man in the middle is the one who dismissed Shinobu.

"Yes master." With that, she stands up and head back to where they walked in.

"Zen'in Maki correct? Please please, come take a seat, we have been waiting for your arrival."

"Thank you." With that, Maki steps up the porch and over to the table and sat down.

"Please, help yourself to some lunch. We have much to talk about."

With a nod, Maki proceeds to pick up the chopsticks to eat. Though as she brings the food up to her mouth, she uses her superior sense of smell to detect any potential poisons. Luckily, there are none, but one can never be too careful, especially in the life of an assassin.

With a small clap of his hands, the Ubuyashiki head begins to address Maki.

"Well, I believe introductions are in order. I am Ubuyashiki Kaguya, head of the Ubuyashiki family and the leader of the Demon Slayer Corps. To my right is my wife, Ubuyashiki Amane. To our right and left are two of my children, Kiriya and Hinaki."

"I am Zen'in Maki. Thank you for having me."

"The pleasure is ours. Now, if I may, I have heard of the events from a few days ago. I thank you for saving and protecting my children. You have done us a great service and will be rewarded appropriately. Next, I'd like to ask you your thoughts on demons?"

"Well, it's simple really, if they kill innocent people, which is most of them, they should die, if by chance there are any demons who do not commit such atrocities, I think they deserve a chance."

Such demons are rare, roughly only 2 known demons are good.

"I see, now on to my final question…would you like to take the final selection and become a demon slayer?"


Thank you for reading chapter 6. In my opinion, it wasn't my favorite chapter. I don't think it was bad but not the best.

We get to see some more training progression and ideas on future ways to utilize Maki's powers.

Anyways, I'm trying to release a chapter every day or every other day, let me know if I should have a set posting time or not. Like should I post a chapter as soon as I finish it? Or if I finish it late, post the following day in the morning?

Please look forward to the next chapter and have a fantastic day.

Thank you for all the support so far, it makes me happy to see the support and gives me the motivation to continue.

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