
Heavenly Restriction: Multiverse of Maki Zen’in

Watch as a former assassin is reincarnated as Maki Zen’in in the multiverse of anime and movies. Will she be a hero? a Villian? or will she just do her own thing? Disclaimers: Some character may be ‘out of character’ due to my inexperience. Also, she will be more powerful than the original, so she isn’t getting curbstomped in some worlds. I don’t own the cover photo, I found it on google, not sure who made it Uploads may be sporadic, there’ll be no set schedule, I’ll post when I finish chapters

DaddyToast · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 3: Village

" " Speaking out loud

' ' Speaking in mind

* * Sounds/actions



"There we go. So, main objective tomorrow, find another, or multiple animals to gather and sell at a town if it is not a modern world. If it is a modern world, I'll figure something out I suppose. Haaah, goodnight then world."

With that, Maki starts to doze off into a light sleep after her first day of her new life.



Waking up the next morning, the sun is low in the sky just past sunrise. Maki slowly gets up and stretches her body just a little bit. After a big stretch, she begins to clean up her little camping area. Smothering the remains of her campfire and making sure there's no fire hazard.

"Haah, so this really happened huh? Still a little hard to believe but not unwelcome. However, I think it is time to gather some food and try to find some civilization today."

With that, Maki sets off into a random direction. Not walking, but a jogging speed, sometimes sprinting. She figured out that her speed is obviously extremely fast. To an outside perspective, it'd almost be like she was becoming a blur and nearly teleporting.

She also tested her strength a little by punching a tree, and completed gouged through the side of it with ease. Along the way as well, she was training her weapon summoning to get it to be more seamless and less noticeable.

Finding a deer and a few rabbits, she hunted and bled them. She found some materials in the forest to tie them together for easy transport.

Surprisingly it didn't take very long to find a road through the forest. After a decent walk, she finally found what looked to be a village, and by the looks of it, Japanese style architecture. Which also means that her clothes are likely going to stick out like a sore thumb.

Walking just a bit further she finally enters the decently sized village, the first thing she notices is the smell. Next is the similar dress of all the residents. Traditional Japanese clothing in the former eras. All the buildings look similar to each other. They've all got stalls outside selling stuff: food, masks, cloths, and knicknacks.

'First thing first, I need to sell this meat, and I'll just buy some food and clothes after so I'm not sticking out so much. Though no one seems to have noticed me much, must be THAT huh? Low presence and nearly undetectable. Well alright let's find someone to sell to.'

Continuing her walk through the village looking for someone to sell to. Along the way she found a good shop to buy some clothes afterwards and some tasty looking food. Memorising those for later, she found a butcher shop.

(A/N: I couldn't find about about where you'd sell game in 1920's Japan, so this'll have to do. I also don't know the value of currency at the time, plus I am American. I'll be quite vague for now so if anyone has any suggestions about how to do the next portion better and future money situations.)

After selling the rabbit and deer meat/fur, Maki gained a decent chunk of money. She starts to head to a ramen stand she memorized the location of along the way.

'It seems like no one really notices me walking around, so I think for now I'll say screw it on getting new clothes until I figure out what world I'm in. Plus these are actually pretty comfy.' While musing to herself she arrived the mentioned ramen stand and greeted the cook while taking a seat on the stools.

(A/N: once again, I'm from the US and not well versed on Japanese honorifics, forgive me.)

"Hey sir, 2 large bowls of your recommendation."

"Take a seat young lady, 2 large chef's recommendation coming right up!"

Looking around at the ramen cart, it's got 4 stools seated out front, 1 lantern hanging for light, overhead red sign, and the inside is the small kitchen fit for one. It's a small cart, but it's well kept and aesthetically pleasing.

"So young lady, never seen you around here, what brings you on by?" The chef speaks out to Maki out of curiosity.

"I've just been traveling here and there, happened to stumble upon this village by chance. Any news to share?"

"I see, well it's a pleasure to have new people around. News? Well, I'd say be careful at night, there's been rumors of people going missing in a nearby village lately. I've heard mentions of the word 'Demons'. Anyways, here's your ramen, enjoy!"

'Demons? Then is this the Demon Slayer world? If so, that might actually be a really good thing! Since demons are the only 'supernatural' in this world, humans learned their breathing techniques. Since that's a body technique, even with heavenly restriction, I should be able to learn it as well!'

"Demons huh? Well I thank you for the information. *Slurp* Damn! This is really good!"

Finishing up her noodles, she put her money on the table while standing up.

"Thanks old man for the food, it was incredible. Thanks for the information too, keep the change."

After waving a goodbye to the chef, Maki heads to where she knows an inn to be.

'So Demon Slayer huh? Learning Total Concentration Breathing would be a huge jump in strength. I wonder if I'd die at 25 if I got the mark? The god did say I'd have a longer lifespan and that it'd reset when I changed worlds. Hmm thoughts for later. Let's get to this inn and sleep the night off.'

Like that, a few days passed peacefully in this village, wake up, eat, train weapon summoning, eat, sleep, repeat. She had enough money to last a few more days.

She was wondering if and when she'd finally meet a demon or a demon slayer, until she didn't have to continue wondering.


Thank you for reading this chapter, late night post. Helpful advice is welcome.

Have a wonderful night.

I know, shorter chapter, I should be able make them longer after this, but it might be slower upload.

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