
Heavenly Chronicles, Angelic Arc

The earth was created by God, owned by God and Controlled by God. Or so we thought? Angels are becoming rebellious, Demons becoming stronger and the earth is beginning to be filled evil. Some humans are given supernatural powers by fallen angels to join them in rebelling against God, makimg them half angels, some join them while the rest refuse. God decides to fight back, he urges a man to create a school, an acacemy to help keep the good half angels in check and then grants seven humans, extraordinary abilities to fight demons and fallen angels on earth, they were called hunters. Those abilities are transferred from generations to generations. Theo Blackheart, a normal average teen living an average life happens to have his life turned around one night when he is attacked by his date, a fallen angel. He escapes and finds out he is a hunter. He eventually learns that the soul of his father is trapped in his body and he is acting as a vessel for him. Angels, Demons and even angels who refer themselves as "gods" all become his enemy only because he has the potential of wiping out their existence if he masters his power. Disclaimer: Please this earth is different from our own, do not mistake the two, after all it is fantasy Apologies: I am really sorry for the mishap, and delay on release, I wasn't feeling too well this past days. Updates on this novel are Monday, Tuesday and Fridays

David_James_6708 · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Meet my Mother

"Theo, you know about angels and demons, right?" Mr. Leon Started

"Yes, you told me stories about them," I replied.

"Yeah that's half true"

Half, what did he mean? I looked at Mr. Leon with confusion mixed with excitement, I had a little idea of what happened but I wanted to confirm it.

"Theo, those weren't stories, they are real."

So, Taylor was an angel? I asked, Mr. Leon nodded. I couldn't believe it, I knew angels may be real because of what I read in the bible but I never imagined meeting one in real life. But if that was an angel….

But why did she look as if she wanted to kill me, Mr. Leon didn't answer me immediately and when he did, he said

"Let me drop you home ok?"

I looked at him and decided he was messing with me and I drank too much at the party and hallucinating, seeing things too, because there was no way an ordinary person like me would ever see and angel, besides angels don't try to kill someone. Maybe if I slept and woke up, my head will get clear.

We finally got to my house, he opened the door for me before leaving he gave a small box, I just looked at it, smiled and stashed it away in my bag. All I could think about was my bed and mum.

Now somethings about my mum before you know her.

Her name is Lucy Blackheart and she is one of the sweetest people on earth, no I should probably say the whole spiritual realm. She lived with me alone and worked as a waiter at some restaurant that I was never allowed to, even now when I was older and almost an adult, my dad had left me when I was eight, my step-dad sought of died two years after getting married to her, I say sought off, because no one knew how he died, in fact no one knew where he was, he just said he was going out and never came back, then my mum told me a week later that he was dead. Though we didn't have much, mum always tried her best to make the happiest I could ever be, even though sometimes it felt like she was hiding things from me, I wasn't bothered, after all, I was happy with my life.

I stepped into the house, my mum welcomed me with a warm hug, how was the prom honey? She asked with a bright smile. I decided it would be best if I didn't tell her about what had happened.

"It was great"

"Hmm so did you kiss her?"

I felt my cheeks turn red.

"MUM!" She just laughed

"Guess what we're having?"


"Tofu with Chicken Salad" She smiled as she walked to prepare the dining table, I joined her at the dining when she had set everything, I put a piece of tofu into my mouth, it was the best as always. Someone knocked on the door, I stood up to get it.

I wondered why someone would come to the house by this hour, then I remembered all about what happened with Taylor. I froze immediately, my mum noticed it

What's wrong honey?

Umm nothing

Then go and check who is at the door, my mum added. I couldn't bring myself to tell mum what had happened with Taylor. I decided to go and check who was at the door.

I gulped as I held the door knob

"Here we go, God please shine luck on me" I wished under breath.