

Book/Volume 1 Summary: A Question telling "If you are in risky situations... in a another dimension, what will you do?", My answer is "I will fight to save my new home and our lives."

M0ll1eorW1ll0w · Fantasy
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Chapter 4 Evacuation

"That is what happened to me after the Heaven-More demon king, Brutus, killed my parents and my two brothers. He bit me and injected his blood into me, transforming me into a heaven-more demon." Gabrielle told Richard and Nick, showing them a large bite mark on her wrist, which they didn't even get a chance to notice since they thought Gabrielle also got bit by a bear.

"Holy fuck..." Nick mumbled, seeing how big the bite mark is.

"I've seen the demon king! In my dream before I woke up in this different world!" Richard said to Gabrielle.

"You're from the real world?" Gabrielle asked, her eyes widening.

"Yes, we are." Richard and Nick replied.

"Oh, this is the 4th time more humans from the real world got transported to Heaven-More." Gabrielle said, scratching the back of her head, almost going to her black horns.

"They are other real-world humans here?" Richard asked, surprised.

"I'm just like a real-world human, a heaven-more human. Queen Danielle, the Queen of Danielle, is a heaven-more human, too. We are much different than you humans." Gabrielle told Richard and Nick calmly.

"Did God create heaven-more humans just like the first man and woman?" Richard asked.

"Well, i don't know, but there are myths but i don't know the truth. But "Heaven-More", it is like an alternative universe that God created the opposite of the real-word earth." Gabrielle spoke the possible creation of Heaven-More to the two boys.

Richard's eyes widen with surprise and sort of fascination. Even Nick is flabbergasted, too.

"And the citizens who now lived in Heaven-More enough were called "Heaven-More Humans"?" Richard guessed with a question. "You are correct, Richard." Gabrielle replied, nodding her head.

Then Gabrielle looked around the shed-like cabin while Richard finished patching up her wrist after healing the bite mark (Heaven-More Humans transformed to demons can't feel pain) and then told Richard and Nick this "Look, we can't stay here any longer and tell you guys more about heaven-more, King Brutus sent a demon in the Raindrop Forest after attacking me and my family last night, we have to evacuate out of here."

"What?! But this is our only shelter!" Richard said with shock.

Gabrielle sighed deeply. "I know, I know... we need to survive, you two want to live, and you are just kids, I'm a kid too, sadly."

"Damn..." Nick said, sounding hurt that he knows he is still a (16 year old) kid.

An hour later, after keeping Nick's broken ankle wrapped up with his jacket and making sure Gabrielle's wounds were patched up.

Gabrielle helped Richard carrying Nick out of the shed-like cabin. It started raining again but only a tiny bit. The three kids walked down a pathway away from the shed-like cabin.

Richard had taken food that was left from the shed-like cabin to prevent starvation to himself, Nick, and Gabrielle, too. Richard felt he was going to eat once a day, and that'll be a nightmare.

Gabrielle looks at Richard with a small smirk. "Can't let starvation take over?"

"Y-Yeah, I have a fear of starvation since I see it as a painful death and condition." Richard replied.

"I can't blame you. Some heaven-more humans that were stranded and out of the heaven-more city died from starvation, and my family and I are the lucky ones by the ones who sacrificed themselves for us before King Brutus attacked us." Gabrielle said

"G-Gabrielle... I'm sorry about what is happening to you now and how you are probably living in." Richard told Gabrielle, very sympathetic.

"Hey, don't blame yourself. You never met me before." Gabrielle told Richard with a joking-like smirk, Richard blushed a bit and nodded his head. "Y-You're right..."

"Thank god, you didn't meet me too because when I was 6 years old, I sometimes wet the bed." Nick said, "Gross!" Gabrielle replied.

"And my little sister wets her crib when she is only 2 since dad forgot she needs to go pottie." Richard said with a wide smile.

"Bedwetters these days." Gabrielle said with a sigh and rolling her eyes.

The three stood in front of a large boulder as a bridge beside a waterfall. "Great, we are going to have to cross carefully." Richard said, a bit nervous.

"You both go first." Gabrielle told Richard and Nick. Richard held Nick and put him on his back in a piggyback ride. He tried his best to hold Nick tightly because Nick would go working out for his age.

Richard took slow and careful steps, but they were wobbly and shaky. Richard gritted his teeth tightly, looking down at the height below the waterfall.

"Why are you looking down then, Richie?" Nick asked, an eyebrow raised. Richard gulped shakily and kept holding Nick and taking wobbly but careful and slow steps, crossing the boulder bridge.

Gabrielle watched Richard finally make it to safety after crossing the boulder bridge and setting Nick down on a large rock. She closed her eyes and shaking her head slowly and chuckling.

Richard and Nick watched in awe as Gabrielle began speed walking across the boulder and then quickly finished crossing it. Gabrielle smiled and rested her hands on her hips and then poked the sharp part of her horns with her fingertip carefully to not prick her finger.

"Come on boys, let's go!" Gabrielle said, and so Richard held Nick and put him back on the piggyback ride and followed Gabrielle behind.

Then, 2 minutes of the journey of finding an exit, they heard rustling in the bushes and then a thump on the grass. "W-What was that?" Richard exclaimed nervously, then he smelt a powerful rotting smell almost like smelling the rotting smell of a corpse.

"I think... It's a heaven-more demon. It always has a rotting smell!" Gabrielle said with an alert tone, scratching her fingers out like a cat would do to bear out its claws.

"A-Are you sure?!" Richard started to panic a bit, looking around frantically and also as an attempt to protect Nick still on the piggyback ride.

"Do you hear what I said? It has a rotting smell, you smelt it, I saw that in your body language!" Gabrielle told Richard.

Then the three heard a twig snapping, then multiple big, loud scratching sounds, Richard shot his head towards the sounds and saw large scratch marks on four trees.

"It's near us!" Gabrielle said in the verge of complete panic, still barring his black, sharp, mutated claws.

Then, someone bursts out from the trees and bushes. It was a skinny-looking demon with black horns and grey skin and wearing nothing but just brown shorts. It snarled its teeth, and drool drips out from its big mouth, its claws on his toes scratched through the pathway ground, and its pitch black eyes are like two gaping holes for eyes and the demon was even soaking wet like it had been in the raindrop forest last night and then the whole morning.

The silence was interrupted by Nick screaming like a little girl, and then the demon started roaring a high pitch shriek. "MOVE OUT OF THE WAY!" Gabrielle pushes Richard out of the way as soon as the demon was coming towards him and Nick, Richard stumbled a bit from Gabrielle's push and Nick almost fell off from his back.

Richard stammers a bit "W-What we do?! S-Should we run or-"

"We have to KILL THIS DEMON!" Gabrielle yelled.

"B-But how?!" Richard always thought all demons are immortal but he would wrong soon, "Heaven-More demons aren't immortal!" Gabrielle replied as she snatched the demon's cheek with her claws.

Nick then reached down and managed to pick up a large stick and then he swings it up to the demon's head and hit it there. The demon shirked and held his head with both hands and Gabrielle kicked one of its kneecaps. Richard just watch with terror as this heaven-more demon and the good demon Gabrielle now fight like wild animals and Nick continued hitting the demon with the stick while still on Richard's back and the piggyback ride.

Gabrielle bit down the demon's neck, her sharp teeth sinking in. The demon fell to the ground while shrieking in pain and trying to push Gabrielle off.

Richard then found a large rock and then with all the strength he quickly gathered up in a rush, he picked up the heavy rock with both hands and then raised it in the air.

Nick stopped hitting the demon with the stick and moved his head away from where Richard is raising the rock in the air and Gabrielle immediately got off of the demon, seeing what Richard is about to do.

Then BASH! Richard bashed the demon's head with the large heavy rock, its head almost busted open like a watermelon and black mixed with dark red blood was splattered everywhere and all over the rock.

Richard quickly looks down after a long pause and screamed in terror and frantically moved away from the demon's corpse, he almost vomited at the sight of the gore and also bewildered by the strong strength that he haven't gotten before.

"Holy shit, Richard!" Nick was absolutely shocked by what Richard had done.

Richard was breathing heavily, both hands trembling. He tried to calm down but his body betrayed him with extreme anxiety. Gabrielle quickly go over to Richard and placed both hands on his shoulders.

Richard shoots his head up towards Gabrielle, looking into her eyes. He finally managed to slow down his breathing which made him calm down. He looks away from the demon's corpse while he takes a deep breath.

"I just killed a demon..." Richard spoke.

"It was for the best." Gabrielle told Richard calmly.

"W-What?" Richard looks at Gabrielle with the same fearful look, confused by what she meant.

"These type of demon are created by King Brutus and can't be cured back into humans..." Gabrielle Richard and Nick.

"Does that happen before?" Nick asked, now sitting on a large rock. "The human turning into heaven-more demons and then turned back into humans?"

"Yes, there is a way to reverse demons that are not created by king Brutus back into humans." Gabrielle replied calmly.

"But well how in the painful hell are we going to find that cure then?" Nick asked in sarcastic-sounding tone.

"The queen knows about the information. We will know once we get to her." Gabrielle's face then changed to a sombre look and she said "Even though I am a non-created demon..."

"Wait... serious question here. Do non-created demons lose their memories?" Richard asked Gabrielle while he picks up Nick and held him on his back in a piggyback ride again.

Gabrielle didn't hesitate to answer "Yes, they do. But when someone stops them from attacking and they realize what had happened to them and if they had hurt someone, their memories comes back in place. You two, you saved me. Thank you for that." Gabrielle smiled at Richard and Nick.

Richard felt himself going red in the face, "I just h-helped you- oh no, that's just a dumb excuse! I-" Richard stopped himself from talking, feeling absolutely embarrassed.

"I think he's trying to say "Hey! Do I look like a superhero from a movie to you?"!" Nick tells Gabrielle. 

"Nick!" Richard exclaimed, his face turning fully red like a tomato. Gabrielle resisted blushing, chuckling and rolling her eyes.

A few seconds later, "Let's go now, we need to evacuate the raindrop forest right before another demon arrives." Gabrielle told Richard and Nick in a serious tone.

"Now!" Gabrielle said, more serious and stern-sounding, grabbing Richard's hand and Richard still held Nick in the piggyback ride by holding one of his legs and Nick still holding onto Richard on his back.

The three kids walked down the Raindrop forest, continuing the search for an exit.

End of Chapter 4.