

Book/Volume 1 Summary: A Question telling "If you are in risky situations... in a another dimension, what will you do?", My answer is "I will fight to save my new home and our lives."

M0ll1eorW1ll0w · Fantasy
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Chapter 3 Gabrielle the Demon Victim

Nick's eyes flickered open, waking up in the same mattress beside Richard's mattress. Nick looked up and saw from the window that it was morning.

Nick sits up from the mattress and looks down at Richard, who is still sleeping. Nick remembers from last night how Richard breathes (rain breathing) and didn't even bother to ask him about that because it was pretty relaxing, which made him fall asleep. Nick checks his phone after turning it on, which has 18% battery, and it was 10:01.

Nick glanced down at Richard and began to shake him lightly on his shoulder to wake him up. "Hey Rich, wake up. It's morning, dude."

"H... H-Huh?" Richard wakes up before letting out a yawn, "Oh... hey, Nick... Good morning, I guess." He said before letting out a soft chuckle.

"I think we should get out of this cabin since it must be affected by the rain here." Nick told Richard, the two boys could see water dripping from a crack of the roof and the ceiling a distance away from them, "Yes, let's go." Richard agreed.

Richard puts on his black jacket, and Nick puts on his demin jacket, and the two boys are ready to get out of the shed-like cabin.

They both walk out and away from the shed-like cabin and walk down a pathway past other two few shed-like cabins that were damaged and affected by the rain.

While they were walking past the two shed-like cabins, the two boys were talking to each other.

"You were breathing too soft and gently. It sounds so unnatural for a human. How did you do that, dude?" Nick asked, referring to last night.

"I don't exactly know since I don't remember much... but I fell asleep by that kind of breathing. I have been making sounding and feeling so relaxing!" Richard replied. He was surprised by that, too.

"I fell asleep too, that also sounds very beautiful, and that kinda suits your voice to it." Nick said with a playful smile

"W-What? Oh, shut up, man!" Richard replied with a little blush on both of his cheeks by what Nick had said.

Richard was still confused about what caused that kind of unnatural breathing (rain breathing) to escape from his mouth but decided to theorise it or even find out later.

The two boys walked past two more shed-like cabins until before they walked to the 5th one, a very foul smell hit their nostrils.

"Ugh, damn! What's that smell?" Nick exclaimed as he covered his nose, "I-I don't know." Richard felt like vomiting from how powerful the smell was.

As the two boys walked closer to pass the 5th cabin, they saw a trial of red stains on the ground. "W-What the, is that blood?" Richard was shocked and a little scared from his guess.

As the two boys walked past a few bushes and trees since the 5th cabin was covered by them... they saw more crimson, they saw broken windows, scratch marks on the walls, bloody remains of humans torn to pieces and eaten... and only one unharmed person was laying outside of the shed-like cabin door.

A young girl appearing around Richard and Nick's age (15-16) with long light brown hair and wearing a white night-gown dress and has a cut on her head that is bleeding down to her face.

She appeared to be unconscious since she didn't respond to Richard and Nick's running footsteps towards her, and Richard's shouts to call her, "Oh my god! Hey! Hello?! Are you okay?!"

Nick and Richard checked the girl's pulse and breathing and found out that she was still alive. Richard took off his black jacket and wrapped it around the girl, and began to run away, carrying her on his back, and Nick followed behind.

"What happened there?!" Nick shouted with panic, "I don't know! It looks so bad!" Richard shouted back, having a good hold of the unconscious girl on his back.

Panic was so taken over the two boys for the girl that they ran faster that they felt like their legs were going to fall off. They ran past a clear area from a lot of trees and bushes and were running down a bridge below a river.

They stopped beside the bridge, and Richard rests the girl down on the ground. Nick takes off his fingerless gloves and wipes the blood off of the girl's face with one of the gloves and then presses his other glove on the cut on her head to prevent any possibility that it is still bleeding since they don't know how long the girl was like that outside of that shed-like cabin

"God, that cut looks kind of bad..." Nick muttered as he pressed the glove down more.

"We got to get help for her! We can't call my dad or your mom since they don't know where we are, and our phones are probably dead!" Richard said, still in a panic for the poor girl. "Oh god, oh damn!" Nick panicked at Richard's words.

Nick lifts his glove away from the cut to check on it, but then, as soon as he is about to press it back down... One of the arms that belonged to the injured girl grabs onto Nick's wrist very rough, and then she unexpectedly lunges at Nick, and she threw herself and Nick towards the bridge and Richard watched in horror as the two falls off the edge next to the bridge.

"NICK!" Richard screamed and ran to the edge, he looks down to the edge. He saw Nick and the girl laying down on the edge in front of the river.

"NICK! NICK!" Richard was running to the direction to try and access the in front of the river while screaming Nick's name.

Richard runs down a hill in front of the river and finds Nick and the girl and finally runs towards him. "NICK! Nick! Are you okay?!" Richard shakes Nick's shoulders. "ARGH! Oh my god!" Nick immediately wakes up, not by Richard, but Nick had broken his ankle from the fall. "SHIT! My ankle!"

Richard and Nick looked over at the girl, and she was getting up from the ground and was starting to stand up slowly. She was making these deep and calm growling and grunting noises...

"H-Hey!" Nick called to the girl. As soon as Nick called, the girl turned her head to the two boys...

Her face was contorted to an angry, aggressive expression and... her teeth were sharp like some kind of demon's teeth, her sclera was void black, and her pupil eye colour was glowing pink, and her fingernails were mutated into sharp claws, and her long light brown hair had changed into crimson red with hot-pink highlights.

"RAWAR!" She lunges at Richard when he hides the injured Nick behind his back. Richard screamed in horror and pressed his foot against her lower chest on her ribs and a hand around her neck.

Richard struggled with the girl to protect himself, and the girl who was once human struggled with Richard to try and attack him. Nick crawled quickly despite having a broken ankle and wrapped his arms around the girl's waist, and struggled to pull her off of Richard.

"HEY! PLEASE STOP! WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?!" Richard screams at the demon girl, his eyes looking into her terrifying eyes as she grunts and lets out roars like a demon. Finally, Nick managed to pull the demon girl off of Richard and held her down on the ground.

She struggled with Nick on top of her, letting out loud grunts and roars like a dangerous animal struggled to prevent being restrained.

"W-What the fuck is wrong with her?!"

"I-I don't know, oh god!" Richard was terrified, staring down at the demon girl as he helped Nick keeping her restrained.

Two minutes later, the demon girl stopped struggling and screaming and making animal-like noises and then... she started breaking down into tears.

"Hey, hey! What is wrong with you?" Richard lifts the girl's chin up gently, her teary black sclera and glowing pink eyes staring at Richard's heterochromia eyes.

The demon girl cried a few more times for a few seconds until she passed out out of nowhere.

"What the hell..." Richard mumbled, staring at the demon girl's sleeping body, "What the hell, this girl was human when we found her... n-now..." Richard was still looking so terrified, so was Nick.

Nick takes off his demin jacket and puts it around the girl as a blanket, and Richard goes to treat Nick. "AAAHHH! FUCK!" Nick screamed so loud after Richard snapped his ankle in the right direction it used to be.

"O-Okay, okay... we need to find something to cover this up." Richard holds Nick's ankle gently as he darts his head around. Then Richard drags the girl towards them and then gently slips Nick's jacket away from her, and Richard gently wraps the jacket around Nick's broken ankle.

"What are we going to do with this girl? She has become a demon!" Nick said.

"We are taking her with us!" Richard replied sternly, preparing to pick her up.

"What?! Are you mad?!" Nick exclaimed with shock and disbelief from what Richard told him.

"We have to! She needs our help, I just know it! Something or someone has probably turned her into a demon or... should I say... a heaven-more demon."

Nick paused and stared at Richard, picking up the demon girl on to his back. "And can you even help me walk too?" Nick crossed his arms as he asked Richard that.

Richard reaches down his hand, and Nick grabs his hand. He carefully gets up on his broken ankle, and Richard wraps an arm around Nick to help with his balance.

This will be hard for Richard, carrying his injured friend and carrying a girl who has turned into a demon on his back. Richard managed to walk up to the hill and got back up beside the bridge and went to the spot where Nick had fallen by the demon girl, Richard picks up his black jacket and puts it around the girl and went back to carrying her and Nick.

Richard finds a shed-like cabin, similar to what Richard and Nick used to stay in. Richard was exhausted as he sat down on the carpet on the floor after he set Nick and the girl down on the couch.

"Damn, this hurts like shit." Nick looks at his broken ankle covered by his demin jacket.

The demon girl's sleeping body lays down beside Nick. Nick fixes Richard's jacket, wrapping it around the girl and making sure she gets her head comfortable on the pillow and her body comfortable on the couch. Nick seemed to have taken Richard's words of the girl needing help from her situation.

That poor girl needs help.

Richard found a medkit along with pulling out an ice pack out of the freezer. Richard takes off Nick's shoe and sock and then presses gently down on Nick's swollen ankle, and after Nick feels the swelling stopped, Richard carefully wraps a lot of bandages to make it looks like a cast for a broken ankle.

"You are also very touchy, Rich." Nick told Richard, letting out a soft chuckle. Richard blushed a little bit and told Nick, "I'm just trying to be gentle with you because you're injured, of course!" He shakes his head to try and control his flushing face.

"I don't mind that, I'm gay anyway!" Nick shrugged his shoulders, Richard blushed a little more since it is true about his friend's sexual orientation.

After Richard was treating Nick and sitting his leg down on the footrester. Then the two boys heard the girl move and saw her black sclera and pink pupils flickering and squinting her eyes open. She heard Nick say, "She's waking up! She's awake!"

The girl rubbed her head and felt black horns after sprouting out from her head without any injury. She looks around the living room of the cabin, then down at the black jacket that smelt like a boy, and then finally, her glowing pink pupils glanced to Richard and Nick.

"W-What? W-Who are you?" The girl was shocked to see the boys in front of her beside her on the couch.

"H-Hey, it's okay there! Please don't be afraid, we are not going to hurt you!" Richard told the girl with reassurance and was also nervous because he was a bit unsure of what else to do in the situation since he was mostly vulnerable and helpless from trying to help people, especially his age.

The girl's glowing eyes stared at Richard with surprise as if she was unsure to trust Richard and Nick or not.

"We found you at one of the cabins from the raindrop forest, you were injured and in a dangerous situation and we didn't what had happened to you before we were checking on you and trying to heal you while you were unconscious but then..." Richard stopped talking. He doesn't know how to tell the poor girl that she had become a demon and almost killed Nick.

Then Richard and Nick saw the girl's face change from surprise and confusion to utter horror, and she looked at her hand, seeing that her fingernails mutated to sharp claws, knowing the truth.

Then she raises a hand out as she frantically tells the boys, "Please don't be afraid too! I mean no harm! The king of all Heaven-More demons did this to me! I swear!"

"Wait... that demon king? I saw him in my dream... but he was real? I wasn't actually a dream?" Richard was horrified after he spoke out his thoughts.

"You are lucky you two didn't turn into demons too, but you are still victims! He might be hunting you!" The girl told Richard and Nick.

"I'll explain my story later, okay?" The girl speaks calmly. "O-Okay... here, let me treat your cut, okay?" Richard holds on to the medkit to heal the girl's cut on her head.

As he is getting the disinfecting stuff and bandages, he says, "My name is Richard, and this is my friend, Nick.", "What is your name too?" Nick asked the girl.

~Introducing Gabrielle~

The girl nodded her head shortly before replying, "Gabrielle, my name's Gabrielle."

End of Chapter 3.