

Book/Volume 1 Summary: A Question telling "If you are in risky situations... in a another dimension, what will you do?", My answer is "I will fight to save my new home and our lives."

M0ll1eorW1ll0w · Fantasy
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Chapter 5 Tackled

About 2 whole minutes done by. Richard, Nick, and Gabrielle finally found the exit to evacuate the Raindrop Forest.

"Good, we're out." Richard breathed a sigh of relief, still carrying Nick in a piggyback ride.

"My broken-ass ankle is feeling heavy as a big pile of shit..." Nick said, gritting his teeth a bit.

"Is there a hospital?" Richard asked Gabrielle, worried for Nick.

"Yes, it is in the city. It is about 35 miles away from the isolated part in Heaven-More." Gabrielle replied.

"Great... more walking, is there any kind of vehicles or transportation?" Richard asked, more worried.

"Sadly no, I wish there was." Gabrielle shakes her head, sighing. That response wasn't very fair, of course.

"We can find another way, right?" Nick said with hope.

Before Gabrielle could reply to Nick, the three kids were then ambushed by multiple people, wearing clothing and armour similar to military uniform or royal guard outfits and armour. Two guards grabbed the two boys roughly and yelling aggressively. The first guard yanked Nick off of Richard's back as the second guard aggressively grabbed Richard by his hoodie and roughly pulled him towards them.



"AAHH! GET OFF ME! GET OFF OF ME!" Richard begins to panic, thinking he is going to get killed. He tried fighting back, hitting and kicking, but the royal guards and soldiers were bigger and stronger than him. Richard screamed and then ended up coming to tears. He yelped as one of the royal guards tied his hands behind his back with rope.

"ARGH! HEY! GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME AND MY FRIEND!" Nick tried fighting back the royal guards and soldiers and tried to save Richard despite him still having a broken ankle, he resisted that pain while his arms are being tied to his back with rope.

"Hey! Wait! Have mercy on the real world humans, they didn't do anything-" Gabrielle then froze as she felt the blade of the sword from a soldier being pressed against her neck and the other soldier holding her wrist tightly. Her red glowing pupils stared down at the blade.

"Don't move, demon!" The soldier shouted.

"WAIT- NO! NO!!! PLEASE DON'T KILL HER!!!" Richard began screaming and crying loudly, freaking out even more, and begged the soldier to not kill Gabrielle.

He was absolutely terrified. His chest was like a punching bag being punched by his heart and his lungs pumping with the adrenaline and his throat hurting from screaming and crying so much, scared for his life, Nick's life, and Gabrielle's life as well, tears rolled down his cheeks from his eyes almost like a river and going down below his chin and dripping down to the ground.

Nick watched the whole thing, completely helpless and gritting his teeth in terror and pain.

Gabrielle had clenched her eyes shut, tears pricking in her eyes, and gritting her teeth she thought of parents said to her before King Brutus broke into their shed-like cabin and murdered them "Now, Gabrielle, promise that whenever innocent outsiders are lost or real humans had arrived in Heaven-More, you come and help them and promise you will keep surviving as well.", and feeling her whole human life and life in Heaven-More flashed before her eyes and said into her mind, "I'm sorry, Richard, Nick... mom and dad... I failed you all, I failed myself... I'll see you on the other side..."

Then a fancy royal white and golden horse carriage arrived in the middle of what is happening and the doors of the carriage opened, a woman with sand coloured skin, light blonde hair tied a long ponytail and light green eyes and wearing a beautiful white and light gold royalty dress with gloves, white Peral earrings, and a scarf with a cape and a crown.

~{Introducing} Queen Danielle~

"What is going on here?" The woman asked sternly.

"Your highness! We have found two real-world humans with a Heaven-More demon!" One of the royal guards told the queen.

"Real world humans? A demon?" The queen then looks at Richard, Nick, and Gabrielle, but as soon as she saw their states, silence took into her, and she hears Richard screaming "NO PLEASE! PLEASE NO! DON'T KILL HER! SHE MAY BE A DEMON, BUT SHE DIDN'T HURT US OR ANYONE ELSE! PLEASE LET HER GO! SHE IS JUST A KID LIKE US!!! PLEASE!!!"

"Real world humans? A demon?" The queen then looks at Richard, Nick, and Gabrielle, but as soon as she saw their states, silence took into her, and she hears Richard screaming "NO PLEASE! PLEASE NO! DON'T KILL HER! SHE MAY BE A DEMON, BUT SHE DIDN...

The queen realized that Gabrielle was a non-created demon, meaning that King Brutus turned her, a heaven-more human, into a demon, and she somehow got her humanity back and she is pleading for mercy, and that boy, Richard Robinson, is the human she was looking for along with his best friend, Nick.

The queen realized that Gabrielle was a non-created demon, meaning that King Brutus turned her, a heaven-more human, into a demon, and she somehow got her humanity back and she is pleading for mercy, and that boy, Richard Robinson, is the human sh...

Finally, after Richard begged for mercy for Gabrielle since she had never hurt anyone except for one of Kind Brutus' demons, he reached his breaking point. Richard begin fully screaming and wailing loudly in distress, he was on his knees when he was tied up, he threw himself down to the ground and kicked and flings his legs about frantically.

The queen's expression turned to shock, worry, and defence. The queen then speed walked towards the commotion and then stood in front of Richard and raised a hand out and said sternly "Heaven-More soldiers and royal guards, release them now!"

"W-what?! But our queen, Queen Danielle, it's-", "Now." The Queen who turned out to be Queen Danielle, the queen of Heaven-More, interrupted the guard, her voice more stern and firm with a serious expression and tone.

"You heard what the young boy said." Queen Danielle said, looking down at the distressed Richard gently who didn't dare to look up again at Queen Danielle.

All Heaven-More royal guards and Soldiers were mortified.

The soldier released Gabrielle from the sword point and the other soldier let go of her wrist. Gabrielle immediately explained her story to Queen Danielle and how King Brutus cursed her.

Richard and Nick are released as well. Richard was silent and still distraught. Nick tells Queen Danielle as he rubbed his ankle that is of course still broken "Hey, excuse me, I need to go to the hospital."

Queen Danielle took a look at Nick's broken ankle and told the Heaven-More soldiers after examining him "Take him to the Heaven-More hospital in the city and get him to the emergency room immediately."

"Yes, your highness." The soldiers grabbed Nick carefully and begin carrying him and putting him in the Heaven-More military horse carriage that was parked beside Queen Danielle's horse carriage. The two horse carries the carriage away and down to a pathway until it leaves to the directions of the city.

"Right, what is your name, girl?" Queen Danielle asked Gabrielle.

"Gabrielle Jackson." Gabrielle replied politely, bowing her head down after being spared by the queen.

"And what is your name, boy?" Queen Danielle asked Richard calmly and gently since she knows Richard is still distraught and traumatized.

"R... R-Richard... R-Richard Robinson..." Richard replied shakily, still shaking as he was wiping his tears away but more kept falling down his pale scared face.

"Right, you two will be transported to an island, you will be staying in the Overnight island. Come into our carriage." Queen Danielle gently knelt down to Richard and Richard gasped in fear and then Queen Danielle finally picked him up, holding him like a small infant. She was surprisingly 6'9 while Richard was only 5'4 (1/2) and about 56 kg so it was such a startling sight to see.

Queen Danielle, Richard, Gabrielle, and the Heaven-More royal guards walked to the royal horse carriage and The queen, the two kids, and the royal guards got inside the carriage and the heaven-more royal coachman tells the horses to go and carry the carriage, leaving the area outside the Raindrop forest.

End of Chapter 5.