
Hearts for Hire

Amidst towering skyscrapers and cutting-edge technology, artist Han A-ri and corporate executive Lee Eun-tae find themselves entangled in a contractual union to fulfill their respective needs – financial stability for A-ri and companionship for Eun-tae. As they navigate this uncharted territory, societal divisions between practicality and love loom large. With the guidance of a sophisticated agency, A-ri and Eun-tae must navigate a delicate balance between their contractual obligations and the stirrings of genuine emotions, challenging their beliefs and blurring the lines between personal and pragmatic. In a city torn between tradition and innovation, "Hearts for Hire" explores the intricacies of human connections and the pursuit of authentic love amidst a world of contracts. (R18) Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, events and incidents are the product of the author's imagination and his only. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Sexual acts are also depicted in the story. Update: A chapter a day Site: https://akikure.carrd.co/

Aki_Kure · Urban
Not enough ratings
116 Chs

Unforeseen Interruptions

Eun-tae stood by the lobby's reception desk, a tinge of frustration etching his features. His conversation with the receptionist was brief but revealing. He inquired if there were any available private rooms in the building, a temporary refuge from the disruption that had befallen his usual sanctuary. The receptionist, a young woman with an apologetic smile, responded with a shake of her head.

"I'm sorry, Mr Lee," she said, her voice laced with regret. "All the private rooms are currently occupied."

Eun-tae's scepticism lingered as he processed her response. He couldn't help but wonder if there was more to this situation than met the eye. The receptionist's attempt to sound genuine was not lost on him. A flicker of doubt danced in his mind, but he chose to accept her words at face value.

"It's fine, thank you," he replied, his tone a mixture of resignation and annoyance.

As he stepped away from the desk, his thoughts were a whirlwind of uncertainties. The sudden inconvenience of losing his private room was a disruption he hadn't accounted for. With no other immediate solution, he made his way to his car, the cool evening air a stark contrast to the unease that lingered within him.

Eun-tae settled into the driver's seat, his mind still grappling with the unexpected turn of events. But as he started the engine and shifted into gear, a pang of guilt struck him. The memory of interrupting his uncle Ji-hoon's private encounter resurfaced, a reminder of how he had barged into his uncle's life with good intentions but an unintended intrusion.

His grip on the steering wheel tightened as he contemplated his next move. Visiting Ji-hoon's mansion was the initial plan, but the thought of facing his uncle after that incident made Eun-tae hesitate. He shifted his gaze toward the road ahead, his mind seeking an alternative.

A different decision crystallized in his mind. He adjusted the direction of his car, steering away from Ji-hoon's mansion and toward the sprawling estate of his family's mansion. It was a place that held memories, both cherished and complicated, but it was also a space where he could find solace amidst the chaos that seemed to be encroaching on his life.

As the wheels of his car turned against the pavement, Eun-tae couldn't help but reflect on the unpredictable nature of his current circumstances. The sudden flood in his private room, the lack of available alternatives – it was as if the universe was orchestrating a series of interruptions, forcing him to navigate uncharted territory.

And so, with a determined resolve, he charted a course toward familiarity. The Lee family mansion stood as a bastion of tradition, a place that held the echoes of generations past. It was a space where he could find reprieve from the disruptions that had disrupted the rhythm of his days.

As the mansion's imposing façade came into view, Eun-tae's thoughts began to settle. Amid the uncertainty, he sought refuge in the comfort of the known, in the embrace of his family's history. It was a choice that felt right, a response to the unforeseen interruptions that had reshaped his routine.

With a steadying breath, he parked the car and stepped out onto the familiar grounds. The mansion's grandeur loomed overhead, a silent testament to the legacy he was a part of. Eun-tae couldn't predict the twists and turns that lay ahead, but for now, he found solace in the shelter of the mansion's walls.

Eun-tae's arrival at the family mansion didn't go unnoticed. The maids, who had become an integral part of his upbringing, greeted him with smiles and warm welcomes. But it was not just the staff who took notice – his parents, Mi-young and Seok-ho, were also aware of his unexpected return.

As Eun-tae stepped into the mansion's interior, the air seemed to hold a sense of nostalgia. The grandeur of the surroundings was juxtaposed with the familiarity that only a place steeped in memories could provide. The maids bustled around him, ensuring his comfort as if he had never left.

Before long, the presence of his mother, Mi-young, graced the scene. Her eyes lit up with maternal affection as she approached Eun-tae, her steps graceful and composed. A hug ensued, a silent exchange of love and reassurance that needed no words. After the initial embrace, Mi-young stepped back slightly, her gaze assessing her son's countenance.

"Eun-tae, my dear," she began, a mixture of concern and curiosity in her tone. "What brings you back to the mansion all of a sudden?"

Eun-tae recounted the unexpected events that had led him here, how a burst pipe had rendered his private room unusable, and how the lack of available alternatives had resulted in his return to the family home. Mi-young's sympathy was palpable, and she nodded understandingly as he spoke.

"Ah, those things happen," she said with a gentle smile. "You know you're always welcome here, Eun-tae."

However, her expression turned quizzical as she continued.

"But I must admit, I'm a bit surprised. You and A-ri have been married for a while now, and you haven't been spending the nights together."

Eun-tae's mind raced to find an appropriate response. Mi-young's questions felt like a relentless interrogation, probing deeper into his relationship with A-ri than he had anticipated. The truth was, he hadn't spent the nights with A-ri since that fateful dinner with his parents.

"Is there a reason you're keeping your distance, Eun-tae? Are the two of you in some sort of disagreement?" His attempt to deflect her questioning earned him only a mild smile from Mi-young.

Eun-tae's mind raced, searching for a plausible explanation.

"No, Mother," he replied, his voice even. "It's just… with work and everything, things have been a bit busy lately."

"Is it shyness, then? After all, you are newlyweds," Mi-young's gaze didn't waver, her motherly intuition sharp.

Eun-tae's heart pounded as he navigated the minefield of his mother's questions. Before he could formulate a response, Mi-young's next words hit him like a sudden revelation.

"Have you considered how lonely A-ri might feel, Eun-tae? You haven't been sleeping together, and that could be quite isolating for her."

Her words hung in the air, a stark reminder of the complex dynamics at play. Eun-tae realized that the contract marriage he had entered into was not a mere arrangement on paper. It carried emotional weight and consequences that extended beyond his initial intentions.

As he stood there, facing his mother's perceptive scrutiny, Eun-tae came to a profound realization. The path he had chosen was not as straightforward as he had believed. The contract marriage, which had begun as a strategic decision, had now woven itself into the intricate fabric of his life, demanding consideration, understanding, and perhaps even a change of heart.

As Eun-tae bid his mother farewell and conveyed his regards to his father, he made his way back to his car, thoughts swirling like a tempest within him. The conversation with his mother had left a mark, an imprint of his responsibilities and the unexpected emotional terrain of his contract marriage.

Behind the wheel, he navigated the streets of the city, each turn mirroring the twists in his mind. Hotel rooms and temporary solutions danced at the periphery of his thoughts, but his subconscious seemed to guide his actions. Without conscious intent, he found himself pulling into the familiar parking lot of his mansion.

His heart skipped a beat as he glanced at the imposing façade, the mansion's grandeur juxtaposed against his internal turmoil. A-ri was likely inside, unaware of his presence. The situation was both surreal and serendipitous – his longing had led him here, right to her doorstep.

His fingers trembled slightly as he reached for his phone, his mind urging him forward even as his anxiety attempted to hold him back. The call connected, and he exhaled a silent sigh of relief as A-ri's voice greeted him.

Eun-tae's heart raced as A-ri's voice resonated through the phone.

"Hey," she greeted, a soothing balm to his racing thoughts.

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything important," apologizing softly, he continued,

"No, don't worry. Just having dinner," her laughter twinkled like wind chimes on a summer breeze.

"Listen, A-ri, I just wanted to let you know that I'm… I'm actually in the mansion's parking lot right now," his heart found solace in her laughter, feeling a connection across the distance. He gathered his courage to reveal his unexpected location.

"Huh?" A surprised pause followed by her puzzled.

"Yeah, I know it's unexpected. Sorry for springing this on you," Eun-tae's cheeks warmed, an unseen blush taking hold.

"Why are you here?" A-ri's voice trembled with a mix of wonder and disbelief.

"I don't know. I was thinking about where to go for the night, and somehow, I ended up here," Eun-tae grappled for words, his heart beating in sync with his racing thoughts.

"You're at the mansion?" A-ri's excitement surged, her voice nearly breathless.

"Yeah. I didn't plan it, but…" Eun-tae nodded, then remembered she couldn't see him.

"Alright, Eun-tae, sit still for a moment. Don't go anywhere," A-ri's response was swift, her tone both amused and urgent.

"Okay, I'll stay right here," Eun-tae chuckled, wondering what she had in mind.

His heart danced as he waited, phone pressed to his ear. The anticipation was palpable, the air charged with an unspoken energy. What was she planning?

Then, abruptly, the line went silent. He blinked in surprise, pulling the phone away from his ear to check if the call had dropped. But before he could think too much about it, his phone buzzed with a notification—a message from A-ri.

Stay there. Don't move.

Eun-tae's curiosity deepened, and he couldn't help but grin at her playful tone. He sent a quick reply.

Alright, I'm not going anywhere.

Leaning against his car, he gazed up at the mansion's grand façade, the soft glow of lights illuminating the windows. He wondered what A-ri was up to, feeling a sense of adventure in the air. It was moments like these that made him appreciate the unpredictable nature of life, the twists and turns that led to unexpected encounters.

As he waited in the quiet night, Eun-tae felt a connection to A-ri that went beyond words. It was in these stolen moments, these little fragments of time, that he truly felt the magic of their contract marriage turning into something more. And in the stillness of the night, he couldn't help but be excited for whatever surprise A-ri had in store for him.