
Hearts for Hire

Amidst towering skyscrapers and cutting-edge technology, artist Han A-ri and corporate executive Lee Eun-tae find themselves entangled in a contractual union to fulfill their respective needs – financial stability for A-ri and companionship for Eun-tae. As they navigate this uncharted territory, societal divisions between practicality and love loom large. With the guidance of a sophisticated agency, A-ri and Eun-tae must navigate a delicate balance between their contractual obligations and the stirrings of genuine emotions, challenging their beliefs and blurring the lines between personal and pragmatic. In a city torn between tradition and innovation, "Hearts for Hire" explores the intricacies of human connections and the pursuit of authentic love amidst a world of contracts. (R18) Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, events and incidents are the product of the author's imagination and his only. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Sexual acts are also depicted in the story. Update: A chapter a day Site: https://akikure.carrd.co/

Aki_Kure · Urban
Not enough ratings
116 Chs

Lingering Shadows

Days passed in a hush of silence, a pause that hung heavy in the air. After the dinner with Eun-tae's family, there had been no further movement in their relationship. Eun-tae hadn't visited A-ri, and their messages had become as sparse as the first snowflakes of winter. A-ri found herself caught in a web of uncertainty, grappling with her emotions and the unspoken question that lingered between them.

As the sun cast its golden glow across the city, A-ri sat in her studio, her paintbrush suspended in mid-air. Her mind was divided between the canvas before her and the thoughts that danced like whispers at the edge of her consciousness. The studio, once a haven of inspiration, now felt like a realm of introspection.

In the backdrop of her life, Park Jin-ho watched with a mix of concern and frustration. The matchmaker from Eternal Bond had a vested interest in the success of A-ri and Eun-tae's contract marriage. He had played his part in orchestrating their union, carefully designing the framework of their arrangement. He yearned for the satisfaction of knowing his efforts had borne fruit, that he could proudly claim his role in creating a lasting bond.

But as the days stretched on without any visible progress, Park Jin-ho's ambitions were met with obstacles he hadn't anticipated. His pursuit of the "Employee of the Year" award felt like an uphill battle, a task made increasingly difficult by the stubbornness of his clients. A-ri and Eun-tae's relationship, it seemed, was locked in a standstill that was testing even his well-honed skills.

In his office at Eternal Bond, Jin-ho scrolled through his digital notes, analyzing every detail of their interactions. He frowned as he reviewed the timeline since the dinner, searching for patterns or clues that might reveal the cause of the stagnation. His once-tidy plans now felt like fragile glass, threatening to shatter under the weight of uncertainty.

He remembered the spark he had witnessed during their initial meeting, the connection that seemed so promising. Yet, as he traced the threads of their story, he couldn't ignore the widening gap between them. The evening with Eun-tae's family should have been a catalyst, a turning point. Instead, it appeared to have created a chasm that they were both hesitant to cross.

In his quest for excellence, Jin-ho had never encountered a challenge quite like this. A-ri's independent spirit and Eun-tae's unspoken complexities were variables he struggled to calculate. He knew the power of love, the force that could bend and reshape even the most resistant hearts. But how could he guide them toward that path when they seemed to be stuck in the quagmire of their uncertainties?

As the city lights began to illuminate the evening sky, Jin-ho's determination burned brighter. He was not one to back down from a challenge, and he refused to let this contract marriage crumble before it even had a chance to bloom. He would find a way to rekindle the connection, to reignite the spark that had once glowed between A-ri and Eun-tae.

With a sigh, he closed his laptop and leaned back in his chair. Tomorrow was a new day, a fresh opportunity to pave the way for A-ri and Eun-tae's journey. He would analyze, strategize, and adapt his approach until he found the key to unlocking their potential. Because in the end, the success of their bond was not just a matter of business; it was a testament to his skill, his dedication, and his belief in the power of love to overcome all obstacles.

Jin-ho's determination was unwavering, his mind set on finding the best approach to reignite the fading connection between A-ri and Eun-tae. As he pondered his options, he decided that a direct approach might yield the best results. With a plan forming in his mind, he picked up his phone one morning and dialled A-ri's number.

"Hello, Ms Han," he greeted warmly, his voice a blend of professionalism and friendliness.

"Mr Park," A-ri responded, surprised by the call but keeping her tone polite.

"I hope I'm not disturbing you," Jin-ho continued smoothly. "I just wanted to check in and see how you've been finding the contract marriage arrangement."

"It's been… different, I suppose. Not what I expected, but not necessarily bad," A-ri hesitated for a moment before replying,

"I see," Jin-ho replied, feigning understanding. "And have there been any aspects of the arrangement that you find dissatisfying? Any challenges or concerns?"

"Well, I guess there have been times when our schedules clash, but we're managing to work around that," A-ri thought for a moment, her mind racing to find anything that she could pinpoint as a concern.

"I appreciate your honesty, A-ri. We need to know how our clients are feeling so we can ensure that the arrangement is beneficial for both parties," Jin-ho's lips curled into a small smile as he sensed her vulnerability.

As the conversation continued, Jin-ho masterfully guided A-ri toward opening up about her relationship with Eun-tae. He posed questions about their interactions, their conversations, and any changes she had noticed. A-ri found herself sharing more than she intended, describing moments of silence, missed connections, and a growing sense of uncertainty.

And then, as if by a stroke of fate, A-ri unknowingly spilt a piece of information that sent Jin-ho's mind racing. She mentioned that Eun-tae often slept in his private room by the InnoArtTech building office.

Jin-ho's heart raced as he realized the potential of this revelation. He bid a polite farewell to A-ri, thanking her for her candidness. Hanging up the phone, he leaned back in his chair, a triumphant smile playing on his lips. He had found the key to unlocking their stagnation, a clue that could potentially reshape the course of their relationship.

With newfound determination, he began to put his plan into motion. He knew that sometimes, the most effective strategies required a bit of manipulation, a push in the right direction. And if his instincts were correct, the information he had gleaned from A-ri could be the catalyst they needed to move forward, to bridge the gap that had formed between them.

The days continued to unfold in a steady cadence, each one seemingly indistinguishable from the last. Eun-tae navigated the bustling corridors of InnoArtTech, his mind absorbed in the intricacies of his work. His interactions with A-ri had become scarce, limited to brief exchanges regarding the logistics of their contract marriage. The warmth that had enveloped them during the dinner with his family had receded into the background, replaced by the routine of their individual lives.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the city, Eun-tae found himself drawn to the familiar embrace of his private room. The sound of his keycard meeting the keypad was a comforting melody, a precursor to the solitude that awaited him beyond the door. But tonight, the melody was disrupted by an unexpected sight.

Two technicians stood near his private room, their presence puzzling and their expressions tense. Eun-tae's brows furrowed as he approached, a polite inquiry on his lips. The shorter of the two technicians shuffled his feet nervously, struggling to meet Eun-tae's gaze.

"Excuse us, Mr Lee," the technician began, his voice wavering slightly. "There seems to have been an issue with a burst pipe, and your private room has been affected."

Eun-tae's eyes widened in surprise. A burst pipe? In his private room? The notion seemed inconceivable. He tried to wrap his head around the situation as he looked from one technician to the other.

"An issue with a pipe?" Eun-tae repeated, his voice tinged with disbelief. "How did that happen?"

"We're still investigating the cause, but the room has been flooded. We're working to fix the issue as soon as possible," the taller technician cleared his throat before responding, his attempt to sound composed betraying his unease.

Eun-tae's mind raced, grappling with the unexpected turn of events. A flood in his private room was an inconvenience he hadn't anticipated. He pressed for more details, his questions reflective of his confusion.

"Is there any estimate of when it will be resolved?" Eun-tae asked, his tone marked by a hint of frustration.

"We're doing our best to address it swiftly, but we'll need to keep the room restricted until everything is back to normal," the shorter technician exchanged a glance with his companion before answering.

Eun-tae sighed, his shoulders slumping in resignation. The sanctuary he had sought was suddenly out of reach, and he found himself without a place to retreat to. He nodded to the technicians, acknowledging the situation despite his frustration.

"It's alright. Just let me know when it's taken care of," Eun-tae replied, his voice carrying a hint of disappointment.

As he turned to leave, he felt the weight of inconvenience settles on his shoulders. The technician's words echoed in his mind, and he couldn't shake the feeling of being displaced from his comfort zone. Little did he know that this disruption was orchestrated, a carefully executed plan that aimed to change the course of his relationship with A-ri.

Unbeknownst to Eun-tae, as he walked away, a door a few paces down from his private room opened quietly. Park Jin-ho stepped into the corridor, a smug smile tugging at the corners of his lips. Everything was proceeding according to his scheme, and he watched Eun-tae's retreating figure with a mix of satisfaction and anticipation.

Jin-ho approached the technicians, his voice low as he exchanged a few hushed words with them. He slipped a small envelope into one of the technician's hands, sealing their collaboration with a tacit agreement. The technicians nodded in understanding, a hint of gratitude in their expressions.

As Eun-tae descended to the lobby, oblivious to the machinations that had transpired, Jin-ho retreated to his room, his thoughts consumed by the unfolding plan. He was determined to seize the opportunity that had presented itself, to reshape the circumstances surrounding Eun-tae and A-ri's relationship.

Hey, just a shoutout to prime_quinn for the power stone. Even a million thanks won't express all the gratitude I have to convey to you.

Aki_Kurecreators' thoughts