
Hearts for Hire

Amidst towering skyscrapers and cutting-edge technology, artist Han A-ri and corporate executive Lee Eun-tae find themselves entangled in a contractual union to fulfill their respective needs – financial stability for A-ri and companionship for Eun-tae. As they navigate this uncharted territory, societal divisions between practicality and love loom large. With the guidance of a sophisticated agency, A-ri and Eun-tae must navigate a delicate balance between their contractual obligations and the stirrings of genuine emotions, challenging their beliefs and blurring the lines between personal and pragmatic. In a city torn between tradition and innovation, "Hearts for Hire" explores the intricacies of human connections and the pursuit of authentic love amidst a world of contracts. (R18) Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, events and incidents are the product of the author's imagination and his only. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Sexual acts are also depicted in the story. Update: A chapter a day Site: https://akikure.carrd.co/

Aki_Kure · Urban
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116 Chs

Unplanned Rendezvous

A-ri's evening was proceeding in its usual tranquil rhythm, the soft glow of her phone illuminating her face as she scrolled through social media updates. But the calm atmosphere was suddenly disrupted by the unexpected sound of Eun-tae's voice on the other end of the line. His deep tones resonated with warmth and surprise, a stark contrast to the ordinary night.

Listening intently, A-ri's curiosity was piqued as Eun-tae explained his presence at the mansion's parking lot. The notion of him being so close stirred a flurry of emotions within her, each one clamouring for attention. A-ri's heart raced with excitement, her thoughts racing as she tried to comprehend the reason behind his impromptu visit.

Eun-tae's words carried a touch of uncertainty, his explanation mirroring the unexpected turn of events. His admission that he had ended up there without a concrete plan tugged at A-ri's sense of spontaneity. It was as if fate had orchestrated this moment, bringing them together in a way that defied explanation.

As the reality sunk in that Eun-tae was right outside, A-ri's pulse quickened. She cast a glance at her current attire, realizing with a jolt that her casual nightwear was hardly appropriate for an unexpected encounter. With a determined rush of energy, she made her way to the guest bedroom, her heart pounding with each step.

Inside the room, a collection of clothes awaited her, each garment holding the potential to convey a different image. A-ri's fingers danced over the fabrics as she selected a dress – simple yet elegant, something that spoke of effortless charm. It was a piece she rarely wore, reserved for moments that demanded a touch of refinement.

As the fabric cascaded around her, A-ri couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness. The mirror reflected a version of herself that felt both familiar and transformed. With a quick check to ensure everything was in place, she hesitated, her mind racing with questions. What would she say? How should she behave? The anticipation held her captive, a blend of emotions that she was unaccustomed to navigating.

Her phone vibrated, breaking through the swirling thoughts. Eun-tae's name illuminated the screen, a testament to the connection they shared. A-ri's fingers trembled slightly as she typed out a message, her words a mixture of urgency and uncertainty. She requested that he wait a bit longer, her nerves palpable even through text.

As she hit send, a mixture of anticipation and anxiety settled within her. The upcoming meeting held an air of unpredictability, an encounter neither of them had planned for. A-ri's heart fluttered with a combination of emotions – excitement, trepidation, and a growing sense that this unplanned rendezvous could potentially shift the course of their relationship in unexpected ways.

Eun-tae's heart raced as he stood outside the mansion's door, his gaze locked onto his phone screen. His thumb hovered over the screen, refreshing it repeatedly, hoping for a message from A-ri. The moments felt both fleeting and endless, anticipation tugging at his every thought. He felt an odd mix of excitement and unease, not entirely sure what to expect from this impromptu meeting.

Just as he was about to give in to the idea that maybe A-ri wouldn't respond, he saw movement at the mansion's entrance. His heart skipped a beat as the door creaked open, revealing A-ri peeking out. She slowly emerged her expression a blend of curiosity and cautiousness.

Their eyes met, and Eun-tae's heart did a strange flip in his chest. Seeing her standing there, looking both uncertain and alluring, sent a jolt of warmth through him. It was a feeling he hadn't quite anticipated – the thrill of encountering A-ri outside the boundaries of their usual interactions.

A-ri's tentative smile mirrored his own, and they exchanged greetings that felt oddly formal given the circumstances. They stood there, the weight of their unspoken thoughts hanging between them like a delicate veil. Eun-tae's mind raced, searching for the right words to break the silence, to bridge the gap between them.

Just then, the quiet atmosphere was shattered by a sudden sound – the unmistakable rumble of Eun-tae's stomach. Heat flooded his cheeks, embarrassment crashing over him like a tidal wave. He chuckled nervously, the awkwardness of the moment undeniable.

A-ri's laughter cascaded like music, her mirth infectious and pure. Eun-tae couldn't help but join in, a genuine smile gracing his lips. The tension that had hung between them dissipated, replaced by a sense of ease that felt strangely comforting.

"It sounds like someone's hungry," A-ri's amusement lingered as she composed herself, her eyes dancing with mirth.

"I might have forgotten to eat in my haste to get here," Eun-tae ran a hand through his hair, the embarrassment still colouring his cheeks.

"Well, how about you join me for dinner, Mr. CEO?" Her laughter was a balm to his nerves, a reminder that moments like these were okay – human even. A-ri's eyes twinkled mischievously.

"I'd love to," the invitation caught him by surprise, but a warmth settled in his chest. He nodded, the offer both simple and significant.

As they moved toward the mansion's entrance together, Eun-tae couldn't shake the feeling that this unexpected encounter was reshaping the contours of their relationship. It was as if the walls they had built around themselves were gradually crumbling, revealing uncharted territory that held the promise of something new and unexplored.

As they settled around the dining table, the air seemed to hold newfound ease. A-ri had prepared a more elaborate meal tonight, a change from her usual ramyeon routine. The dishes were a medley of flavours and aromas, a testament to the effort she had put in. Eun-tae sat before the spread, his heart oddly fluttering at the thought of A-ri's cooking.

A-ri served him portions of each dish, her movements graceful and attentive. Her gaze lingered on him as he took the first bite, and Eun-tae felt an unusual bashfulness. It was an entirely different experience, not like the times he had been observed by his parents or the staff. There was a sense of intimacy in the way she watched him eat as if she cared about his enjoyment.

The warmth of her eyes reminded him of something his mother had mentioned – the loneliness A-ri must have felt in this mansion. Eun-tae chewed thoughtfully, his mind drifting to the conversation he'd had with his mother earlier. He finished his meal, placing his utensils down with a newfound resolve.

"A-ri, something happened in my private room today. A pipe burst and the room got flooded. The technicians are still working on it, and I'm not sure when I'll be able to go back," looking at A-ri, he felt a wave of honesty sweep over him.

"Wait, you can't go back to your private room?" A-ri's eyebrows shot up in surprise, her fork halfway to her mouth. She put it down slowly, concern crossing her features.

"Yeah, so I thought… I mean, if it's alright with you, can I stay here for a while?" Eun-tae nodded, feeling a mixture of relief and trepidation.

"Of course, you're welcome to stay here. But, um, how long do you think it will be?" A-ri's shock gave way to contemplation. It was his mansion, after all. How could she deny him the right to stay in his own home?

"Honestly, I don't know. The technicians said they're working on it, but until they give me the green light, I can't be sure," Eun-tae's shoulders lifted in an uncertain shrug.

"Well, it's your house. You don't need to ask for permission," A-ri sighed softly, her gaze gentle.

"Thank you, A-ri," Eun-tae's lips curled into a grateful smile.

As they cleared the table together, Eun-tae couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for this unexpected turn of events. It was as if fate had conspired to bring them together again, and he found himself looking forward to the days ahead – days that held the promise of shared moments and a deepening connection between two people who had embarked on an unconventional journey.

"Here, this is the key to the master bedroom. I haven't been using it, so you can stay there if you want," as they finished tidying up the dining table, A-ri turned to Eun-tae with a small smile. She reached into her pocket and retrieved a key, holding it out to him.

"Thank you, A-ri. But why haven't you been using the master bedroom?" Eun-tae took the key, his eyes reflecting gratitude.

"Well, I didn't want to disturb anything, so I turned the guest bedroom into my little studio and sleeping area. It just felt more… respectful, I guess," A-ri's cheeks tinged with a faint blush.

"Have you even been inside the room, though?" Curiosity sparked in Eun-tae's eyes.

"I did take a look, but I didn't touch anything or spend much time in there," A-ri's honesty shone through her reply.

Eun-tae nodded, appreciating her consideration. He was about to respond when A-ri's expression shifted, a hint of realization dawning in her eyes.

"Oh, I just remembered. That painting, 'Ephemeral Dream' – why did you buy it?"

"Honestly, it caught my eye when I saw it at the gallery. Something is mesmerizing about the way the colors blend and the figure reaches for that glowing orb. It's like chasing after something intangible yet so alluring," Eun-tae's lips quirked into a sheepish smile.

"You really got the essence of the painting. 'Ephemeral Dream' is all about aspirations and the pursuit of something that seems just out of reach," A-ri's surprise melted into a warm smile.

"It's a beautiful representation. Dreams have a unique power, don't they? They can light up even the darkest of moments," Eun-tae's gaze held a mixture of appreciation and contemplation.

A-ri's heart skipped a beat as their conversation lingered on the deeper meaning of the artwork. She had never imagined that Eun-tae would understand her painting on such a profound level. At that moment, it felt like the gap between them was narrowing, and A-ri couldn't help but wonder if this was the beginning of something even more extraordinary.

Aye, I'm finally back home from the vacation. Overall, it was good as it was sunny during the day but rainy from evening till night. Though, I'm a couple of chapters backtracked so I need to spend some more time writing so that I can have some chapters ready for other unforeseen circumstances so that it won't interfere with the schedule of updates. Either way, you are all going to see this section lively again.

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