
Hearts for Hire

Amidst towering skyscrapers and cutting-edge technology, artist Han A-ri and corporate executive Lee Eun-tae find themselves entangled in a contractual union to fulfill their respective needs – financial stability for A-ri and companionship for Eun-tae. As they navigate this uncharted territory, societal divisions between practicality and love loom large. With the guidance of a sophisticated agency, A-ri and Eun-tae must navigate a delicate balance between their contractual obligations and the stirrings of genuine emotions, challenging their beliefs and blurring the lines between personal and pragmatic. In a city torn between tradition and innovation, "Hearts for Hire" explores the intricacies of human connections and the pursuit of authentic love amidst a world of contracts. (R18) Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, events and incidents are the product of the author's imagination and his only. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Sexual acts are also depicted in the story. Update: A chapter a day Site: https://akikure.carrd.co/

Aki_Kure · Urban
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116 Chs

Hope in Doubt

As the moon hung low in the sky, casting a gentle luminescence upon the mansion, A-ri found herself alone in her room. She had bid Eun-tae farewell as he drove off to InnoArtTech, the image of his retreating car leaving a lingering impression in her mind. The memory of his words echoed through her thoughts, like a soft melody that refused to fade away.

"I want you by my side, A-ri."

Those words whispered in the night air, had ignited a flurry of emotions within her. Her heart had quickened its pace, her cheeks had warmed with a rosy hue, and her mind had been set in motion, analyzing every nuance of his statement. What did he mean by those words? Was there a hidden message behind them? Did Eun-tae... love her?

The questions swirled around her thoughts like fireflies, each one illuminating the uncertainty that had taken root in her mind. Could it be possible? Could this contract marriage evolve into something deeper, something genuine? And as A-ri replayed those words, her heart danced to an unfamiliar rhythm—one that held a promise of hope and longing.

With a sigh, A-ri let herself sink onto the edge of her bed, her gaze drifting to the moonlit window. The night's serenity contrasted with the whirlwind of thoughts within her, a dichotomy that left her feeling both enchanted and restless. The prospect of a future that was more than just contractual had ignited a spark within her—a spark that she found both exhilarating and terrifying.

Her thoughts continued to spiral, one question leading to another. Would Eun-tae take her on a date? A date that was more than just a pretence, but a genuine endeavour to know each other better? And if that were the case, was she even prepared for such a commitment? Her mind wandered to the image of a family, of being a wife and a partner, and she felt a mixture of excitement and trepidation.

With a sigh, A-ri reached for her phone, nestled on the nightstand. She needed a distraction, a way to escape the endless loop of her thoughts. Just as she unlocked her phone, the screen illuminated to reveal an incoming call from Na-yeon. A-ri couldn't help but smile at the timing, her friend's sixth sense seemingly at play.

"I was just about to call you" A-ri answered, a note of curiosity in her voice.

"Haha, you won't believe how perfectly timed my call is, A-ri," Na-yeon's laughter chimed through the line.

"Do you have a sixth sense or something?" A-ri chuckled softly.

"Timing is my superpower, clearly. Now, spill the details! How did the dinner with his parents go?" Na-yeon's laughter bubbled up.

"Oh my gosh, they said that? And what about Eun-tae? Did he give you that look?" As A-ri recounted the evening's events, Na-yeon's excitement was palpable, her interjections and gasps punctuating the narrative.

"Well, there were moments, but it's not like that, Na-yeon. It's... different," A-ri couldn't suppress a sheepish smile.

"Different can be good, you know. Come on, spill! How did it feel?" Na-yeon's voice softened.

"It felt... surreal. They were so welcoming, so kind. And Eun-tae... he was there, by my side," A-ri let out a slow breath, reliving the warmth of Mi-young's smile and Seok-ho's insightful questions.

"By your side, huh? Sounds like you're both dancing around something, A-ri," Na-yeon's voice held a knowing tone.

A-ri's cheeks warmed, her thoughts inevitably drifting back to Eun-tae's words.

"He said something... unexpected," she admitted, her voice a whisper.

"What did he say?" There was a pause on the line before Na-yeon spoke, her voice tender.

"He told me, 'I want you by my side, A-ri,'" A-ri confessed, her voice laced with a mix of wonder and uncertainty.

"And what do you think he meant?" Na-yeon's voice held a gentle encouragement.

"I don't know, Na-yeon. It's like the door to something new has opened, but I'm not sure what's on the other side," A-ri leaned back against her pillows, her gaze fixed on the moonlit night outside.

"A-ri, you're on a journey, discovering new facets of yourself and your relationship with Eun-tae. Embrace it, enjoy it, and let it unfold naturally," Na-yeon's response was a soft reassurance.

The conversation drifted into a comfortable silence, the camaraderie between A-ri and Na-yeon transcending the distance between them.

"Thanks, Na-yeon," A-ri finally said, her voice filled with gratitude.

"Anytime, girl," Na-yeon replied warmly. "Now, get some rest. Tomorrow's a new day, full of possibilities."

As A-ri bid Na-yeon goodnight and ended the call, she was left with a renewed sense of hope. The night whispered promises of the unknown, and A-ri found herself ready to navigate the path ahead—one that was woven with dreams, uncertainties, and the unwavering support of a friend who understood her heart.

On the same timeline, Eun-tae walked through the halls of InnoArtTech, the hum of the busy workplace fading as he approached the entrance to his private room. His footsteps echoed softly, a cadence that matched the rhythm of his thoughts. Tonight had left him both elated and disconcerted, a paradox of emotions that swirled within him.

The keycard met the keypad, and the door swung open, granting him access to his sanctuary. Eun-tae let out a sigh as he entered, removing his suit jacket and loosening his tie. He collapsed onto the bed, his face buried in his hands as he replayed the evening's events in his mind. "I want you by my side, A-ri." The words hung in the air, haunting yet thrilling.

Why had he said that? Eun-tae wondered, his bashful grin hidden behind his hands. He was no master of words, and expressing his feelings often led to awkward or quirky phrases. He couldn't shake the thought that he might have miscommunicated his intentions to A-ri. Did she understand what he truly meant? Did she realize he was extending an invitation to a deeper connection?

Eun-tae's body warmed with the memory, his heart racing and his thoughts spiralling. How would he fix any potential misinterpretation? He pondered the scenario, his mind a maze of possibilities. What if A-ri had taken his words at face value? What if she thought he was suggesting something more profound?

The uncertainty gnawed at him, his muscles tensing as he pressed his palms against his flushed cheeks. It was a combination of elation and apprehension, a cocktail of emotions he wasn't quite accustomed to. With a sigh, he resolved to cool down his racing mind.

Stripping off his clothes, Eun-tae stepped into the shower. The cold water hit his skin, a shock that momentarily dulled his thoughts. The cascade of water was a welcome distraction, its chill helping to soothe his overactive mind. He stood there, the water pouring over him, washing away the lingering doubts and misgivings.

Eventually, Eun-tae emerged from the shower, his body feeling both cleansed and invigorated. Wrapped in a towel, he glanced at his phone to check the time. Had that been the longest shower he'd taken in a while?

As he contemplated getting dressed in comfortable loungewear, his phone rang. The caller ID displayed his uncle Ji-hoon's name. Eun-tae hesitated, a mix of annoyance and curiosity stirring within him. Ji-hoon tended to pester him about the contract marriage, even though he claimed to be helping.

"What do you want, Uncle?" With a sigh, Eun-tae answered the call.

"Ah, there he is! My busy nephew finally answers," Ji-hoon's voice oozed with casual cheerfulness.

"What do you want?" Eun-tae's frustration was evident in his tone.

"Just checking in on you, that's all. How's life with the wife?" Ji-hoon chuckled.

"Contract marriage, Uncle. And things are... fine," Eun-tae's eyebrow twitched at the term.

"Fine? Is that all? How about 'exciting'? Or 'romantic'?" Ji-hoon's voice grew more playful.

"Hardly. It's a partnership, remember? Just like you specified in the requirement," Eun-tae rolled his eyes, his patience wearing thin.

"Well, just wanted to say that she is quite the looker. Quite the catch, I must say," Ji-hoon's tone turned thoughtful.

"Uncle, enough," Eun-tae sighed, feeling his cheeks warm.

"Ah, don't be shy, Eun-tae! She's probably waiting for you to sweep her off her feet," Ji-hoon laughed heartily.

Eun-tae's lips tightened. "I doubt it's that simple, Uncle."

"Well, you never know unless you try, right? By the way, are you two sharing a bed tonight?" Ji-hoon's voice held a mischievous edge.

"Uncle! What are you—" Eun-tae's jaw dropped, his face flushing with embarrassment.

"Just teasing, Eun-tae! Just teasing. You know I'm always here to lighten up your day," Ji-hoon's laughter echoed through the phone.

"I'll talk to you later, Ji-hoon," Eun-tae sighed, a mixture of relief and exasperation washing over him.

As he ended the call, Eun-tae couldn't help but shake his head. His uncle's antics were both amusing and aggravating, but they served as a reminder that he wasn't alone in navigating this uncharted territory. With a wry smile, Eun-tae finally slipped into his loungewear, ready to embrace the quiet of the night and the thoughts that danced within it.