
Hearts Can Tell

Dawn loses her capacity to recognize faces as a result of a traumatic event when she was a child. She can only recognize someone by touching them. Sabrina, a regular music instructor, brushed a hand against Dawn's accidently. She quickly apologized for bumping into her and was ready to walk away when Dawn grabbed her wrist and pulled her in for a hug. Sabrina then wondered to herself, "who is this woman, and why is she hugging me?"

perksofbeingobey · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

Dawn, the stalker

"Hold on a minute, am I the owner of this shop?" Dawn questioned, wondering, after seeing Iris and Lizzie playing on their phones.

Lizzie laughed, "Sure, take over for a while—" "Iris no! Get back here! There are enemies outside!" she cried for help, completely mesmerized by the game.

Dawn could only scratch the back of her head and remained at the counter. She positioned her elbows on the surface, then rested her chin on her hands.

"Nice," she muttered as the two leaped many times while hugging one another. It seemed like they got their sweet victory. "If there are customers in here, I'm sure the two of you will creep them out," she couldn't help but comment.

"You're simply envious because you don't know how to play this game!" Iris mocked Dawn, sticking her tongue out. "Lizzie, would you like to—"

"Hey, Iris Windrow!" The three of them turned to face the newcomer.

"Sorry, Belle, please spare my life," Iris begged in a little voice as she stepped backward with an apologetic look.

"Come here!" Belled shouted, causing Iris to bolt out of the store. "Hey, where are you going?!"

"How long were you in that store?" Lizzie asked, laughing.

"I've been waiting for her for over thirty minutes! I thought she just went somewhere," Belle said, grumbling, but her countenance quickly brightened when she saw Dawn. "Hey, Dawn!" she exclaimed.

She approached Dawn and extended a handshake. "I can tell it's you, Belle," Dawn remarked softly as she took the other woman's hand in hers.

"Give me a hug, too," Belle whispered as she opened the little door to the counter. Dawn didn't ask any more questions, simply hugging Belle securely. "Just remember my pretty face for the rest of the day, okay?" the woman said, half-jokingly.

"I suddenly am grateful that I forget faces," Dawn murmured before pulling out of the hug, just to annoy Belle a little. Lizzie laughed heartily as she watched the two from the table.

"Such a mean girl," Belle remarked as she ruffled the younger's hair. "Well, hey, I was always curious about something..." she said suddenly.

"What is it?" Dawn asked, her forehead wrinkled.

"What if you meet someone today but don't get to touch that person, then you meet again on the same day. Will you not recall the face even if you saw it twice?"

"I won't. I'm not sure why, but I won't," Dawn replied. "Why did you ask?"

"I've always been intrigued about it, but I constantly forget to ask you whenever we see each other," Belle stated with a shake of her head.

When they noticed Iris trying to sneak into the shop, their conversation stopped for a moment.

"Please, Belle! I was just fooling around!"

Days have passed, and her new academy is running smoothly. Today, there are a lot of enrollees, and most of them are the children of famous artists and affluent icons. Although she was not required to assist with the enrolling, she did so, since she wanted everything to go smoothly.

Sabrina has arrived at the bus stop. It'd been a long time since she'd ridden one, and for some reason, she felt driven to do so soon again. It's as if she's back in high school, refusing to ride in cars despite the fact that their family owns more than three.

She desired to live a simple life free of wealth. It's also one of the reasons she declined to take over her father's company and instead founded her own school without his financial assistance. Aside from her being stubborn and wanting to stand up on her own, her father isn't supporting her in her dream.

"Why did I ever suggest Margaret do her thing?" Sabrina groaned, understanding that not having Margaret around was inconvenient. "Perhaps I should learn to drive," she thought.

"My feet hurt," she grumbled as she looked down. She walked all the way here in her high heels. "And I'm hungry," she added.

Sabrina had no choice but to stand there for a bit until the bus arrived. "But what is Margaret doing today? She didn't tell me anything," she continued to ask herself.

When someone stepped behind Sabrina, she couldn't help but gaze. When she recognized who it was, her eyes widened. What is the woman who hugged her doing here?

She'd been staring at Dawn for quite some time, but the woman never met her eyes.

"Ah, my bus," Sabrina said, noticing the bus coming to a stop in front of her. She went inside as soon as the door opened. Luckily, her favorite spot at the back was vacant.

She smiled like a child when she finally sat down comfortably, but her expression changed when she saw Dawn approaching her.

"What the hell is going on? Is she following me?"

Dawn sat alongside Sabrina, who was staring at her, with her head down. She didn't notice it because she was preoccupied with how she should arrange all the notes Zera had given her today.

"Doesn't she see me?" Sabrina wondered as Dawn concentrated her attention on her cellphone. She chose to do the same and ignore the young woman because meeting her at the bus stop, riding on the same bus, and sitting next to each other may just be a coincidence.

Though, that didn't sound like a coincidence to me.

Sabrina reached her destination after a few minutes of skimming through her notebook and taking quick glances at Dawn. She tapped on the red button and prepared to exit.

"Margaret is right; those cupcakes were delicious," Sabrina whispered as she headed over towards the pastry shop from before.

She turned around as she heard footsteps behind her and saw Dawn, still on her phone, texting and smiling a little.

"What the hell? Is she really following me?" Sabrina anxiously whispered.

There was no other way to avoid this except to confront Dawn. "Hey, are you following me?" she boldly asked, leaving the other woman's face alarmed.