
Hearts Can Tell

Dawn loses her capacity to recognize faces as a result of a traumatic event when she was a child. She can only recognize someone by touching them. Sabrina, a regular music instructor, brushed a hand against Dawn's accidently. She quickly apologized for bumping into her and was ready to walk away when Dawn grabbed her wrist and pulled her in for a hug. Sabrina then wondered to herself, "who is this woman, and why is she hugging me?"

perksofbeingobey · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

Fate is bringing us closer

The woman raised one eyebrow before redirecting her gaze at her back. When she saw that face, her cheerful appearance got serious. "What exactly are you doing here?" she grumbled.

"What do you mean? It's a wonderful day for you, of course I'll be here," the guy said as he walked closer.

Sabrina said angrily, "Get lost, you're spoiling my day," with an irritated expression. "Let's go, Margaret."

Margaret pulled her lips together before bowing slightly to the man. Sabrina was ready to go when the guy grabbed her arm and said, "Sabrina, let's fix this."

When he received a death gaze, he instantly released Sabrina's arm. "There's nothing to fix because what I saw was sufficient," she said.

Sabrina smiled for the last time before linking her arms around Margaret's, while the woman observed them quietly.

"Hey, Sabrina Sarratt, don't you know why I cheated on you?"

Sabrina tightened her jaw as Margaret swallowed hard, thinking that this was not good.

"You're not a good girlfriend; we've been dating for a long time, and nothing has happened to us. You don't even want to marry me. It's exhausting, that's why—"

"Shut the fuck up," Sabrina said, her voice steady. "I no longer care about you and your messed-up life."

"Well, you're not worth it anyway," Luke mockingly smirked at her.

Sabrina exhaled deeply before raising her hand, fully decided to give him a slap on the face. But then, "No, Sab. We're still here in the venue, hold it in," Margaret pleaded, clutching her friend's arm.

"Coward," the man murmured as he turned away. "I wonder whether there's anyone who can keep up with your bratty attitude," he said in a rather loud voice, intending for Sabrina to hear.

"It's not like I wanted to date him in the first place. He's just one of dad's puppets, and the sight of them makes me shudder," Sabrina mumbled to herself.

After four hours of writing an entire chapter with Zera's guidance, they decided to wrap it up and call it a day.

Dawn was currently shutting down her laptop and stacking Zera's notes into her backpack. "Don't you have a plan for today?" she asked.

"Well, I have one tonight. I'll have to record something until the morning," Zera replied before getting up to stretch her arms.

"It must be exhausting," Dawn could only say. She's experiencing difficulties writing novels and stories too, which made her question how much more challenging it would be for a singer like Zera to multitask. "When you have time, don't forget to rest," she told the woman.

"Oh, I've been sleeping poorly for a while now. But after my album comes out, I promise I'm going to take a two-week vacation," Zera laughed.

"You should do that! Your health is important," Dawn said sweetly before gently slipping her laptop into her backpack.

"But how would we meet up in that case, though?" Zera asked, tilting her head.

"Oh, Zera, there's this thing called a cellphone; we can talk on it," Dawn laughed. "Have you been stressed to the point of forgetting simple things?"

"Well, I don't know anything about writing, so I'm not sure whether my responses to scenarios are important to you. So, it's you that I'm concerned about," Zera scoffed.

"Look, your responses are all the same; you smile like a fool whenever you mention her name," Dawn said, ruffling the top of Zera's hair.

"Why would I smile solely because of a name?" Zera asked, shaking her head in disbelief. She was ready to explain further when she received a phone call from the person Dawn was talking about.

"See that? You're smiling like that again!" Dawn exclaimed, but Zera ignored her and picked up the phone.

"Hey, what's up?" asked Zera on the phone, signaling Dawn to quit talking.

Dawn took her bag and hung a strap over her shoulder while waiting for Zera to end the call.

"Dawn? We just finished," Zera said. "And yes, Dawn is heading there," she added, drawing the other woman's attention. "All right, bye! Take care!"

"What did she say?" Dawn wondered, intrigued.

"They're already there, and Iris is wondering what time you'll get there," Zera explained.

"Is that right?" Dawn inquired, still puzzled. "Does she really need to call just to say that?"

"I'm not sure," Zera stated, smiling slightly.

Dawn noticed the look on her face and decided to tease her more by saying, "Huh, I guess she wanted to hear your voice."

"Hey, it's not like that!" Zera's cheeks flushed. "Go to the shop right now because they're expecting you," she added, rolling her eyes.

"What about you? Are you staying?"

"Yes, I'll wait for Leigh," Zera replied, prompting Dawn to nod and smile.

"All right, I'll go now, and I'll text you when I need something for the book."

"Okay, be careful on your way there!" Zera said casually as she tapped Dawn's shoulder.

"Are you still annoyed?" Margaret inquired as she drove. She cast a quick glance at Sabrina, who was sitting in the passenger seat, her feet raised to hug her knees.

"No, I'm just hungry; I need sweets," Sabrina stated flatly before redirecting her gaze to Boot, who was asleep in the backseat. "He's really cute," she said in a whisper.

"Me?" Margaret joked, drawing a sigh from Sabrina. "You should have at least pretended; you have no sense of humor."

Sabrina chuckled and chose not to respond. "Hey, Sab, I know a place where they sell delicious cupcakes, you'll fall in love with it," Margaret suggested.

"Really? Then let's go. I really need something sweet."

"Dawn, can you walk home? Grab the flour sack, which is below the—"

"But I just got here!" Dawn pouted, making Lizzie laugh. "Yeah, fine, I'll get it!" she said.

"Hey, do you know where?" Lizzie exclaimed as Dawn walked out the door. The lady gave a thumbs up before waving her hands goodbye.

Two ladies walked right in just after Dawn had left.

Lizzie exclaimed, "Margaret!" as soon as she spotted the woman. "You're back," she giggled.

"Yes, this place is one of my faves, and you're here too, so that adds up," she smirked, and winked at Lizzie.

"That's a little cringey," Sabrina whispered to Margaret, somewhat displeased at hearing it.

"Are you trying to get another free cupcake?" Lizzie asked, laughing.

"No, my friend here is rich; she'll pay for me this time."

"What?" Sabrina's eyes widened, but as she looked at Lizzie, who was also gazing at her, she became embarrassed and muttered, "Yes, I'll pay for her."

Margaret and Sabrina headed out after purchasing multiple kinds of pastry. They were walking up to their parked car when they heard Lizzie's voice say, "Did you see it, Dawn?"

Sabrina turned around for some reason, but all she saw was a glimpse of the woman who had come inside. "Let's go, Sabrina. What are you looking at?" Margaret asked.

"Hmm? Nothing," Sabrina responded before entering the car.

Dawn, on the other hand, furrowed her brow as she stood still in front of the door. She stepped outside again because she thought she saw someone she recognized.

"Why? What's wrong?" Iris, who had returned from the convenience shop, inquired when she noticed Dawn waiting outside the door with a bag of flour.

"Nothing," Dawn said quietly before heading inside with Iris. "Wasn't Belle with you?" she inquired.

"I left her there," Iris giggled, mischievously smiling. "She was in the restroom," she explained.

"How could you do that to her?" Dawn smacked her younger sister on the back of the head with her hand. "She's got to be waiting for you somewhere in there!" she exclaimed.