
Hearts Can Tell

Dawn loses her capacity to recognize faces as a result of a traumatic event when she was a child. She can only recognize someone by touching them. Sabrina, a regular music instructor, brushed a hand against Dawn's accidently. She quickly apologized for bumping into her and was ready to walk away when Dawn grabbed her wrist and pulled her in for a hug. Sabrina then wondered to herself, "who is this woman, and why is she hugging me?"

perksofbeingobey · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

Chocolate cake

There was no other way to avoid this except to confront Dawn. "Hey, are you following me?" she boldly asked, leaving the other woman's face alarmed.

"Me?" Dawn answered innocently, pointing to herself. "What makes you think I'd follow you?"

"Don't pretend! You were following me from the bus stop!" Sabrina exclaimed loudly, drawing people's attention to them.

"What are you talking about now? Are you crazy? I don't even know you," Dawn grumbled, ready to go, but Sabrina grabbed her by the wrist.

Dawn was held in place as she glanced at Sabrina's face, who was fretting over something she didn't understand.

It's that touch again.

"You were following me from the bus stop, and you even sat beside me, but I let that go because I thought it was just a coincidence! And now you are following me up here, are you a stalker?" Sabrina asked with her voice raised.

Dawn was brought back to reality after hearing that. "What? Stalker?" she could only chuckle and shake her head in disbelief.

Sabrina nodded her head in a mocking way with one eyebrow raised, "You hugged me last time too."

Dawn snarled, "Hey, I told you I was mistaken!" "I thought you were someone I know!"

"So you're going to go randomly hug everyone you thought you knew?" "Quit playing! Do you like me? Is that why you're following me around?"

Dawn's mouth dropped open when she heard those words, "What the... why would I like you?" "Aren't you being too full of yourself?"

"Then why are you following me?" Sabrina asked, her arms crossed and gazing at Dawn from head to toe.

"I'm not following you!" Dawn dismissed the thought before walking away, proclaiming, "What a waste of time!"

"You're a waste of time, too!" Sabrina exclaimed, walking after Dawn this time, because the pastry shop was in that direction as well.

Dawn was ready to grab the door handle, but she grabbed Sabrina's hand instead. "What the hell?" "Aren't you the one following me?" Dawn asked, with her attention riveted on Sabrina.

"I'm going to buy bread!" Sabrina exclaimed before removing her hands off Dawn's hold. "My hand is under yours, which means I'm the first one here, and you're the second." "So, you're really following me."

"I work here and know the owner," Dawn pointed out as she pushed the door open, not bothering to hold it for Sabrina, despite the fact that she was a customer.

"What's going on?"

Hearing that voice, Sabrina turned around. Lizzie had just arrived and had generously opened the door for her. "Oh, you're Margaret's friend," the lady said.

"Yes," Sabrina replied reluctantly, "is that girl working here? For real?"

"Who? Dawn? Yes, she's a part-timer and my friend." "Why?" Lizzie inquired.

"So, she's not following me?" Sabrina thought to herself, closing her eyes hard before smacking her head. "What an idiot, that's embarrassing."

"Are you okay?" Lizzie said, prompting Sabrina to simply bob her head.

Margaret, on the other hand, is inside the Modeling Agency building. She was approved as a model, but she is unsure if she wants to sign a complete contract.

"So, you'll have a solo shoot and a paired shoot," her new manager, Manny, explained as he looked over the itinerary.

"Paired? Who am I going to shoot with?" Margaret inquired with her brows wrinkled.

Just then, a tall young woman approached them, saying, "Hi, my name is Tania, and I heard we're going to do a photoshoot together." The woman smiled sweetly as she offered her hand.

"Okay, hi, my name is Margaret," she nonchalantly said before lightly shaking the other woman's hand.

Tania raised an eyebrow when Margaret returned to her conversation with her manager. Tania walked away, thinking, "She's new but rude."

Margaret went to see Tania after the photoshoot and offered her some bread in appreciation for her hard work. "Hi," she said as she approached the woman from behind.

Tania spotted her in the mirror and said, "Yeah?" without looking back.

"I wanted to give you this," Margaret stated as she raised a pack of bread. "Many thanks for a smooth photoshoot."

"Ah, okay. Just put it down there," Tania answered candidly, still looking in the mirror.

"Is that it? She isn't even telling me that I did well too?" Margaret sulked as she placed the bread on the table and turned away.

"She's beautiful but..." Margaret shook her head as she walked away.

Meanwhile, Dawn is staring at Sabrina, who is deep in thought as she explores the pastries inside the glass counter. "Hmm," hummed the woman, resting her chin on one hand.

Sabrina cast a glance at Dawn, who quickly averted her gaze, tapping her pointing finger above the counter.

"Cute," Sabrina whispered before giggling, drawing Dawn's attention.

"Are you done picking?" Dawn inquired flatly.

Sabrina nodded and replied, "One of each."

Dawn pondered, "Did she think about it for fifteen minutes?" She bobbed her head and took the paper bags as she approached the pantry.

"But if you are asked..."

Dawn gazed at Sabrina, awaiting what she would say next.

"What do you think is the best seller? Like your personal favorite?" Sabrina questioned as she watched Dawn stuff everything that she bought into the paper bags.

Dawn paused for a moment before responding, "This chocolate cake," gesturing to it.

"Then give me a whole instead of a slice," Sabrina smiled.

Dawn nodded her head and took a box off the shelf. While she was busy preparing everything Sabrina had purchased, the latter woman approached the counter to take a piece of paper to write something down.

"Here," Dawn said, placing the bags and box on top of the counter.

"How much?" Sabrina inquired as she took out her money.

"Twenty-five dollars," Dawn calculated, while Sabrina took out the amount of money and handed it to Dawn.

"Thank you," Dawn kindly said.

"How about you?" Sabrina asked with a smile.

"Me?" Dawn inquired; her expression puzzled.

"You're obviously priceless, but I'm just taking a chance," Sabrina joked, causing Dawn to swallow and cough instinctively. "I'm kidding, why are you turning red?" she asked.

"Thank you very much for your purchase. Please come again soon," Dawn chuckled uneasily. "I'd appreciate it more if you didn't come, though," she mumbled.

"I will, and thank you," Sabrina answered before grabbing up the bags and walking away.

"You forgot your cake!"" Dawn shouted as Sabrina proceeded to open the door.

Sabrina returned her gaze and said, "That's yours," with a wink before stepping out, leaving Dawn flustered.

"For me?" Dawn couldn't help but smile as her cheeks scorched. "What's wrong with me?" she asked as she picked up the cardboard box, stunned to see the note under it.

I apologize, and I hope to see you again. -Sarratt, Sab