
Chapter 7

The next morning Kylo walked into class and immediately spotted Hux in his seat and next to Rey.

"So what do you say Kenobi?"

"Of course!"

"We will go after school."

"Great!" Ren watched as Rey's cheeks heated up and how her lips curved into a wide smile.

He sighed as he sat down in the other seat by Rey.

"Hey Ben!" She turned to face him, her face happy.

"Hey." He managed a small smile before turning his attention to the front.

She glanced at him before turning to talk to Hux again. Ren sighed.

For the rest of class his thoughts were interrupted by their conversations. They taunted him in a sense. It was hell.


Kylo threw his phone onto the bed not checking to see if she responded. This whole Rey and Hux thing was frustrating. He made his way to his computer, placing the headsets on his ears.

"Heartbreak Hotline how may I help you?"

"I love someone who loves someone else."

"Care to elaborate."

"I really like this guy and we are friends and all but he's fallen for this other girl. He always hangs out with her and talks about her all the time. He even asks me for advice! I don't know what to do cause I really like him and I know that girl isn't good for him!"

Kylo sighed, the situation was all too familiar. "I suggest asking him to hang out more before he can hang out with the girl. Simply say 'we don't really hang out anymore and I miss you' or something like that. Make it sound in a 'friend' way. All I suggest is to be there for him and if this girl and him don't work out then you'll be the shoulder he could cry on. But if they end up together be happy for them, love him enough to be happy for him."

"Thank you so much!"

"Your welcome." Kylo's voice cracked as he ended the call.