
Chapter 6

"Rey what are you talking about?"

She spun around to face him once again. "It's nothing Kylo, just forget it."


She continued to walk away until he caught up to her.

"Rey tell me please."

"I told you already! I'm the internets suck up."

"What are you talk about?"

"Stop acting like you don't know Kylo!"

"I don't."

Rey crossed her arms. "People heard the call from Poe and connected the dots. They found out you're helping me and now I'm being called a suck up and all that." She looked down. "Maybe this was a mistake."

He grabbed her arm. "I assure you Rey, it wasn't a mistake. I'm actually glad I could help you with this. Even if it didn't work, I made a friend in the process."

"Who? Poe?"

Kylo laughed. "No you, well if you would consider me one."

"Of course I do."

He smiled at her looking down. Rey pulled him into a hug. "Thank you."

"No problem."

"What's the plan now solo?"

"What do you mean?"

"I'm interested,"

"What do you mean?"

"I'm interested in someone else, his name is Armitage Hux."

"Oh yeah I know him. I'll help you."


"Yeah, really." Kylo replied his voice tinged with sadness.


During the rest of the day Kylo helped Rey with Hux. He would help her start conversations and made sure they ended up together in certain classes.

Admittedly it hurt him inside, but Rey was happy and that's all he wished for.


"Hey Kylo!"

"Um hey Rey, what are you calling for?"

"I need help."

"With what?"

"Hux asked me to hang out."

"Did you give him an answer?"


"Do you want to hang out with him."


"Then say yes!"

"But I'm scared! What if this ends up like it did with Poe?"

"Trust me it won't and either way if he hurts you I'll get Finn and Poe to kick his ass."

"Aw you won't do any ass kicking?"

"Maybe —" he smiled into the phone. "I don't make promises."

"Fine!" Rey responded laughing.

"Is that all you needed?"

"Yeah thank you Kylo, I'll go say yes!"

She hung up the phone.