
Heart shades

There are two different heart shades that's white and black .When the two heart shades meet they repel so white can only go with white and black can only go with black . What happens when coincidentally the two heart shades attract ? Join me in this tourney of Noor and Zayyad in HEART SHADES

_H_O_V · Teen
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16 Chs

Chapter 5

Noor wiped the tear stain on her cheeks and entered the Bayern University Kano BUK , she quickly entered before the lecturer and inwardly thanked her luck .

     She walked and sat down beside her cousin , Muhibba who then turned and gave  Noor a wide grin.


     'Hey Noor ! ' Muhibba said still smiling at Noor .

      'Hi ' Noor shortly replied .

      The class started and then everywhere was mute except for the nose that Muhibba is causing with her fellow friends .

       From the way Noor could hear it , they're gossiping about Faisal that's sitting just one seat away from theirs .

       'And his mouth is too big ' Noor heard them say .

     'Muhibba please ..stop gossiping about this guy . You've been insulting his features since when the class started ' Noor said to her cousin .


     'Noor why're you defending that ugly thing ' Muhibba said suspiciously.

       Noor didn't like the way they're insulting a human being's look so she quickly defended 'No he's not ugly ..he's kind of cute ' Noor replied . When she said this she noticed Faisal looked up from his book and smiled at her .

       Muhibba gasped dramatically and said 'You literally call everyone cute , so now I don't even think the word has any value to you '

    Noor blinked twice and confusingly asked 'Why ? '

      'You said Muhammad was cute , Maxwell was cute , John was cute , Mujaheed  was cute , Abdul was cute and now Faisal is also cute ?  Seriously.. ' Muhibba asked in a low voice

      Noor sighed and kept quiet till the end of the lecture .

        After the class ended , Noor was on her way out of the class when Faisal stood right in-front of her .it made her sacred for a moment remembering how Kabir did exactly the same .

           'Hi ' Noor managed  to say even though she knows she has to get to her next class before ten minutes.


    'Hey ' Faisal answered back .

'Um? What do you want ? 'Noor nervously asked.

      'Don't be shy, I know you like me ' Faisal replied and awkwardly rubbed his hair .

   Noor laughed at his reply and asked 'what made you think so ? Because I said you're cute ? '


   'Well... Yeah 'He replied

'Didn't you hear that I called five boys cute already , plus you six so please I just call everyone cute , thank you and bye ' Noor walked away after saying this .

      The rest of the classes finished and now Noor and Muhibba are standing infront of BUK's large gate hopefully waiting for Munir to come and pick them up .





