
Heart shades

There are two different heart shades that's white and black .When the two heart shades meet they repel so white can only go with white and black can only go with black . What happens when coincidentally the two heart shades attract ? Join me in this tourney of Noor and Zayyad in HEART SHADES

_H_O_V · Teen
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16 Chs

Chapter 4

The next day came so fast . As usual , Noor woke up early and dressed up in one of the green Abaya's she own .

She gave a last touch of lipgloss on her lips and smiled satisfyingly at her reflection in the mirror. Noor carried her dark green bag and headed out of the room .

She went downstairs and quietly ate breakfasts with the rest of the family . She was expecting Munir to take her to University as usual but he claims to have other things to do .


    'Ya Munir please , I don't want to trek there ' Noor pleaded knowing that she has to be nice to him as she doesn't have a car of herself yet .

      'I've meeting plan with somebody by this time , sorry o ! ' Munir replied while scrolling through his phone .

       Noor immediately thought of Fatima , her brother's girlfriend, Maybe that's who he wants to meet up with .


       'So now Fatima is more important than your sister ? ' Noor questioned in no tone of seriousness.

       'If you're annoyed then go and get someone for yourself too ' Munir replied , he looked up from his phone and glanced at his sister's frowning face and then took his eyes back to his phone again .

       'I definitely can't when I've a brother like you ' Noor said and the glare she received made her to add 'a very nice brother like you '.

      'If you don't take me the I'll snitch you to Mama and Baba , you know they still don't know you have a girlfriend ' Noor blackmailed threateningly.

      'Haba my wonderful sister ...You know what ? Let's do this ...just let me go now and then I promise I'll come to pick you .' Munir said .

          'Deal ? ' Noor asked excitingly.

'Yeah...deal . ' He replied .

       Noor left the house after talking to both her parents .

          Walking through the area's muddy ground , passing the bunch of boys that'll be whispering gossips about each and every girl passing and crossing the very busy road of the last junction.

     These are what irritates her the most but she just has to endure yet another round .



        Noor greeeted the gateman , Ibro , and starts to walk away from the black colored gate of her house .

        She clutches her bag tightly when she almost reach the boys sitting outside the gate of a building .

  Noor starts to walk faster when she reached them , someone suddenly stood infront or her .she recognized him as Kabir , the first guy to stop her on the riots day which was yesterday .


     But nonetheless, she still has no business with him so she shifted to her right so as to pass him but he also followed her actions managing to block her way once again .

       Noor shifted to the left and he did the same , she was planning to remove her shoes and start running when he spoke .

     'Guys ..is this not the girl that Zayyad took her stuffs to ? ' Kabir asked the others including Zayyad who were all sitting on a large stool that's under the date's tree .

         Irfan also got up and stood beside Kabir .

'She's the one , you guys come and see ' Irfan said to the rest who all got up and surrounded Noor except for Zayyad that just stayed mute and kept looking .

           'What's her name toh ? ' Tahir asked

   Adam frowned and replied ' I don't know ..ask her . '

         'Keh ! Your name ? ' Irfan asked .

      Noor just kept quiet , her heart internally crying for help .


    ' this bag looks expensive! Keh! Give me  that bag ' Kabir said and put one hand on Irfan's shoulder .

      Noor tightened her grip on her favorite bag making it obvious that she won't give .

     Kabir frowned and repeated  'Give me that bag ' Kabir starts to grab the bag by force and Noor dragged it back .

   'Kai ! You really have some guts , is it ? ' Kabir sarcastically asked .


        'How dare you object Kabir ! ' Irfan said and raises his hand to slap Noor .


    Noor closed her eyes ready to feel the pain on her cheek that never came . Noor opened her eyes and wondering why the slap didn't reach her cheek and the sight surprised her .

      Zayyad has already gotten up , his hand wrapped around Irfan's neck while Irfan suffer for oxygen .


       Kabir , Tahir and Adam came trying to remove and top the scene but Zayyad's grip is too hard .

      'Zayyad ! Leave him ! ' Kabir spoke bit Zayyad didn't move a finger .

    'What are you doing ?! Do you want to kill him ! ? ' Adam asked in a high tone .

     Zayyad didn't release Irfan until when he heard her voice.


     'Leave him ..please ' Noor pleaded with teary eyes and he instantly released Irfan who then fall down struggling for air .

        'Calm down Zayyad , what's up with you ? ' Tahir asked and slightly rubbed Zayyad's back just like Adam did .


     Zayyad walked to Noor , picked up her bag for her and gave her . He the turned and entered inside the house which he loudly banged the gate's door .

      Noor quickly walked away from the scene and Kabir eyed her from the back .

     'I don't know why he has been acting strange because of this girl ' Kabir said still eyeing Noor.

     'It's definitely not love ' Adam said


  'And it's not hate too ' Tahir added

    Kabir sighed and asked ' Then what is it ? '

   Adam smirked and answered ' it's something else . '



