
Heart shades

There are two different heart shades that's white and black .When the two heart shades meet they repel so white can only go with white and black can only go with black . What happens when coincidentally the two heart shades attract ? Join me in this tourney of Noor and Zayyad in HEART SHADES

_H_O_V · Teen
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16 Chs

Chapter 6

The rest of the classes finished and now Noor and Muhibba are standing infront of BUK's large gate hopefully waiting for Munir to pick than up as promised .

They stood and waited for more than twenty minutes but he never came .

'Noor , I'll just go in my boyfriend's car then , you can join me and then he'll drop you at home ' Muhibba said after being tired of waiting .

'Muhibba , you think my father and your father are the same ? If my father sees me in any boy's car then I'm doomed ! Just go , I'm sure Ya Munir will come to pick me ' Noor answered.

'You sure ? ' Muhibba worriedly asked to which Noor nodded .

Muhibba left and Noor continued waiting for her bother .

She reached magrib prayer time there and he never came so she just paid a cab and returned home because trekking home means she will have to pass those boys house which she definitely doesn't want to .

Noor greeted Ibro and from the look on his face she knew something was wrong .

She immediately entered inside and saw Zainab, Bilal , Isma'il and Mahir standing beside the unconscious Munir who's lying down on the sofa with a huge bruise on his once fresh cheek.

'Mama? What happened? ' Noor worriedly asked . Zainab kept quiet and don't reply her rather Bilal did .

'He got into a fight with some thugs ' Bilal said .

'Which thugs ? The ones that live at the end of the junction? ' Noor asked hoping it'll not be the one she's thinking.

'Yes those ones ' Isma'il answered

'And you just stood there watching him get beaten up ? ' Noor asked her eyes already dropping tears .

'It was only Bilal that was there and you know how small and fragile his body is ' Isma'il answered

'Don't worry Noor , the doctor has been called and everything will be fine ' Mahir finally spoke .

Noor wiped her tears and said 'it's not over , at least not until everything is fine and I know how to make everything fine '

Noor dropped her bag and stormed out of the house in anger , she was so angry that even when Zainab called her back she didn't even answer her .

Noor knows that the place she's going is where danger lies but she just need to do this , at least just to get rid of the anger that's eating her up .

She walked and reached Kabir's house .Noor was expecting to see them sitting outside on the bench but none was there so she stormed inside.

Noor entered into the house and saw them sitting in the compound, everyone with their phones on their hands .

'Kai! It's you again huh ? ' Irfan spoke first , he couldn't believe he almost die just because of her and now he hates her .

Noor's swollen eyes that are now red made it obvious to them that she cried .

'What did he do to you!! ? ' Noor asked in a high voice .

'What ? ' Kabir and Irfan asked simultaneously.

'Which type of heartless humans are you people ! Just out of wickedness! How can you just beat up my brother like that !? ' Noor asked

'Wait...he's your brother ? No wonder , they have the same shitty attitude ' Irfan said

Zayyad was watching the scene in front of him with an expressionless face .

'But it was Zayyad that punched him on his cheek , your brother caused it for himself ! ' Kabir said

Adam dropped his phone and asked 'oh ! Was it the guy that was telling Zayyad 'if you're annoyed then go and get one for yourself too ? '

       'I thought your hatred is for me only! Please keep my brother out of your list ! You can attack me whatsoever but just not Munir! ' Noor shouted.

        Zayyad got up and stood right infront of Noor.

    'Your brother was with my sister , I called my sister to talk to he me and then he pushed my shoulder and told me she's my girl , if you're annoyed go and get one for yourself too . Nobody ever pushes me and no one has done that before but he crossed his invisible limit ' Zayyad said in a firm voice , not sounding like he regrets punching Munir .

           'He obviously didn't know that you guys are siblings , it was just a harmless mistake! ' Noor replied

     'That's a costly mistake which he shouldn't have done ' Zayyad replied .

      Noor glared at him and before leaving the house and trekked back home .

     Zayyad and the others that got up all sat down back on their seats.

    'Zayyad ...what's up with you nowadays? ' Irfan asked trying his best to swallow the fear he's holding .

       'Nothing ' Zayyad replied with a small frown on his face .

      Kabir joined the conversation and said 'the Zayyad I used to know doesn't explain himself to anybody '

    'I didn't explain myself to her , did I ? ' Zayyad sarcastically asked .

     'To be honest with you Zayyad , you're starting to change after meeting this girl ' Tahir said

      'Exactly! And it's not like this is the first time you're punching someone but this time , you actually explained why you did that to the girl ' Adam said

       'I didn't change anyhow ' Zayyad firmly answered

       Tahir sighed and said 'It's people that live with you that can detect any change '

     'I just hope you don't love her ' Kabir said

      Zayyad sharply replied 'I don't '

    'Yeah..I know you don't , I know you can't love . ' Irfan said.

    'But don't you think it might have changed ? ' Tahir suspiciously asked .

        'If it has changed then I would have felt it ' Zayyad answered not looking up from his phone .

      'Yeah, I think it's better like that ' Kabir said .

          Zayyad got up and went inside , all the others copied his action except for Irfan and Kabir who are still airing .

     'You know what irfan...' Kabir said and Irfan asked 'what ? '

    'I think I like that girl ' Kabir said with a smile on his face which irfan had not seen for years .

       Irfan gasped and left his mouth hanging open out of shock 'you're joking , right ? 'Irfan asked .

      'She's fierce and I like fierce ones ' Kabir said sincerely.

     'Not this crap again ! First it's Zayyad and now it's you ' Irfan said

        'Zayyad doesn't like her , does he ? ' Kabir asked

       Irfan kept quiet for a moment and then later said 'you know when it comes to detecting love then I'm the best person and I can tell from Zayyad's behavior that he loves her , but you know he'll never admit it because of his dark shade '.


                  'I like her and I always get what I like, it's a must ' Kabir said wearing a mischievous smile .




