
Heart of Greed

Izekiel was once the purest angel in Celestar. He was polluted by the dream to escape the grasps of the first God's creator however, the only way to escape was to become a God himself.

Brother_Yu · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Not Guilty

'Hope... that may be the only thing that the people of Var have in their hearts at a time like this.'

Without any verbal confirmation, Izekiel already knew that his thoughts were already answered through the young knight's eyes that held a tiny trace of light. His eyes were clear and bright that even Izekiel who had a pair of beautiful golden eyes felt jealous.

If only his eyes still shined that bright like before, but unfortunately the past cannot change. However, maybe his eyes could once again regain its brightness after his greed is fulfilled.

"I will leave now," said the young knight after delivering Izekiel to his cell. He then leaned towards Izekiel outside the cell and whispered, "good luck," before leaving.

Izekiel then examined his cell. There were two bunkbeds, a tap along with a toilet and that was it. The cell looked uncleaned, completely covered in dust. While he was walking in the halls of the prison earlier, he also noticed that he seemed to be the only prisoner here. Such a large building, but he was the only inhabitant.

'If an invasion were to happen and everyone was killed, would he forever be trapped here? No one would be here to free him, and he would never be able to die through normal means. How lonely that would be?'

It was a sad thought, but Izekiel found it kinda funny. Wasn't things also like this back in Celestar? An angel trapped behind bars... isn't this just the same as being in Noe's grasps? Hah... the more he thought about it, the more he wanted to completely obliterate this prison here and now.

Perhaps he didn't really find it funny, but the truth is that he's actually going insane.

'If I really become forgotten in this cell, would he come save me?'

Izekiel lied on the one of the stop bunks, staring right at the ceiling while an image of his father- of the God of Creation flashed through his mind.

'No, I gave up on hoping long ago... but maybe for the sake of us being blood related...'

Izekiel slapped himself on the cheek, letting the pain sink in to remind himself of reality.

'I'm a fool. I'm a fool. I'm a fool. I'm a goddamn fool.'

He repeated constantly. Even if he is naive and stupid, he at least knows that fact and he will definitely remember it for eternity. Yes, he will remember it.

For the next few days, Izekiel did not eat or drink anything which caused the king and the knights to become bewildered. How could someone not consume anything and still look and act completely fine? There was no sign of Izekiel weakening or showing signs of sickness at all.

On the night before the trial, Izekiel fell asleep on one of the top bunks, unaware of the black smoke surrounding his body and blending in with the shadows. It did not hurt or do anything to him physically, but his mind had been affected.

'This place... Celestfall?'

Izekiel thought, getting up from the dark purple grass. He was a hundred percent sure where this was.

If Celestar could be seen as "heaven", then Celestfall would be "hell". While Celestar has angels, Celestfall has demons. The two were pretty much day and night.

'Yes, this is definitely Celestfall.'

Izekiel stared at the night sky full of stars. Celestar's sky was always filled with light and there was never a hint of darkness in sight, but Celestfall is always overshadowed by the night. Unlike the warm feeling that was always felt in Celestar, Celestfall held a sense of comfort in the coolness of the dark.

Feeling something faint touch him, he looked at his arm and saw the familiar black spoke that had saved him before. The black smoke then extended in front of him, probably telling him to follow it.

Thinking that he probably had no way to leave, Izekiel reluctantly followed the black smoke. It was probably safe considering the fact that the smoke had saved him once before.

On the way to their destination, Izekiel came across many phantom like beings covered in black smoke with white circular lights which looked like eyes. Although those beings were also covered in black smoke, they did not give Izekiel the same safe feeling that his guide was giving. He actually felt rather paranoid with those shadow-like beings around.

The strange beings did not approach him, but instead stood still outside the path he was walking on, some even slowly waving at him which gave him chills since all they moved were what looked like hands.

Most of the shadow-like creatures then disappeared after the sound of shrieking and laughter appeared from the skies. Demons. It was a large group of demons with red wings and horns flying in the sky while laughing hysterically.

'... Why does it seem like the demons here are enjoying life more than angels in Celestar?'

Izekiel felt speechless, seeing the demons flying and laughing freely as they like with their friends. He then noticed that the creatures surrounding him earlier had mostly disappeared. There were only three left.

All of a sudden, a pitchfork rained down from the sky, piercing one of the strange creature's head and bringing it onto the ground. The other two shadow-like creatures then vanished along with the others as if hiding from the demons in the sky as Izekiel heard the demons cheering.

'It seems like the demons are hunting these creatures. Are they going to attack me too?'

Izekiel felt a little nervous. He has gotten weaker than before and his current form which looked slightly transparent did not seem very stable. A female demon then turned to stare right at Izekiel however, she did nothing and just looked away before flying away with her friends.

'It seems like these demons are only interested in hunting those things.'

Izekiel was able to follow the black smoke to a black palace with no worries. Entering, the black smoke then guided him to what looked like a library where a lady seemed to have been waiting for him.

The lady wore a black dress along with black leggings that seemed to match with her straight, long raven hair. Under her black veil, she wore a white blindfold that seemed to stand out as well as white gloves. Her skin was pale, very pale which made her red lipstick stand out quite a lot. Izekiel immediately recognised who she was from her appearance.

"This angel greets the Goddess of Judgement," Izekiel instantly kneeled before the woman.

"Get up, you are no servant of mine so no need to show manners. Call me Alice Izekiel," the woman spoke. "Do you know why I saved you Izekiel?"

"No, but I am thankful for your help and will definitely repay you one day, forever remembering the kindness that you've shown me," Izekiel did not get up and still kneeled on the ground, not daring to look at Alice's face.

"I said get up," Alice's voice turned stern, "did you not hear me?"

"..." Izekiel then silently got up from the ground.

"So you don't know why I saved you, yes?" Alice questioned.


"I heard that even though the crown prince of Celestar is a bit naive, he is very knowledgeable. Tell me Izekiel, what is my job?" Alice asked, placing her hand on her chest. Izekiel was a little dumb founded by this question.

'Is she going to explain why she saved me or is she just trying to question my knowledge of her?... Don't tell me she forgot what her job is?'

"Are you going to answer my question or are you going to keep me waiting? Oh, is this your way of telling me that you don't know? Of course, you can't trust rumours at all. It's not like all angels are actually good just because someone said that, right?" Alice moved her hand in front of her mouth, slightly pressing the side of her index finger against her lip.

Izekiel's fingers twitched. Of course he knows that he is a bit stupid even with all the information he knows, but he will not let just anyone insult him like that, even if the other is a God or Goddess.

'The only fucker who could call me a fool is myself!'

"Your job as the Goddess of Judgement is to judge the crimes of others, punish the ones in the wrong as well as maintain order in Celestfall as its queen and ruler," Izekiel quickly answered. "Your majesty, I agree that not all rumours are true, especially regarding the false information about angels but if you already know that, then why provoke a fallen angel? Your majesty I think that if you were to provoke me more, you would have to judge whether you're fit to be "Judgement" and not "War" or "Drama"," Izekiel said with a smile.

"I think you are more fit for those titles. Not only did you not call me by the name I've asked you too, you dare to ask me to judge whether I am fit of my position."

"Thank you," Izekiel smiled, "I would love to be called a God."

"Do you know what this is?" Alice held a piece of paper in her hand.

"I don't."

"It's your list of crimes you've committed," Alice turned the paper around, showing his name, picture and some information about him. "Look right here," she pointed to the word "crimes". It was completely empty.

"I betrayed my God, is that not a crime?" Izekiel's smile did not fade or alternate. It was as unchanging and sturdy as his will.

"Izekiel, as you said, my role as the Goddess of Judgement is to judge and punish others. You who had tried to assassinate a God, " Alice then crushed the piece of paper before turning it into ashes, "is not guilty."

"Still, why did you save me?" Izekiel questioned.

"Is it Altheist's job to judge and punish others, or is it mine?"

Guilty = not guilty???

Then I must not be guilty of any grammar mistakes right?

Brother_Yucreators' thoughts