
He Changed Me

Ash is living with her bestfriend after their parents trusted one another to make Ash and her roommate alone. They went on a date and it hit off. Later that night she catches him doing what she didn't expect. Will this affect their relationship?

Ash_TheMischevious · Teen
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13 Chs

Chapter 9: Movie Night; Part 2

Ash's P.O.V:

My eyes started to feel heavy and the last thing I knew was me falling asleep on Jay's chest.


I woke up to find Jay laughing. I look what was in front of us and saw that he was watching 'Mr. Peabody and Sherman' with the scene of Sherman saying King Tutt rhymes with butt. I giggled at the sight in front of me, making Jay look at me startled.

"Y-You're awake?" he screams. I got up and laughed, making my way to the kitchen; leaving Jay dumbfounded. I open the cabinet and saw brownie batter. My eyes lit up. I got two packets and some dark chocolate chips along with a baking pan, some spritz and some other essentials. I immediately started to work on the brownies, getting every right amount. I hear footsteps walking towards me and I look up to see Jay leaning at the kitchen doorway smirking at me. I didn't mind.

"What are you smiling at?" I ask as I pour the dark chocolate chips into the brownie mix. As soon as I was done, I put the brownies into the oven to bake. He walks closer leaning on the counter, his body across from mine. Catching my eyes to look at him, making me stop what I was doing.

"Just watching my sexy bestfriend making brownies." he says huskily. I felt a shiver down my spine to the way how he said sexy.

"You have the nerve to call me sexy. What about me is sexy?" I ask stopping what I was doing and looking him deep in the eyes. He smirks at me. he got up from the counter and walked around the island towards me. I face him as he was stepping closer. I took a step back.

He grabs my waist, wrapping his arms around me. He looks down at me with lustful eyes, biting his bottom lip while looking me up and down. He brought his lips to my ear to whisper, but it didn't seem like it.

WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 18+++++++++ ABORT MISSION

He licks my right ear lobe, making shivers go down my spine. His hot breath gaze upon my skin. I can feel my body getting tense because of his touch.

"Sexy. Everything you do gets me so wind up, I don't think I can help myself." he whispers against my ear before licking it again. What he's doing right now is making me have goosebumps all over. It could make any girl weak to their knees.

I can feel my legs getting weak, I was trembling against his touch. He took notice and hoists me up to put me on the counter. He moved his body closer. His body in between my legs with my legs wrapped around his torso. I wrap my arms around his neck knowing what this might lead to.

"Tempted are we now." he smirks. Blush covers my face. I was really tempted and before I knew it he leaned in towards my neck. Leaving wet kisses everywhere. He started to suck on my sweet spot again which was marked by a hickey that he had left earlier. He nibbles on it and continues to lick it. I covered my mouth trying to hold in my voice, but it was no use.

Muffled moans escaped from me. I can feel Jay smirk against my skin knowing that I was enjoying this.

Jay's P.O.V:

Ash covers her mouth with her hand, thinking that it would stop her moans from coming out but it no use. I continue to suck on her sweet spot harder making the hickey widen. Muffled moans escape from Ash's lips making my body feel hot and tight. I couldn't control myself anymore. Knowing how her moans are making my head spiral out of control.

I push her down on the counter to make her lay on her back. My hands going under her shirt, touching her skin. I raised her shirt so it was now below her breasts. I start to leave wet kisses on her stomach. Sucking on several spots making her voice go all out and echo the entire room.

"N-No, not there!" she moaned out, keeping in her sanity not wanting to scream. I couldn't hold back anymore. I climb unto the counter and hover above her body. My body still between her, her legs wrapping around my torso. Bright red was spread across her face, it was so cute. I lean down to kiss her. She took a short while to follow and soon began to kiss me back.

I tilt my head to the side to deepen the kiss. I bite her bottom lip asking for entrance, she wouldn't budge. I moved my hand lower to rub her...


(Potato-nim~: HAHHHHHH, bitch you thought!!!!!!!!!!!! XD)

The oven went off. Ash and I jumped up. We both exchange scared looks. I help her off the counter and she quickly got mittens and took the out the brownies. Freshly baked. We both let out a sigh, looking at each other relieved. She cuts the brownies and place them unto a white square plate.


She fixed her top and grabbed the plate of brownies walking to the living room. She sits on the couch and casually eats the brownies watching the movie, looking refreshed. I walk to the living room and sat beside her feeling empty. I look at over at Ash and she was gazing at the television screen. My face fell and I got sulky.

Am I falling for my bestfriend?

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thought there was going to be a sex scene....HAHHHHHHHHH. Too soon for that. Any who, Jay thinks he is falling for Ash. Hmm, interesting. What would Ash think? I mean, they were kissing on top of a flipping counter, don't you think they like each other? We'll see.

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My crazy ass...
